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Posts posted by eastwood6510

  1. It's a great mod but in 16.2 beta missing "You have" position in Sell tab.


    I noticed this too so I manually added in the code for it into my version of this mod and it worked but instead of the original location of the "you" column, it is now positioned as the first column and very squished lol.


    It works though, just looks a bit ungainly. I can upload the file when I get home from work if you/people want.


    Edit: Attached below. It does work, but keep in mind that it doesn't look like it should, it's a bit turned around.

    Side note: Just change the file extension to .lua since you can't upload lua files to the boards for some reason.


  2. is it possible to print the actual cargo, which i have on my ship, in that tab which is showing what i can sell to a station?


    I had the same problem, I used a column with the volumes of the goods on my own ship, and I really missed it with this mod, so I decided to add it from base trade system.


    I think this can be useful to other players, so the topic's author can update his mod. ;) I tried to transfer the code from the base tradeoverview.lua as accurately as possible.








    This is exactly what I came to the comments section for. Thank you for putting that together!


    To OP:  I really like this mod. It's quite good, I was going to say the only thing missing is the "You" column that you could sort by what you have in your cargo hold, but the last poster already added that  xD

  3. Asteroids are still not being highlighted.


    Same for me.


    I like this mod a lot, makes this system much more usable IMO. I thought it was practically worthless before.


    Is it possible to get a version that doesn't highlight dropped cargo?

    Also maybe to ignore wrecks under a certain size or material amount threshold as well? I'm asking about this in particular because when I start breaking down several wrecks and each one has broken into like a dozen pieces the highlighting of them is quite overwhelming.


    Either way, thanks for this mod!

  4. I actually suggested an entire rework of organizing inventory... sorting into categories, New, Keep, Hold, Dump, this would help you out a LOT


    That would be a dream come true, but don't forget the ability to sort by actual DPS too.

  5. Love this. Going to test it out now


    Edit: Been testing this, this is perfect!


    All we need now is a way to sort our turrets automatically by the actual 'dps' instead of just having to sort by "damage" (which more often than not as it turns out, is extremely unreliable)

  6. Something similar to me happened when I bought rubber. I tried to find a place for it but there really isn't any that I could see. I looked through at least 25 sectors before giving up.


    I think i'm going to make a spreadsheet and list all of the un-trade-able items I find or hear of, and then list the ones that are trade able and what type of stations buy them.

  7. 1) Do not like:

    I think death is already bad enough, especially if you die near the core. Unless you're already super rich in credits and / or minerals than you won't be able to get back without a lot of luck (since you won't be able to rebuild your ship).


    2) Have no idea about this one, I feel like salvaging in general isn't very useful. Though I could be wrong about that, just haven't tried it.


    3) There are some subsystems that are great, others which aren't. One of the main ones that is too weak IMO is the mining subsystem, range needs increased for sure.


    3a) Hotswapping: I think adding a cooldown timer would be nice but going all the way back to a shipyard might be too much. Especially since a ton of the factions you run into closer in towards the core will be hostile or at least not like you anyway, you might have to go back quite a bit just to change subsystems.


    3c) I LOVE the velocity 'unlocking' one, I use it while traveling through gates all the time. But the others are kind of 'meh'.




    "We need a way to hover over our turrets (on the ship, in build mode) in order to see which ones they are. If this feature exists already I'm just being daft, I guess."


    We SOOO need this. Like, A LOT.


    "I feel like you should be able to set your home sector. I know this has been done with a couple really great mods, but this seems it should be a part of the core game. I think requiring a hefty sum of credits, and a very high reputation makes perfect sense."


    Agreed. Maybe make it require to be allies with the faction and have a cooldown so you can't change it all the time?


    "Maybe I missed it, but is there an easy way to transfer fighters between spacecraft? I'm losing lots of credits to this..."


    Agreed, I've lose millions of credits in fighters trying to move them from one ship to the next.


    "I think there should be some way to mass warp your whole fleet. This should take the ship with the WEAKEST warp range and make it the limiting factor. Maybe this already exists too and I'm just missing it."


    Agreed, this should definitely be a thing.


    Other thoughts:


    We need a way to see our ships velocity without having to actually select our ship.


    Turret pop-up info should include it's Omicron (DPS) so we can more easily tell what's an upgrade, right now it's really hard to tell.


    IMO Mining turrets range should be increased, I'm thinking to 2k. Especially as ships get more and more massive.


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