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  1. Yesterday
  2. I have 1400 hrs in avorion now and the Xsotan Invasion mechanic ruins the whole game.My guess is that this mechanic is for a lot of players a reason to leave the game. It is annoying and no fun at all. There should be an option to enable / disable this mechanic.
  3. Last week
  4. Comrades, Greetings to all fellow spacefarers and workers of the universe! I am delighted to join this forum where we discuss Avorion, a game that resonates with our collective spirit of exploration and cooperation. As a staunch believer in equality and solidarity among all beings, I find Avorion's emphasis on cooperation and mutual aid particularly inspiring. In the vast expanse of space, where resources are shared and challenges are faced together, we see a reflection of our own ideals. I came across Avorion through a fellow traveler who spoke of its cooperative gameplay and open-ended universe, where collective efforts shape the course of our journeys. It is heartening to see a community where we can forge alliances and strive towards a common goal. I look forward to contributing to our shared adventure in Avorion, where every ship is a testament to our collective ingenuity and solidarity. Solidarity forever, Dakota
  5. The client logs can be found at "%appdata%\Avorion\" and the server logs at "%appdata%\Avorion\galaxies\YOURGALAXYNAME". Edit: Sorry, thats for windows. I just read again that you're using a mac. There the paths are as follows: Client log: "~/.avorion" Server log: "~/.avorion/galaxies/YOURGALAXYNAME" The .avorion folder is a hidden folder in "⁨User ▸ ⁨Name⁩". Please send them to us. We will not be able to help you any further without them.
  6. Also, i can join other servers, just cannot make a singleplayer world
  7. Is there any way to keep sectors alive for some time after a player logs off? I am hosting a small server for some friends and this is the most requested option. but I cant find any information to that.
  8. In FAQ thing it says to remove anti virus/VPN, i did and it still doesn't work.
  9. This post explains where you can find the logs:
  10. Yeah update: i cannot find the serve logs. But i can connect to online servers, i just cannot launch single player ones.
  11. I do have a VPN, but it inactive when I launch and use the game. I even tried launching without WiFi at all. I am going to get the server logs in a minute
  12. To further investigate, I need the client and server log from the specific game session where this issue occurred. Also, are you using any VPN software? This has been known to cause problems for single player sessions as well.
  13. I just bought the game, and I cannot connect to single player. Whenever I go to play, (im on mac) for the first time, and after clicking on singleplayer, the error in the attached image occurs. If anyone could please help, i would really apperciate it. Im also @Grayham14 on the discord as well, if anyone there wants to contact me. Any help would be awesome.
  14. Thank you for reporting this. It should be fixed now.
  15. When you open https://www.avorion.net/ , path to official Avorion discord server seems to be broken: It seems to have an additional slash at the end that breaks the link, and instead of being a server invite it just leads you to discord sign up page. It should be www.discord.gg/avorion, otherwise it simply leads to discord.com. P.s. I didn't really know where I needed to post about this so I went into Bugs thread since it seemed to be the closest, apologies for any possible inconveniences
  16. Earlier
  17. I've played the game for 600hrs because it gave me something I never had the ability to do before. I could make my own ships(and turrets) of whatever quality i choose on my own. I can't stand 3D modeling programs because either they are too specialized or not specialized enough. The ease of control makes what is effectively modelling open to a lot of people. I mean we've all seen what people are capable of in the workshop. Imagine if any of us could export designs for use in other games or game mods. I'm not kidding when I say I would use this game to make models and i bet others would do. It could even be a major selling point of the game. Sure we can get things for free online or generated by AI, but it would be so much better if we could do it ourselves. I found that someone tried to make an exporter, but the only information he understood was the rectangular prism bounds so It largely doesn't work unless the ship is only boxy to start with. Please give us an exporter and sell it as a feature.
  18. The way fighters can fail to path to hangars even with large, easily accessible hangar bays located on the outside of the ship really kills the desire to bother with carriers. I don't like having to spend sometimes two entire minutes just wiggling the ship around trying to get the fighters to find a path that doesn't take them through the ship's hull... in which case they collide with it then orbit the ship aimlessly instead of continuing to try and return if you don't move. I'm going to throw out two ideas to fix this that have sounded best in my head, not sure how difficult they would be to implement: Have the fighters path to the edge of the hangar access zone (the white box that needs to be unobstructed) before trying to path to the hangar itself, so they don't attempt to path to the hangar through the ship Have the fighters dock when they're at a close enough range to the ship in general, even if they aren't at the hangar, and just play an animation of them going into the hangars instead of trying to make them physically path to it Edit: Having them slow while they're flying around the ship may make it easier for them to get a good path as well, when they're orbiting it feels like they're going too fast to turn properly towards the hangar zones.
  19. Update 2.5 and Patch 2.5.1, previously released on Steam Beta, are now live for everyone! More info with "beautiful" developer art can be found in the Steam Announcement!
  20. Beta Branch Note: These changes are currently available on the beta branch. The beta branch is for testing experimental changes and for finding and fixing errors. This is how you get access to the beta branch (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK): Right-Click on Avorion in your Steam list, Properties -> Betas -> Select branch 'Beta Branch - Newest Changes & Experimental Features'. Secondary Block Colors Secondary colors for armor and hull blocks with alternate patterns now have the same brightness as the primary color You can now build armor blocks without camo pattern by choosing the same color for primary and secondary color To match the default primary color, look for a colors named "Iron Ore", "Titanium Ore", etc. Modding Armor blocks now use separate texture files again, so that they can be modded independently of hull blocks Texture mods still need to be updated Armor blocks of different materials no longer share the same mask UI Disabled mouse over sounds for empty places in color window (build mode) edit 2024-06-12: Photo Mode Fixed camera speedup not working for some directions Made camera controls independent of current steering mode
  21. I don't think such a huge server has been hosted before. There are a few experienced server admins on our Avorion Discord who can probably help you best. You could drop by the channel “#server-hosting” and ask there.
  22. Hi! I am trying to figure out what the games physical core and RAM limits are, I am interested in investing in getting a huge 500+ player modded server going. If a dev has some time to spare, I would like to know what those limits are and if its possible for the game to handle that many people on one Server. Thanks!
  23. Hey everyone. The next Avorion update is finally ready for beta testing! In this update we introduce the long-awaited secondary block colors and - so everyone can properly show off their awesome coloring skills - a photo mode! We wish you loads of fun with the new features and happily await your feedback! Let us know if you miss anything, if some things aren't as smooth as they could be or if you (simply) loved it! And let us see your awesome screenshots! Beta Branch Note: These changes are currently available on the beta branch. The beta branch is for testing experimental changes and for finding and fixing errors. This is how you get access to the beta branch (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK): Right-Click on Avorion in your Steam list, Properties -> Betas -> Select branch 'Beta Branch - Newest Changes & Experimental Features'. Secondary Block Colors Blocks can now have a secondary block color. The secondary block color is dependent on the block type and can even change the light effects. Added secondary colors for the color brush of the build mode Open the color selection window to switch on secondary colors Switching back to one-color mode resets the secondary color to its original, pre-update status Added new preview element in the color selection window that shows in detail which colors are used New blocks will be built using the previewed colors Added a second color picker that picks the secondary color Added a 'No Change' color Use this when selecting blocks and you don't care which color they have Use this to apply a primary or secondary color without changing the other color Block info tooltips in the lower right corner show which colors are used for the block Block types with secondary colors: Crew Quarters - windows can now be colored Cargo - dark parts of the block can now be colored Armor - ever wanted to be a chameleon? Try coloring in your camouflage patterns according to the sector you're in. Engine - Engine glow can now be colored Thruster - Thruster particle flames can now be colored Dock - Stripes of dock-doors can now be colored Flight Recorder - yellow stripes can now be colored Torpedo Storage - orange stripes can now be colored Assembly - vents can now be colored Turret Base - patches can now be colored Hangar - hangar doors can now be colored Shield Generator - glowing pattern can now be colored Energy Container - glowing pattern can now be colored Generator - glowing pattern can now be colored Integrity Field Generator - glowing pattern can now be colored Computer Core - glowing pattern can now be colored Hyperspace Core - glowing pattern can now be colored Transporter Block - glowing pattern can now be colored Academy - blue pattern can now be colored in any color Cloning Pods - green pods can now be colored in any color Rich and Super-Rich Stone - glowing pattern can now be colored Ship Name Block - name is now colorable Alternate Hull Patterns - dark patterns can now be colored in any color Dark / White Stripes - now in color! Light blocks: Light is colored according to the secondary color unless the secondary color isn't set. Without a secondary color light blocks will behave like before the update. Photo Mode We created a new mode to make awesome screenshots! You'll find a new 'Photo Mode' button in the pause menu. The new Photo Mode features: A sector style selection: Either random or with an explicit style ID you can even share this ID with your friends! Free setting of sector visuals: rift or no rift visuals sun type and position planet position background star density sector color sector dustiness Change the Field of View to find the perfect view several filter effects: Greyscale Sepia Desaturated Saturated A scalable vignette effect A 'Take Screenshot' button to take screenshots without UI Added a short flash to white to indicate saving of screenshot An 'Open Screenshot Folder' button Improved free camera movement A new keybind option 'Photo Mode' Gameplay Allowed direct switching to your other crafts when controlling a fighter Switching to a different craft within a sector is now always possible as long as you're allowed to enter it Mothership in pirate encounter is now visibly connected to invincibility giving pirate ships Fulfilled (done) objectives no longer show up in the on screen tracked mission displayer However they still do show up in the missions tab Build Mode: Transformation Brush no longer changes block colors UI Unknown colors are shown as hex-codes in block info tooltips 'No color' items in color selection have been removed 'Show Used Colors First' now shows duplicates of color items Scripting API ScriptBlock::addBlock now takes an additional optional parameter to set a secondary color for the new block existing Mods using the old addBlock-call are not affected by this ScriptPlanComponent::setColor now takes an optional parameter secondaryColor Added documentation for ScriptPlanComponent::setColor Added ScriptPlanComponent::setSecondaryBlockColor Added ScriptBlockPlan::setSecondaryBlockColor Changed ScriptColor.toHtml to always print 6 hex digits led by a '#', i.e. '#000000' for black Bugfixes Fixed a rare crash in flight physics of fighters Fixed an issue where hangars would be rendered way too bright in some cases [UBR] Fixed an issue where Xsotan waves started spawning in a rift sector right after accepting the corresponding mission and before the player entered the sector [UBR] Fixed an issue where the player wouldn't be warned of their ships destruction when switching to another sector while in a rift sector [UBR] Fixed an issue where part of the ServerRunner window was not visible [UBR] Fixed an issue where no warning was displayed when leaving ships behind in a rift sector
  24. Linear speed is, in my opinion, essentially never an issue, even with large ships. The subsystem isn't super helpful as a whole. But if it were tweaked to either have a variant that gives a % turn speed boost to allow for better rotational speed, the subsystem would be extremely useful, especially on larger ships.
  25. This is avoidable but still. Delete the defaultgalaxy, Then go to recreate it, it'll be lit up red and tell you the galaxy already exists. Add a space at the end, the warnings go away. Delete the added space before continuing, everything's fine. Forget to delete the added space, the game crashes. The add-a-space-at-the-end trick works great for reusing crew-hire counts btw.
  26. Is there a save button for alliance emblems I'm missing? I design an emblem after founding an alliance, and every time I jump or reload the game it gets wiped clean, and even after making it, it doesn't show up on emblem blocks. Screencap shows my emblem as well as the still blank emblem block on an alliance station.
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