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Posts posted by DarkLantern88

  1. Another random question. I'm on a server and I know the mod versions match (friends with the admin and I helped create the modpack we're using which includes this awesome mod), but for some reason my salvage fighters are always performing as if "Salvage Nearest" is unchecked.  Even logged out and back in, recalling and changing it then and the fighters always move to whatever is closest to my ship if I'm flying around a sector.  We're using the 1.7.3 version if that makes a difference.  Any ideas?  It's making the salvagers not very efficient if they're flying KM's away from their current target if I get close to another wreck.


  2. Maybe I'm missing something but you said that salvaging/mining were separate addons for this mod.  Where are those located? I don't see anything about them in the mods  folder from the updated zips on the initial post.



    Ahh ok thanks! Didn't quite make my way in that far into the file structure.  Thought they were just going to be inside the main mods folder.  ( At work so I couldn't really test it out in game to see they were already functional).

  3. Maybe I'm missing something but you said that salvaging/mining were separate addons for this mod.  Where are those located? I don't see anything about them in the mods  folder from the updated zips on the initial post.

  4. Good info in this thread:




    Details from 9th post (is there a way to link directly from posts in this newer theme?)


    Basically: Fighters will completely wreck network traffic


    I've read that and assumed it was the same for enemy ships as well since we don't even really use fighters on our server and often times it is just for the individual in the sector not other players else where.  I'm just looking for either an idea on if we're missing something or if the Dev has (or will read this and say something) said anything about network performance updates or fixes at any point in the  semi-near future.

  5. I haven't really seen much on this and me and a couple people started playing on a  dedicated server we setup recently but have been experiencing horrible latency issues whenever more then around 5 enemy ships load into a sector or you jump into a sector with multiple enemies (it gets noticeably worse the more enemy ships in a system).  Usually it can get to the point where it can take 20+ seconds on the client to just recognize that players have selected another sector to jump to and then 20+ seconds to jump after hitting spacebar.  I've been looking around and everything I find seems to mostly indicate that either we need an almost ridiculous upload speed (we're at about 20 Mbps) or there really isn't much we can do about this due to how the system handles enemy ships. 


    Guess at this point I'm just curious if this networking performance issue is on the list of fixes to be worked on any time soon or if we're just kind of stuck with this and probably won't really be able to play on the dedicated server that we set up.  Or if there are suggestions on what could be going on to cause this? We really don't experience lag issues except in these situations and it usually seems to follow the player after they are finally able to leave the sector until they log out.  Even after logging out the server still shows the player as being on for a while until it finally registers to logoff.

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