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Posts posted by Delerium76

  1. Thanks for this mod, really, this is my number one favorite !


    One thing bother me thought, the alphabetic sorting, it's either on the ship.name and not useful at all (for me) or on the ship.title and then can flicker if there's two or more from the same type.

    Is it possible to sort by title and/then by name ?


    a bit like this :

    		local sort_func = function( a,b ) return a.title.name < b.title.name end
    	table.sort(ShipData.Ships, sort_func)


    But I don't think it would work, I have zero knowledge in coding.



    edit :


    OK ! I've found with some search !


    		local sort_func = function( a,b ) return (a.title < b.title) or (a.title == b.title and a.name < b.name) end
    	table.sort(ShipData.Ships, sort_func)


    Now everything is fine :D



    Looks great, but it would be nice if the stations were separated out with their own heading, like it does in the original mod with "Friendly ships" and "Civilian ships"

  2. Be aware that the mod currently is changing stats on upgrade modules. Seams like when the mod puts the item back in your inventory its modified.

    o.o canya confirm this? was thinking of passing this one around my server


    Yep, it appears that when it puts the module back into your inventory it acts like picking up a new module and with that you get the random stats. I'm not sure if this will be an easy issue for the author to fix or not. I really like the concept so I hope that it can maybe be fixed. Try it your self, just make sure you have a backup first.


    Tried in my single player game and didn't encounter this at all.  Not sure what is causing it for you.


    As for the mod, I posted this over in the thread about mods supported by 1.17.1/18, but I also think it is appropriate to mention it here as well. 


    There are some annoyances to the mod:


    1. It uses alt+1 to alt+5 (unconfigurable keybinds) to switch between system sets, which has the happy side effect of also toggling your weapons on and off as well as re-centering your ship every time you use it.  Only solution is to either deal with it and keep adjusting every time, or change the game's default keybinds since you can't change the mod's keybinds.


    2. There is no keybind (that I could find) to open the configuration menu to assign your current system set to a keybind.  A minor annoyance, but oh well.


    3. As listed on this page, when you use a hotkey to switch systems, the systems currently installed will no longer show up on the vanilla ship systems menu.  This wouldn't be so bad except when combined with number 2 makes it frustrating to look at what you currently have equipped, and impossible to just swap out one or two systems of an existing set without clearing the whole thing and building it from scratch. 


    4. (wasn't listed on the other thread but I just thought of it) The order in which the systems get installed should be reversed for removal.  The reason being that with shields, the order matters.  Shield boosters give + shield durability and shield reinforcers give - shield durability.  If you put a booster on first and then a reinforcer, you never cap out your shields so you don't lose any charge, but if you do the reverse, the reinforcer will destroy whatever charge it needs to to get down to your new shield level.  I can control the order they get installed just fine to get them in the right order, but the mod seems to take them off in the same exact order, thus destroying charge.  The end result being that as I constantly swap between sets, I'm constantly draining my shields to about half charge, which kinda sucks.  Short version:  Right now systems are installed/uninstalled in a FIFO pattern when they should be in a LIFO pattern.


    One solution around the inability to modify what shows up on the vanilla system tab might be to just duplicate the system tab itself and put a copy onto your mod's UI (maybe as a tab).  The fact that you are already displaying the same icons and have code in place to change what system goes in what slot, most of the back-end work should already be done.  It would just take duplicating the vanilla system tab's UI.  I think as long as we get a hotkey to open and close your mod's UI, it could completely replace the systems tab altogether.

  3. Played with System Control for a bit on 0.17.1.  It works, albeit there are some annoyances to the mod:


    1. It uses alt+1 to alt+5 (unconfigurable keybinds) to switch between system sets, which has the happy side effect of also toggling your weapons on and off as well as re-centering your ship every time you use it.  Only solution is to either deal with it and keep adjusting every time, or change the game's default keybinds since you can't change the mod's keybinds.


    2. There is no keybind (that I could find) to open the configuration menu to assign your current system set to a keybind.  A minor annoyance, but oh well.


    3. As listed on their page, when you use a hotkey to switch systems, the systems currently installed will no longer show up on the vanilla ship systems menu.  This wouldn't be so bad except when combined with number 2 makes it frustrating to look at what you currently have equipped, and impossible to just swap out one or two systems of an existing set without clearing the whole thing and building it from scratch.


    Nothing here game breaking or what I would necessarily call a bug, so I'd probably classify it as stable with room for improvement.

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