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Posts posted by cubesteak

  1. Hi folks, just new to modding Avorion and I'm finding the debugging process challenging.  My first task was to update the "commands" mod to work with the latest version.  I've fixed turret generation, added the new upgrades and weapon types, but still have some further work to do before contributing it back tot he community.


    However, it is hard to get into a flow.  I find that when I screw something up in a script, the "print" output in the console just hangs.  The game still runs and commands that work seem to execute fine, but I can't use the console to debug anymore.  I have to exit the galaxy and reload it.


    The odd thing is that the last command that I typed before the galaxy restart seems to execute automatically as the FIRST command when I reload the galaxy.


    I'm sure I'm screwing something up.  I've read the "debugging" section of the wiki, but it doesn't mention anything like this and I can't believe everyone writes mod scripts by exiting and reloading the galaxy after every line change.


    What do y'all do to make the process flow easier?  Thanks in advance.  Love this game!




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