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Posts posted by Amriel

  1. Bit of confusion with the directory structure of the 1.2.1 zip file: it unzips to /AutoDock.v1.2.1/data/*  instead of the expected /mods/Autodock/data/* ,  so it can't be directly dropped into the steamapps/Avorion folder without manually creating the path chain.

  2. Best I can tell, the basic UI resources (i.e. not station or ship related) are baked into the .exe file. Until/unless the devs want to break those out into external scripts, our best bet for doing this is probably rebuilding the whole alliance transfer window from scratch in a separate mod, using inventory add/remove functions like are found in researchstation.lua.


    In this case, it's probably better to petition the devs to add the functionality (or, ideally, inventory multi-selection), as it's probably a lot fewer lines of code for them to do it.



  3. Really useful change, thanks for this!


    One thing I noticed is that extending the range of salvaging lasers can mess with the salvaging AI: it only searches a range of 1.5 km around itself for loot drops because it thinks that should be more than enough with the default short lasers.  That means it sometimes leaves behind loot it salvages when moving on to other wrecks.


    You can fix this by editing data/scripts/entity/ai/salvage.lua (in 0.20+), at the lines:


    for _, loot in pairs(loots) do
            if loot:isCollectable(ship) and distance2(loot.translationf, ship.translationf) < 150 * 150 then
                if stuckLoot[loot.index.string] ~= true then
                    minedLoot = loot


    and changing the 150 to something more appropriate to the new laser range.

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