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Everything posted by SneakyTacts

  1. Ah, this issue seems to have a frustratingly simple solution but I see none! Here is one solution I found that satisfies most of your conditions. Notice that it seamlessly connects the two angles of the octagon in exchange for giving a little edge on the flat sides. I used corner 1 and corner 2. I made the z value (depth) .67 in size because the big edge is 2x2y while the little edge is 2 units away and is 1x1y, forming a cube 3x3y2z. https://imgur.com/o6u6QwN I wish Microsoft would make it easier to convert pictures into lower quality while keeping certain characteristics! I had to settle on this.
  2. Finally--the new shape is here! Thanks.
  3. You don't have to be a pro to have enjoyable content! Just have epic moments! You could build epic ships that are unique, realistic, or truly alien. Or, you could learn some fun combat maneuvers or weapon combinations. Some people love to set up epic space wars. Others love to create self-feeding economic systems. You should whatever you'd like, but find a way to make it epic!
  4. I thought I heard news of Mac OS X versions in development, but I couldn't find anything about that. Here is what I did find: Koonschi, a developer, made this post from January in 2017, saying, link: Their old kickstarter page from before 2016 (probably 2014?) promised this if it reached 20,000 Euros in donations (it reached 16,000 of the goal of 15,000): link: The wiki's roadmap does not mention "Mac", sadly. Although, I do not know if a developer wrote this page--which would make it truly "official". link: Here is a tip: when searching on Google, use "quotation marks" to only show results with that exact phrase or word. It's not cap-sensitive. Also, use -dashes- to exclude all results with the following word. Example search: "hello" -adele will hide all results relating to Adele's song while still searching for "hello". If you didn't have the -adele part, you would find the song as the top result. Another tip: use control+f or command+f to search a page.
  5. You've been here for 2 years and posted 250 times but never noticed the 'Search' button? Haha. Anyway, I don't see any need for a 'topic-thanks' button. I also I do not recall having ever seen any forum use it more than a few times on large posts. I believe that our forum would not benefit from 'thanks' buttons, but I would welcome it.
  6. I believe that there is a sound, but it's not voiced or loud. Wish there were more specific audio settings for things like this.
  7. I've dreamed of this shape for so long! Thank you SO MUCH! It will have an immediate use on each ship of mine, haha. Epic sound effects will be magnificent! And boarding will be greatly appreciated after having been teased for so long! I'm curious how you all will implement this.
  8. I'm using version 1.3.0 on Avorion version 0.21.3 and it works as expected. I've also set the new variable "ExplicitCallables=false" just in case. I'm posting this information so that others know it is functional, for myself, at least.
  9. I'm most concerned with our combat music. They're okay, but I wish they had the melodies of our last collection. For the quick motion and FPS-like combat, we shouldn't have our current deep-beat tracks that lack melodies!
  10. Thanks, Eruner. That information on II will be especially helpful! I also did not fully realize that trading will be a quick job with VIII installed. V might be most helpful when paired with a cargo hauler, but I would prefer to experience each bonus on my personal well rounded ship. You’re definitely right about VI. It might not save money, but it is most effective on space-efficient carriers. I hope this artifact (and the first, I) will be reconsidered since the recent beta patch of 0.21.3 drastically reduced the previously tame crew salaries.
  11. For number 5: have you discovered the button to enable and disable autosaving? I turned that off because the game will save your absolutely current ship design--which is why you return to the game with the same ship, of course. Try disabling autosaves and make use of ctrl+z and ctrl+y and you could soon realize that you only need your saves for your final versions, like me. Number 2 is a must-have to me! Number 1 presents an ability too powerful, in my opinion. Such engines would enable extreme mobility for even large ships that can afford the energy requirements. It would also take away one of the already few features of a small ship. Thrusters are fine. Number 4 is convenient, although not necessary.
  12. I also would like to have the ability to reveal multiple blocks, plus the ability to hide one specific block, which is a function that the current button name suggests. I've started using framework blocks to construct my ships, Spidyy. I use different materials of that block so I can view the pieces surrounded by other pieces using the "hide specific blocks" button. After construction, I transform and merge the framework. I hope this explanation my method is of use to you!
  13. I'd also love to interact with planets, but that would mean that our heavy ships would be left behind in space. I don't know what we'd do on planets, in that case. Perhaps we could have separate planetary vehicles for doing all sorts of fun things in gravity. Or we could just have a simple yet pretty interface to order tasks to be accomplished, but that's not as fun. What exactly do you want to do, Sir Charles?
  14. The story makes little sense, that is true. I thought the story explains that the Xsotan came from the center and are swarming outwards from an unending source of reinforcements. If that's so, then why are the Xsotan still everywhere and why haven't they conquered any zone? Not sure how you understand the story, but I like your idea of having them invade from the outside and move inward. This way, they can have already destroyed some outer factions. They can even set up bases or strongholds that we could raid. [addition: those bases could be where we gain avorion and fight new Xsotan mini-bosses. I like this! I don't remember there even being an explanation for the barrier beyond "it just appeared." This could also explain why there are scattered rifts: when the technology for the barrier was used, it went out of control by unintentionally generating rifts. The limit on PvP, faction warfare, and Xsotan might be okay, but halting even all pirate raids is probably too much. There would be very little to do in the beginning of the game without combat -- only mining and trading could be done in our tiny ships. There would need to be a new play-style introduced to keep us entertained without combat for the beginning, or the core would have to be shrunk. What's your solution? How do you intend for this to happen? A concern of mine is the thought of where all the resources will be. If Avorion, the material, remains in the center, when can it be accessed by the player and how will the player be restricted to using lower-tier weapons and resources when they're surrounded by what is currently everything strong and most valuable? Oh, I've had a thought! What if Avorion was only at the edge with the Xsotan in their bases? Not sure where the other materials will be (or how they will be restricted). It absolutely makes more sense to fight Xsotan mini-bosses to gain Xsotan technology. Why would some iron-level pirate named Swoks have rare alien turret technology?
  15. Thanks to your help, this is a list that I'll be following for the time being. I for a torpedo boat, II for an unspecialized large ship, III for another large ship, IV for a repair ship OR a salvaging ship used against hull HP, V for the flagship, VI for a dedicated carrier, VII for a ship with high-damage and power-consuming energy turrets OR the repair ship, VIII for a scout. To everyone else, please share your thoughts! What is important or fun to have in a fleet? The list above is restricted to assigning one system per ship. Here's a list where that rule does not apply: - A secure torpedo boat holds I (key) and remains an indirect target of the enemy at the rear. - A pair of well-rounded, powerful "battleships" that differ from each other utilize II (both turrets), III (armed) and excess Vs ( lil' bit of it all), each. - Multiple auxiliary and defensive assistants for holding spoils or cargo, using turrets of repairs and mining, and summoning repair and mining fighters keep IVs (unarmed) and excess VIs (AI pilots). - The multipurpose flagship, of course, contains all systems, but perhaps not I (key). - A dedicated fighter carrier possesses VI (AI pilots). - That ship armed solely with energy-consuming and shield-disrupting weapons owns VII - A compact and swift scout carries VIII (hyperspace) for the purpose of exploration and to warn the fleet of danger in nearby systems, although nothing can defeat me lol.
  16. Thanks! It should be reworded, but it makes a little bit of sense since you have explained.
  17. I'm constructing my fleet of eight ships for the wormhole to the center. I'm brainstorming to describe specialized ships in my notes for each system. This is what I've come up with so far, but I'd love to hear what you all have to suggest for the XSTN-K systems: A medium-sized, unhasty fighter spacecraft carrier with XSTN-K VI for AI pilots. A relatively small, nimble, and shield-heavy ship for repairs with XSTN-K IV for 10 unarmed turret slots. A new flag ship for XSTN-K V and excess XSTN-K sytems. It will have: (I won't paste more) I think that the merchant's XSTN-K IVs, the 10 unarmed turret slots one, should also be used for a bunch of miners, but that's not militaristic style I'm going for for these special eight ships. I probably could've thought of more, but I've been setting goals for my new flag ship ever since I wrote that third line, lol. Here are all the systems and their effects for your reference: XSTN-K I. A "key". XSTN-K II. +8 armed or unarmed turret slots. XSTN-K III. +10 armed turret slots. XSTN-K IV. +10 unarmed turret slots. XSTN-K V. Generated Energy +30% Recharge Rate +25% Armed Turret Slots +2 Armed or Unarmed Turret Slots +1 Unarmed Turret Slots +2 Shield Durability +25% Jump Range +3 Hyperspace Cooldown -20% Recharge Energy -15% Cargo Hold +30% Velocity +30% Loot Collection Range +0.1 km Deep Scan Range +3 Radar Range +5 XSTN-K VI. Zero pilots, gunners, and miners. XSTN-K VII. Generated Energy +200% and Recharge Rate +125% XSTN-K VIII. +10 jump, -90% cooldown, -80% recharge energy.
  18. XSTN-K systems claims this: "unique: can only be installed once", which I understand to mean that if I install one permanently, I will not get it back if I uninstall it within 3km an equipment dock, unlike all other upgrades. However, in my creative galaxy, this is not the case as I can uninstall to reclaim my XSTN-K systems. My question is: is my understanding false in creative galaxies, but true in normal galaxies? By the way, I recently realized that XSTN is a neat-looking abbreviation for XSoTaN. I thought I would share. If anyone believes they know what the 'K' stands for, then please share!
  19. July 13/14: I just want to check if editing a post brings it to the top of the page and makes the font white for "unread posts" at the main page. Just something funny that I just experienced: I was playing around with the developer cheat command and I ended up summoning a few dozen military ships of a faction I liked. Then I created a few turret stations to see if I could get lucky. Some of them were natural enemies of this good faction so they died. I had no luck, so I created another resource station so I can split my resources into two giant groups of 30 minute-loads (the new mining is rewarding!). Eventually, I created a bunch of pirates, raiders, and xsotan ships. Everything became total chaos. I was running at 15 FPS, lol. When the [space] dust cleared a bit, I realized that some stations were being blown to bits and among the unfortunate stations was my cheated resource station that had 1.5 million resources! They must've been hit in the crossfire and in misses so their relations dropped. I couldn't bare to lose so many resources so I cheated-in some repair turrets and swapped some upgrades to smack on 20 turrets each making 700 points of repairs for shield and hull--that's 14000 per second in total! Despite the fact that my nice faction had xsotan, pirates, and other stations to destroy, the dozens they were were savagely obliterating my resource station, lol. I managed to recover my precious loud of resources 10 minutes later with 70% hull strength on that station, but it was intense, haha. These cheats are fun to spawn "pirate"s, especially, because they group up in the center so I only must point in one spot to wreck 8 at a time! Here it is, but DO NOT RUIN YOUR GAME by making things too easy. You'll might not ever enjoy the game again, and this is coming from someone who has abused cheats in other games. Also be careful with certain suspicious buttons and by that I mean don't actually break your game, too, haha. Other than being able to spawn all bosses, enemies, stations, and ship classes, these can also be summoned: each system, random torpedoes, groups of turrets, all events, rifts, gates (?), asteroids, and each of the hundred or so types of goods. /run Entity():addScript("lib/entitydbg.lua") /addcrew - This is another useful command, in case you haven't discovered it. It's enabled in creative mode, as far as I know. I don't know how knowledgeable you all are so forgive me if these two are well known among you experienced forum users, lol. Thanks for reading! : )
  20. Thanks a lot for showing me that page! You're in luck, TheRedScourge! But please do answer my question. Do you want everyone to be so close to each other that it wouldn't be uncommon to accidentally run into people? That actually sounds interesting. Respawn-able stations sounds like a must if galaxies are to be quarter-sized.
  21. In my single-player-based opinion, a quarter-sized galaxy would have too small of a center area. It would need a disproportionately large center. There'd also be too few factions by the center. Why wouldn't you want a full-sized galaxy?
  22. Does anyone agree with me when I say that the combat music is too quiet and the regular peaceful music is too loud? Quick edit: what do you all think of the new combat music? I preferred the other tracks, but what we have now is nice. They were previously tracks that we could hum to or remember, but now we cannot do either; they’ve lost their beats so they are only suspenseful. Another edit: The music goes from loud peaceful stuff to very quiet tense-ful music. Then the enemy might fly away for 15 seconds and the music immediately becomes loud and peaceful. There ought to be a delay in the switch and the combat stuff should stay for a while longer because it comes and goes every 10 seconds when I obliterate fast bandits. A tip to some: try triggering the combat music but pause the game. It won't be inturrupted so you can listen to the whole track!
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