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Everything posted by SneakyTacts

  1. I was just thinking of being able to set markers in a sector while you’re in it. I’d mark loot during battles. Better yet: automatic markers of the wreckages of your defeated enemies.
  2. I enjoyed reading about your methods, but you’re the experienced player that benefits from IFG blocks as they are. That’s good, and I imagine almost all players are like us. An alternative system could benefit those who ignore or don’t yet understand it. Can’t say I know anyone like this, though, so my claim isn’t great, and it’s embarrassing for me to continue.
  3. Thanks for confirming and correcting, DivineEvil. One question I have for you: for ships, when do you not use integrity field generators? When he doesn't want to spend unnecessary resources and credits on something that isn't meant to take damage or places an emphasis on Shields. (Quote)... I disagree because its a feasible functional block with an appropriate price. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it in relation to other block types. It's like arguing why thrusters and gyros work in relation to CoM, too complicated, let's just make them indifferent, or why do we need cargo blocks, it's too complicated, let's just give cargo capacity by volume. No, it's not complicated, and there's no way to turn a localized field effect into a global modification without losing the principle, and placement of gyros/thrusters is an order-of-magnitude more of a chore than IFGs. To me, applying an integrity field is also not complicated, usually taking a block or two. (I’m not even bothered placing IFGs, so I shouldn’t have said it’s a boring chore.) But if certain friends of mine were to join, I’m sure they’d often ignore integrity field generators just because they’d not want to fit it in. Since there are alternatives, I’ll happily welcome changes. Again, please don’t think I’m demanding for change; I’m content as it is. I don’t think my post is like arguing that thrusters and gyros are complicated. Thrusters are comparatively fun to place and make sense to have. IFG blocks are uninteresting.
  4. In theory, that could happen after these suggested changes, but that could happen now, too.
  5. Good point; it may be a waste of time to rework. I’d like for tiny pieces to be automatically rebuilt.
  6. The IF generators don’t have to be replaced by boosting the stats and prices of all blocks. I believe there are many good alternatives, some nobody have discovered. Here are some I can think of off the top of my head: -system upgrades, rarer = stronger & consumes energy or more -paying shipyards, military outposts, or new stations to install upgrades -the game automatically groups weak blocks together
  7. You’ve reminded me about how I feel about integrity field generators. Please do join! https://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,6490.0.html
  8. First, I have a question about IFGs: Is this still true? The wiki article about integrity field generators cites this from the 0.16.6 changelog: https://avorion.gamepedia.com/Integrity_Field_Generator (It also says integrity field generators increase individual block HP by 20x, but this is beside the question.) If it is true, why do IFGs have this feature? Why not 20x every block HP, double ship hull HP, and increase the price of all blocks? Lately, I’ve wondered whether IFGs are necessary; they make building somewhat more complicated, and there are alternatives. When does one choose to not install IFGs? I can ask more. Edit: I’m not begging to remove or rework IFGs, but I think the game might be a tiny amount more enjoyable without them. I recognize that one consequence to installing the bonuses and price directly into the blocks and removing IFGs is that some basic procedurally generated ships that don’t have IFGs will be buffed—since those ships previously may not have had IFGs. This might be an undesired consequence. And someone in the iron sector will no longer need titanium to upgrade themselves. Oh, and everyone must pay for these included benefits, but who hasn’t always been? What does everyone else think? Feel free to explain why you agree or disagree.
  9. Do these issues sound like yours, guys? Try some solutions. “Steam CPU usage issue?” https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/1/864974467385793171/ “Playing a game won’t use all the CPU” https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/playing-a-game-wont-use-all-the-cpu.1729168/
  10. Did these ever happen? (I saw people with different color engines but I'm guessing it's just the materials they built them with.) You’re right, the color of the glowy engine is the color of the material. The rest of the engine is colored what you choose. Blocks can’t be split, unfortunately. I imagine this working by selecting the block and adjusting its dimensions without being able to move its position.
  11. I think you intended to ask IhanaMies :) I simply order lone ships to mine in sectors I’ve scouted. I usually don’t mine for profit. Haven’t considered re-mining sectors for new asteroids. It’s an interesting idea.
  12. Factions reconstruct stations, but factions don’t conquer territories. You can find the exact rate at which a faction may rebuild its stations by hiring spies at your local smuggling outpost. My starter faction has 1000+ stations, 60+ available military ships, and the capacity to reconstruct ~7 stations per [something]. I recall reading from a developer that they don’t want to have factions conquer territory because it would take a lot of work to get right. Well, that’s half of what they said; they also said it would be too much like Stellaris, but I believe that doesn’t matter. Maybe they’ll change their minds. BUT, when a faction invades a sector during war, and if they defeat the last of the defenders, they control the sector. I discovered this in a creative world when I tried to communicate (I think?) and the spacecraft said something about how they can’t because the sector is controlled by the enemy. I do not remember the specifics, but I do remember that the enemy controlled the sector.
  13. As an alternative to the pleasure dome: habitats and casinos.
  14. That’s a bad bug, definitely not a feature. I have no idea what triggered it. I can’t help you, but I suggest you still report this as a bug so the developers are aware. They seem to read at least some of these troubleshooting posts, though.
  15. Do the minDist and maxDist variables have the “--“ dashes before them? Maybe you forgot to let them not be code comments. For now I think you should let the range go to 500 just so you can better check if they exist. Maybe try to find Deep’s ships to get an idea about where yours are.
  16. You’re welcome! I really hope it works.
  17. You'll get plenty of chances if you choose to mine and pass time in the sectors with resource depots. The quantity demanded varies from about 7000 to 25000, don't worry! Again, just mine all ore you see in the same sector and you'll likely get another opportunity for iron. In the very beginning, I wouldn't sell my precious titanium.
  18. I've just followed the directions I quoted, and at first glance, it seems confusing because of all the text. But the more I read, the more I realized that the code comments are all just very simple instructions. Thanks, Deep, for providing your pack as an example; looking between yours and my default files made it easier to understand. I'll now summarize how I understand each of the simple variables in the two files. To locate Deep's faction pack after subscribing, go to this file location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\445220\2012662704 It's probably the same for you. After creating and naming your new faction pack from the mods menu in Avorion, find it here: C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\mods Start in the 'modinfo' LUA file. I use Microsoft's Visual Studio to open files like this. Start from the top. id - Steam determines this when it's uploaded to the workshop, as I understand it. Just be sure there aren't two folders with your faction pack name in your computer. name - Deep simply made this the (misspelled) acronym of his pack ("FPSF") title - The name on the workshop. type = "factionpack", as opposed to "mod". description - describe it briefly so people know it when they hover their mouse in the mod menu—that's my guess. authors - just your steam name. version - other mod makers use this value from other mods to define compatibility and incompatibility by versions. dependencies - just read the example list they made. Deep didn't need to edit, and I doubt you will. the last four - probably don't need to edit those. Read if you want. You're done with 'modinfo'! Now open the other file, 'factionpack'. Here you will decide which ships to include, and organize them by type. Have a look at the different types of ships the game wants: "ships", carriers, freighters, miners, fighters, and all station types. Read lines 10 and 11. They say to put all the .xml files of your chosen ships into the same folder that has the two files. Every ship you have made is saved in C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\ships, and it makes three files. Deep put all three files of each ship into the folder, which doesn't seem like a bad idea. Here's how Deep wrote each list: {"awing.xml","awingr.xml","ywing.xml","xwing.xml"} Spaces, tabs, and returns don't affect the list, but you need to follow the basic format of {"name.xml", "name2.xml"} The minDist and maxDist must refer to the distances from the center that your ships will appear at. Your faction pack becomes immediately load-able in the Avorion mod menu as soon as it's created. Just enable it. Remember, though, that I've never done this before. TLDR; the instructions in the two generated files are simple to understand. Subscribe to Deep's pack to see that it's not hard.
  19. The Cinatit (Titanic) and the logo ship. There's more to both, but I'll leave the rest for you to find some day. I just want to say that I found scrap Naonite in my starting sectors from an unfortunately raided merchant. I can make a shield generator in the iron sectors! lol
  20. I also don’t know how to create one, but here’s what someone on Reddit said when it was in the beta branch: “...create a new mod in the main menu - you'll get the option to make it a faction pack. Look at the folder and the files to see what to put where.” Sounds fairly simple, if that’s the true process.
  21. Hmm, all I know is that I was once lucky to make hundreds of millions from raiding loaded military and processor stations, and lucky to make something like ¢14,000,000 from very special missions. I haven’t checked anything after 1.0 and haven’t played with stations yet, but you do have good ideas. Remember that prices are partially dependent on the supply and demand in local areas, so you *could* destroy every competitor, haha. About turrets: their prices (and DPS) have been modified to generally be more consistent and less crazy. This may be why you’re not getting much of a profit. I’m interested in reading answers to this, too; I also need advice.
  22. I don’t know how to stop the Xsotan before your stations are destroyed, but would you like to use a command to cheat in replacement resources? Here it is, if you think it’s fair: Don’t get too caught up in your disastrous sector, lol. Don’t forget to have fun.
  23. Sweet turrets, guys. Now I want to create some. And that’s a good little ship you’ve got.
  24. Neither did I know that some existed. Basically, I saw the wreckage of the Cinatit (Titanic) and the Avorion logo in ship-form. I’ll see if I can upload a picture of the latter later. Latter later, haha. I found the wreckage of the Titanic with love letters and all by a beacon. And I saw the Avorion logo displayed as though it was any ship in the menu. The details I noticed made me realize that it’s 100% mobile. I’d like to see the devs fly it.
  25. Have you ever found any? How many? I've recently seen two—one silly, one neat. I'm not sure if we should potentially spoil them here though.
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