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Posts posted by Ailab

  1. I'll be more happy, if the spaceship engines would more realistic according to these points:

    • The engines must placed balanced on the ship, like the thrusters. So if they're not balanced around the centre of mass, it would make a rotation around that (but isn't usable as stronger thrusters, because you can use that only with the W key, and the thruster-system doesn't calculate on this (as now))
    • The engines require fuel, what are available on all station cheaply. But you consume fuel only for acceleration (standard and FTL). This would bring the game more realistic. (The energy consumption matter furthermore, but it will mean not the driving-power but the small fly-modifactions, what the player doesn't see)


    What are your opinion? :)

  2. Hello there, I have two ideas for the developing :)


    #1 - player distress signal

    So, in the map it would be an option to send a distress signal, and then in a few minutes some friendly or hostile ship come from the surrounding sectors. From friendly sectors friendly ships, from hostile sectors hostile ships. Maybe it would possible only with distress-signal-system (a new chip), which strength is correlate its rarity.


    #2 - more interact with AI ships

    There is a small availability to communicate with friendly ships. It would  be a bit improved: They could ask the player to escort him into a hostile sector, or to search something for him, or they offer they service for 30 minutes for a certain ammount of money.


    What is your mind about these ideas? :)

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