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Everything posted by Eruner

  1. I disagree. The most OP turrets I have are from Research station. On the other hand, having a cheap turret factory is essential for feeding thousands of turrets into it, so you get the jackpot more often for less money/products.
  2. Is it so that "MAC" would drain energy as railgun, has recoil as cannon, storage usage as torpedos?
  3. That is why we make & use carrier ships that have 120 mining fighters inside. Same with salvaging. You just need a carrier ship with captain, no guns needed, and order it to "Mine". You will see cloud of fighters bombarding one asteroid after another, materials are gathered automatically. Easy AFK profit.
  4. Nachtu, so you are playing on Insane and without using any Research Station. Cool challenge.
  5. In practice, how much DPS your non-independent-targeting guns have? How much DPS per slot you need? Look at them, you think they are weak? Couple of them are even 0.5 size and above the highlighted one. majority of better guns have independent targeting. And that 50% dmg reduction is only applied when turret is created in factory, not when researched.
  6. Turrets with independent targeting deals tons of damage or Turrets that deal tons of damage has independent targeting as a bonus. and as you mentioned advantages of using IT turrets, I have even made a design to utilize it to the great extend
  7. Hi space pirates, I have a basic question: Where in Avorion I can really sell the drugs (and slaves)? From time to time, a Trading post or Smuggler is selling these illegal goods, however I have not found a single station that is capable of buying any of them. Could you please explain me how the things works? Thanks
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