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Posts posted by MonsterMod

  1. Been testing it, and after a bit of reconfiguring with the new thrusters, the turning and braking performance is fine. However, the main issue that I think people will have is the inertia. A ship moving in one direction just keeps going and going and going. I tripled the number of engines I use in order to combat this in a retrograde turn, and it helps a bit. But I think there needs to be more drag on the ship, i.e. it slows down faster in the absence of thrust being applied. Perhaps this could be a server setting so that those that want more realism can adjust it, or maybe a piece of equipment called an "inertial dampener" you could put on in place of a turret.

  2. I suspect it is related to this mod:  http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,781.0.html


    When I put your tooltipmaker.lua in, it messes up the equipment dock for some reason. Now, I used his mod to build that equipment dock, and with your tooltipmaker installed, it changes the equipment dock interface so I cannot even buy turrets. I am guessing his mod alters the interaction somehow, but I am no lua expert, just a hacker heh. Just a theory though, but if I am one of the only one ones with issues, I assume it is one of my mods messing it up.



  3. I just started a new game, still using current beta (there was an update today to the beta btw, and I am using the newest version), and still having the blank tooltips in several modes. It did seem to work when viewing turrets in the equipment shop though. Now I do have a ton of stuff modded, both others plus my own changes. But I cant think of anything that would touch tooltipmaker. Also, your mod was the most recent I installed.  I also tried full screen versus windowed, no difference. Mystery for sure.


    Update, log shows tooltip errors related to it. See attached.


  4. Or, even better idea...what if there was a block that locked the turret down. In effect, giving the turret the same benefit as the old integrity shield, but at the cost of materials and mass. You could mount the turrets on them. Basically, the turrets would be anchored to the ships core, and be the last things to die.


    Edit: I just took the same ship to kill the guardian and I lost no turrets. So I guess the issue is the rail gunners knocking turrets off. Maybe I ran into a buggy or overpowered rail gunner that did so much damage.

  5. Integrity field needs to apply to turrets the way it used to. I spent the last 45 minutes setting up my turrets, then the first fight I got in I lost like 7 of them. I dont even know if I recovered them or not, but the big issue is now I get to dig though 200 turrets to try and find them and set them up again. This is not fun game play. I had a full avorion ship with avorion integrity fields that apparenty covered the turrets. Collision damage was even off. Realism is not always fun.

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