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Posts posted by Vis

  1. If only we could blue print turrets and make them the way we can make fighters...

    ...But yeah, the only ships that should be completely randomly cobbled together ships are pirate ships. Each faction should have standardized weapons for there ships. Maybe only about 1 to 3 different types of the same weapon. Like a battle ship could have some big cannons as it's main weapons, but then a few smaller cannons as it's secondary guns. So killing the same type of ship from that faction would drop the same 2 versions of cannons.

    Or if we can't get that, and we can't get turret blue prints, can we at least be able to copy any turret at any turret factory. It really sucks having to jump to a sector far away when I need more of 1 type of turret. Jumping around to buy extra components is bad enough. DX


    At least I can go down the list of my fighters and see they are all the same perfectly uniformed units with the same capabilities and requirements... :)




    fH2gUNu.png ???

    DAMN IT!!! Really Avorion, Really!?  >:(


  2. I haven't built a research station or trade station yet. But I would highly recommend adding a lot of stone to your station as a cheap way to add mass to them. When I first built my shipyard, one of my ships on patrol ran into it and made it spin around a few times. But after adding a lot of mass to my shipyard it doesn't move as much when a ship bumps into it. What I did is added big blocks of stone, then covered each side with a thin layer of hull block. I made it 0.25 thick and on the edges/corners I used glow blocks, just to make it look cool. 8) 

  3. Each update doesn't always make things better. In v.0.25.2 when they changed the following...

    "Defense Weapons are now randomized

    Loot Collector Upgrades are now randomized

    Transporter Software Upgrades are now randomized"


    That made things way worse. DX Getting many of the same turrets to equip all your ships with was hard enough, but there is no way to make system upgrades. So making all of them random just makes it impossible to have all your ships of the same design have the same stats. The thing I HATE THE MOST about this game is how you are forced to have all your ships be completely different. I like the wide variety of turrets in this game, but I hate how ridiculously hard it is to get multiples of the same turrets and system upgrades for your ships. It's just a massive grind to get all the components needed to build turrets and it's really super unrealistic for everything to be so random, because if you were going to go to war and you ordered many of the same type of units, doesn't matter what it is. You wouldn't be happy with them all being completely random. You would ask why this ship is much slower than this other one, or why the range and fire rate on this turret is not as good as the rest of the turrets, or why this one ship has better shields than all the rest. Why not put the same shields on all the ships? You paid the same price for all of them. They were all made in the same factory. Shouldn't they all have the same capabilities? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  4. I have seen a flow chart diagram of the turret factory chain before, but it was a complete mess. It's not much of a flow chart if it is a complete mess. XD This one is also a bit of a mess, but it is a big improvement over the last one I saw.


    I think this could be a bit better organized... On the Wiki all the stations/factories fall under 1 of 4 types.

    1-Basic Factories

    2-Low Tech Factories

    3-Advanced Factories

    4-High Tech Factories

    Mines are not listed but I think they should be a type on the chart.


    I think a better way of setting up a chart for this would be to have all the stations/factories in columns under the type of factory they fall under with boxes under each one showing what they produce. Then have arrows going from each item to the factory that needs it. It's hard to explain with words so I made a quick example...


    See attached file.



  5. This is how I am doing my class/size system for Avorion. I mostly based it on the class/sizes used in the Space Empire games. Well I only played SE4 and SE5 so not sure if all the games followed the same system. But I made just a few changes. In SE there was no Corvette class, and I hate the name, but in real life there is a Corvette class so I added it in. There are small, medium, and heavy fighters, but they are counted as units in SE and not a ship class/size. A 1 slot ship in Avorion is really too small to be a ship so I classed it as a Heavy Fighter. Most of my ships I have made so far are not military ships so I don't really use this class/size system for them. I have only made 1 Heavy Fighter design that is kind of an old out dated design that I never used because captains cost to much to run a squadron of Heavy Fighters, so it's not really worth it... If only you could have pilots fly 1 slot ships instead of captains. Then I would use them. And my only other finished military ship is a Frigate, which has a complex design that took forever to make. XD And I need to finish my Destroyer which has a similar design to my frigate but even more complex and it has just been taking so long to make that I have kind of got burnt out from working on it, that I have had it in my ship yard for months. DX Someday I will finish it, I promise. LOL


    Class - Number of System Slots

    Heavy Fighter - 1

    Escort - 2-3

    Corvette - 4-5

    Frigate - 6-7

    Destroyer - 8-9

    Cruiser - 10-11

    Battleship - 12-13

    Dreadnought - 14-15

  6. From my observations, blocks are considered "within the field" when the center of the block is within this imaginary field. Okay, I hope I helped to clarify this. Good luck!


    That information is incorrect. The Integrity Field aura doesn't need to reach the center of a block, it only needs to reach the edge of a block.


    You can see from this screen shot, the block on the left/upper side is a very long block and it's center is very far from the Integrity Field. But one side of it reaches into the Integrity Field Block's aura. The block on the right/lower side is much shorter and no part of it reaches into the Integrity Field Block's aura. Both Hull blocks are colored orange but the long Hull block doesn't look orange because of the Integrity Field aura covering it.

    I have a very different way of setting up my Integrity Fields from any other ship I have seen because of testing I have done. XD


  7. I have found common turrets that are better than legendary turrets of the same type, size and material. But I haven't found turrets better than the best turret factories can make.


    What I do to get components for turrets, is set some of my ships to patrol sector and go AFK for a few hours and let them kill all the pirates that enter the sector. Or turn off auto-pause while I'm building a ship so I can work on making ships that take many hours to design and my other ships can grind turrets while I'm doing that. I also set up a few salvaging ships and give them system upgrades that increase their looting range. (Note: You need to be in the sector for pirates to spawn) Then after I have a lot of crappy turrets I go to a research station to combine them until I have a lot of rare turrets. Low rarity turrets (poor and common) lack some of the components you need to build good turrets at a turret factory. Then I go to a salvage yard to scrap all my crappy turrets to get components out of them. When scrapping turrets it shows what components you could get out of them. It seems to give you random components from the list shown. But scrap enough turrets and you should be able to build some good turrets at a turret factory.


    I really hate how all energy weapons you find or make now have 'Battery Charge'. I have a few turrets that have 'Consume Energy' that I found or made before the update and many of them are way better than the 'Battery Charge' ones. I really wish we could blue print turrets and make more like we can with fighters. because I have 2 of these really nice plasma turrets I made before an update reset all the turret factories and I would really like to have them as a standard weapon on a lot of my ships. :(

  8. Interesting... Maybe I should post some of my weird ship designs on here. But my Ship Classification System goes like this.

    Class - Number of System Slots

    Heavy Fighter - 1

    Escort - 2-3

    Corvette - 4-5

    Frigate - 6-7

    Destroyer - 8-9

    Cruiser - 10-11

    Battleship - 12-13

    Dreadnought - 14-15

  9. Two other things I would like to see as a mini-game/event, (maybe not necessarily at a Casino) is I guess what I would call...

    "The Gantlet". Where you pick one of your ships to enter and you get teleported into a randomly generated sector, NOT on the map. Then pirate ships jump into the sector in waves with the groups of ships slowly getting bigger and harder to fight, and you just see how many waves you can survive.  :)

    The other is a "Space Race" where you pick your fastest ship and race other ships through giant rings in a sector that serve as the checkpoints, (of course I also think sectors are way too small and things should be spaced out more, but that is just another suggestion on the long list of suggestions). Kind of like the space race in Outlaw Star or Space☆Dandy. ;D

  10. Yes, the Faction borders is something that I added to my list of things to suggest. Glad someone else thinks it is something the map needs. Each faction has a color their ships are colored with so it would only make sense to have their areas outlined in that color.

    Also for Command Loops I want something like the train schedule system in Factorio, but instead of setting train stations you would set sectors/space stations. Also you should be able to set AND/OR/ELSE conditions. And at any time you can add/remove things to the schedule and switch modes between 'Standby' where the ship just waits, and 'Active where the ship will follow it's list of orders. Also if they ever actually make it so that you can make fleets, (Because you can't actually make a fleet and assign a flag ship or set a formation for that fleet,) you could give a fleet a schedule and have sub orders for different ships to follow in that fleet. That way you can have mining ships or trade ships jump to a sector and do their job while your combat ships could patrol the sector.  

  11. Yes! That looks much better! The shots are actually coming from each of the barrels instead of in mid-air or in this case mid-space. XD


    I made a Gatling Gun turret design. You of course can't get the barrels to spin, but it actually does fire a shot from each barrel in a circular pattern. ;)



  12. Wait, what do you mean by

    "*Defense Weapons are now randomized

    *Loot Collector Upgrades are now randomized

    *Transporter Software Upgrdes are now randomized"

    Does that mean that those system upgrades with the same rarity, will not all give the same bonus?

    Because if so, than NOOOOO!!! I hate this, I really hate this.  :'(

  13. I actually like the pulsing of the dots on the map. Like a radar scanning the sectors around it. But I 100% agree that you should be able to see all of the sectors your ships see, even if you are not in the ship. I mean, you are able to give commands to your ships anywhere in the galaxy. There is no reason you can't share radar information.

  14. Thank you everyone.

    Two beams come out of two barrels, three shells come out of three barrels...

    I believe the turret effect will be updated someday. :)

    It already is... You just have to assign multiple muzzle points. Your muzzle point is very clearly in the middle of the 2 barrels.


  15. I too was very disappointed the first time I saw a Casino and found out it did nothing...

    I also then had many ideas of what kind of fun mini-games could be added to the Casino and different things you could win.

    Of course the basic gambling games like Blackjack, Poker, Craps, Roulette, Slot Machines, Dice Games, and/or fantasy sci-fi inspired games will be there.

    But also I think it would be fun if there was one mini-game where you pay a fee to play the game and you get a turret base (somewhere on the Casino) and you can pick any of your own custom turret designs if you want. And before you start the game you get a choice of 10 random turrets to use. They might all be of the same type. Maybe there will be different versions of the game. But you get control of this turret and then some targets appear floating in space and you have one minute or so to shoot down as many targets as you can. There could be different sized targets with the smaller ones being worth more points. After the game is over you win some prizes (credits, ore, system upgrades, goods, turrets, etc...) with your score increasing the chances of getting better stuff.

    So if your score is 0 you are pretty much guaranteed to only get petty stuff. XD

    Also another form of gambling that the Casino could have, ( and some people who have played Diablo or Torchlight will be familiar with this) is turrets and system upgrades you can buy, but you can't see any of their stats or even the color that tells you the material it's made out of or what rarity they are. All you see is a picture and a random price for the item. So you could try your luck and maybe buy a really good turret or system upgrade, or it could be crap you over paid for. XD

  16. I don't think commodities should be completely removed from the process. I think turret factories should say "Design New Turret" instead of "Build Turret".

    So you only need the commodities when you first make a new turret, then you can blueprint that turret to make more of them using money, resources and time. Then players have the option of going station to station to buy the commodities, or scrapping turrets to get them.

    When you design a new turret you should have points you spend just like when you are designing a new fighter. But also turret factories should show what bonuses they have. So for example, if adding a point to damage normally adds 10 damage to that turret and you see the factory has +20% damage to that type of turret, you know that each point you spend on damage adds 12 damage instead. If you are lucky you could find a turret factory that has some good bonuses to the type of turret you want. If not you can build your own turret factory.


    When building your own turret factory you will get points to spend on bonuses that you want your turret factory to have for the types of turrets you want. So if you really wanted railguns that do a ton of damage, you could spend all your points to railgun damage. Everything else about the turret would suck of course because you put all the points into damage and didn't spend any for fire rate, accuracy, range, cooldown/overheat, etc... Now maybe all you care about is damage for your railguns, which is your choice. So your turret factory will make railguns with a ton of damage and all other turret types will end up being just garbage. But you might not want all your ships to only have railguns. Railguns are not very good against fighters and torpedoes. So you could spend some of those points to get some better point defense turret to shoot down fighters and torpedoes, or if you are really not willing to compromise the awesome damage of your railguns. You could build another turret factory and put all the points to a point defense turret. You could get all the best turrets by only putting the points into 1 type of turret. This of course would be a very costly way of getting good turrets to blueprint for all your ships because you would need to build 1 turret factory per turret type. XD But at least it's a guaranteed way to get awesome turrets for your ships. Or if that is too costly for you. Then you always still have the option of killing lots of pirates and salvaging lots of wreckage and maybe you will get some lucky drops. Or maybe you will get lucky by combining turrets at a Research Station. With my luck being -20, I don't get very good drops or good combined turrets. XD But at least it gives the player options. Now if the turret factories could also be upgraded to get even more points to add, then it will be even more costly if you want to go the best turret per factory route.

    Also you should be able to pick the color you want the projectiles to be when making a turret, and it would be cool if there was a small preview window showing the turret firing so you can get a better idea of its fire rate, accuracy, how long it fires for before it overheats and needs to cooldown as well as how long it takes to cooldown, etc... Then players can adjust the points they are spending on the turret if they feel that it's not quite to their liking.


    I haven't gotten into the center of the galaxy yet. I have been building up a fleet and saving up materials to build the turrets needed to arm my fleet. And one thing I have noticed going from factory to factory is that most factories don't have great turrets, but the ones that do will only have like 1-3 (in most cases only 1 or 2) types of really good turrets of a single type. So it very much seems like those turret factories put all their points into the 1-3 good turrets you can build at those factories.


    As for Exotic or Legendary turrets, they don't seem to be OP enough to be super weapons that should not be allowed to be blueprinted. So I think you should be able to blueprint them. But of course you will still have to get lucky enough to get a good drop first, or Research to get them because you can't design them.

    As for system upgrades, I think they should all be standardized so that 2 system upgrades of the same type and rarity will have the same bonuses. I hate having 2 ships that are the very same model and one of them has 9% more shielding because the shield booster system upgrade I gave that one just happen to be better than the other system upgrade I had available.


    I like the variety of turrets this game has, even tho (right now at least) it makes it very, very, very hard to make all your units uniformed to have the very same capabilities, but because system upgrades just have no way of making multiples of the very same type with the same stats, it's just impossible to get that perfectly uniformed set of frigates that I dream of. XD 

  17. The thing I hate most about this update, is how all the turret factories I have been to changed and no longer make good turrets. DX I was saving up a lot of turrets to scrap and use all the parts from the crappy turrets to make good ones. I had jumped around to many different sectors and even made a chart of all the best turrets each factory made. But now when I finally have the materials to build enough turrets for all my ships I find out they have completely different builds for all their turrets and of course with my luck, they all suck.  :'(

    Really wish you could blueprint and build turrets the way you can with fighters.

    And building your own turret factory is just such a dice roll I'm not sure if it would be even worth it to try my luck. I'm sure my turret factory would end up with really good force turrets and nothing else. If only ships could fly into planets and crash. Maybe then I could just push all the enemies into them. ::)

    It would be great if when you built a turret factory you could pick what kind of bonus you wanted to add to which turrets and then you spend all your points accordingly. Kind of like how you do for fighters. Maybe even have different size turret factories and you get more points when you upgrade to a bigger factory.


    But, disappointments aside. I am really glad the Cloning and Academy Blocks thing was added. I was thinking of suggesting almost the very same thing because it was always such a pain to find enough people to crew my ships. Now I can build a training facility to get enough crew members for my ships. \o/

    Also really like the UI changes. Having different types of cargo in different colors is nice. Sometimes one of my ships picks up something like that without me knowing it. I think it would also be nice if you could see those colored bars for all your ships without having to be in them. It would also make it easier to tell if one of your ships is full. Might be able to squeeze a small bar just above all the cargo item pictures in the fleet tab for each ship. Of course it really shouldn't be called the fleet tab because you can't actually make fleets. Sorry getting off topic. Maybe also the picture of those items should also be colored the same...

    ...This post is getting too long now. XD Sorry I have this really bad problem of having too many ideas and not being able to turn it off.  :-X


    But I'm looking forward in seeing what the future holds for this game. Keep up the good work.  ;)



  18. Yeah, the "Hide Specific Blocks" thing sucks. Instead of giving you a drop down menu of all the types of blocks you have. It should just have a check box next to the list of all the types of blocks you have and let you hide/unhide them by checking/unchecking the box.


    Also instead of layers, I would suggest a "cross-section plane" kind of thing. Not sure what it should be called. But basically, you turn that option on like you would for the mirror options and it creates a plane that kind of looks like the mirrors but on one side of this plane all blocks are hidden and on the other side the blocks are visible. You can then rotate, then slide the plane to see a cross section of your ship from the side, top, bottom, etc... Just need to rotate it to the side you want hidden.

    Also also, there should be an option to turn off light effects to make it easier to see inside the dark corners of your ships. XD

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