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Everything posted by FuryoftheStars

  1. For ships you see in the wild, if you can figure out which faction they belong to and then visit that faction’s shipyard, you can build one there. Then once built, you can enter build mode with it to save the design.
  2. Huh, yeah, haven’t run into the Cinatit yet. And the scrap Naonite, yeah, I think I found some once by salvaging at a scrapyard in either iron or titanium space. Wasn’t enough for anything significant, though. :(
  3. I’ve seen the Avorion one get generated in the menu... should’ve realized it was actually out there somewhere, too. :P
  4. Feel free to. Someone will eventually. Personally, I haven't found any and didn't know there were any. I'd be interested in knowing about them. :)
  5. Yeah, in my own personal designs, I usually try making the turret bases at least as deep as their base size. My Star Runner MK II is like that, with the turret blocks recessed as well to give it some coverage (and I happened to make it deep enough that vanilla turrets fit flush).
  6. You could argue that the AI tracking system would fire at a lower rate of fire, but the devs just decided to take that off from damage instead. That said, we have gunner crews on these guns. There shouldn't even be the need for a fully automated AI system (lore wise) for them to work and track independently, so I'd argue that everything should be capable of independent fire and not have the damage reduc or at the least a much reduced damage reduc (like 25% max).
  7. Hmm, seems interesting. I'd love to at least give it a try. But agreed, the current hull polarizes are not worth while.
  8. So, I'm assuming the actual galaxy saves may be too large to use Steam sync (I'm not sure what the limits are, but most games I've played with it have a max in the KB or low MB range, and I know these galaxy saves can easily get over 100 MB), but would it be possible for you all to enable Steam sync for ship designs and mods that we've created on our own system (so stuff in %appdata%\Avorion\ships and %appdata%\Avorion\mods)? If not, that's fine, but one "bug" I've noticed with copying files back and forth between two PCs is with the mods we create. I created and uploaded a few mods originally from my laptop, but when I copy them to the desktop, the galaxy saves complain that the mods are missing and when I look at the upload status of the mods the desktop says that none of the files exist in the uploaded version.
  9. This issue appears to be present, still. I just had it happen a couple minutes ago and I'm on 1.0 r22100 e7db78830de5. Please post steps to reproduce, things are working just fine here. Ok, just reproduced. It's not undo, it's merge. Create 2 blocks for later merging, then place a turret base and put a design on it. Select the two blocks for merging and merge them. Design on turret base (which was not a part of the merging) disappears.
  10. Ok, I'll take another look, though looks like my game just updated again. I'm now showing version 1.0 r22102 938a1bf97ccb. Will keep you informed. Edit: Ok, so can't reproduce now. May be the last update fixed it? Not sure. I'll try to keep better track of what I'm doing if I see it happen again.
  11. This issue appears to be present, still. I just had it happen a couple minutes ago and I'm on 1.0 r22100 e7db78830de5.
  12. They should probably make the ship you are ordering around immune to damage / neutral to all.
  13. Here you go! 1) Find Avorion.exe, right-click -> Properties 2) Click on the Compatibility tab 3) Click the “Change High DPI Settings” button 4) At the bottom, tic the check box “Override high DPI scaling behavior” and set the dropdown to Application https://imgur.com/a/40flGYZ
  14. This game is way too complex and I’d imagine CPU/GPU intensive for a phone or tablet to handle. Переводчик Google: Эта игра слишком сложна, и я полагаю, что процессор / графическая карта интенсивно работают с телефоном или планшетом.
  15. I released an updated version of the Not Enough Turrets mod. Purple (legendary) upgrades will give +90, and of course you can equip more than one. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2019697605
  16. What?!? That one was causing this issue?? Can someone else confirm that this causes it/solves it? I know how to make this app ignore that setting if that is the problem without having to go into settings and constantly turn it on/off.
  17. Yeah, last one I saw was the 1.0 hotfix from a day or two after 1.0 actually went live. I know I’ve seen the devs post a few times since saying “we have this fixed for the next patch” and I even saw them say at one point “this is now fixed, you may need to restart the game”, but I haven’t seen any patch notes, yet....
  18. Which file are these in? Last time I tried looking I didn’t find them.
  19. My guess would be a driver issue or some setting somewhere that is in conflict that a reinstall resets to default. I know the devs have patch in the works for other issues. I don’t know if this is one of them or when they are going to release that patch.
  20. This may be because the event is player specific. As with single player if you leave the sector the event will still follow you, probably whoever is getting the messages on multi if they were to leave the sector it’ll follow them. Really wish they’d change this behavior....
  21. May be related to this bug reported: https://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,6362.0.html
  22. I’d like to do expert with tokens/insurance disabled. Or perhaps if the devs just put in a toggle to get rid of the annoying flashing icon that says I haven’t bought one....
  23. It certainly isn’t enjoyable to read rants, but I always hope that our calmer behaviors relax those who rant. I’d much rather read from people who expand from their complaints; some make the alternatives interesting, or at least respectfully thoughtful. Yeah, I get what you mean, though the times I’ve dealt with it in the past, I’d say 80% continue to rant and rave because they basically want something different from what the game actually is (and pulling experience from other games with this comment, too).
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