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Everything posted by FuryoftheStars

  1. I don’t know, that could have been it. I just took the time to look it up and the other person was having an issue with the mod “More Resources Mod”.
  2. Are you running a mod like More Asteroids or something? Someone else on the Steam forums had similar issues recently and that mod was the cause.
  3. Hi, does anyone know if the generation of the starting weapons for new players is accessible to us for modding and, if yes, where it is?
  4. Found a bug with the new ship generator? I've found a faction where when you shut down the server and start it back up again, the generation for their freighters changes and they spawn without engines. I've tested this several times with creating new galaxies with the same seed and no mods, fly directly out to one of this factions shipyards to confirm their freighters have engines, shut down the server and then start it back up. Viola, no engines on freighters from the shipyard or new freighters jumping into the sector. Subsequent shut downs do not see the engines return. It seems to only affect some of the factions, though. Or more specifically, in the few I've checked, only this one has been afflicted. Galaxy seed: aCx8fEgJvg Sector where issue can be observed: 148, -36 (right outside the barrier) Let me know if you need more.
  5. I think by verifying the game files it also verifies the workshop mod files.
  6. Yeah, one of your mods is having/causing issues. Line 90 from the server log: #0: data/scripts/commands\clearsector.lua Error while adding file data/scripts/commands\clearsector.lua: data/scripts/commands\clearsector.lua:7: module 'LogLevels' not found:
  7. And just to give more on this, responding to distress calls where it's not fake, or having a merchant warp in under attack, they don't last long enough against the tougher enemies usually for you to be able to save them. You're set up for failure.
  8. Would giving repair turrets a shield penetration chance of 100% do it?
  9. Can you allow non-integer numbers to be used in assigning crew? For example, I'm working on a mod tweaking turrets. I'd like to have each turret you put on your ship have some requirement of mechanics, but don't see the need for a whole mechanic per turret, so I'd like to be able to assign the need of, say, 0.1 mechanic per turret (I'd probably have it vary by size and other factors), allowing 1 mechanic to take care of the needs of multiple turrets. Thanks for the consideration. 🙂
  10. Or that the tokens you have are for those ships specifically? Each token is specific to a ship.
  11. Going to another galaxy almost sounds like an Avorion 2 release to me. *shrug*
  12. Already does, but the affect on non-mining/salvaging turrets is small. turretgenerator.lua, lines 268 - 277 local increase = 0 if type == WeaponType.MiningLaser or type == WeaponType.SalvagingLaser then -- mining and salvaging laser reach is scaled more increase = (scale.size + 0.5) - 1 else -- scale reach a little increase = (scale.usedSlots - 1) * 0.15 end weapon.reach = weapon.reach * (1 + increase)
  13. Perhaps, but some don't care about achievements so would have no affect on replayability for them.
  14. Hey, I just noticed a thread over in the Steam forums where someone was reporting (possibly) similar issues to you. They noted something about the hangs being related to ship jumps and attempting to move to that sector after. Not sure if it's the same/related. At one point they were wondering if the ship involved having a 0s cool down could be part of the cause, but I don't think they tested that angle further. https://steamcommunity.com/app/445220/discussions/1/1658943116229489860/
  15. Yeah, some do shield, some do hull, some are supposed to do both. All random chance which you get.
  16. No, I don’t mean a crash. There are errors that it can encounter that don’t result in a crash and it prints them to the log. Also, if the game takes longer than 1 second to render a frame (ie, your fps drops below 1), it reports that in the log along with additional data.
  17. When you’re interacting with the repair station, you’ll want to choose the repair option. In the new window that opens, you should see 3 tabs at the top. I believe it’s the 3rd one that allows reconstruction.
  18. Well, I think there are two things. First, the new behavior where the ships try to stay at max range. I think this is where most of the flying 200-300km out is coming from. Second is that yeah, large ships can get up to 1kps pre-boost while smaller ships can only achieve a few hundred m/s. I almost feel like that should be flipped. Big ships' advantage should be larger weapons (and thus increased range) and the ability to soak damage. Smaller ships should be able to avoid damage through maneuverability and speed.
  19. So, I didn't get much of a chance to play against the stronger enemies while they were actually being introduced in beta, but I have now. While in concept I think the idea was good, the problem I'm seeing is that now small ships get toasted even faster than before. It used to be that I could fight against a small group (3-5) of enemies near the core in even a 7 slot ship without huge difficulty (still required some creative flying and fighting to survive), but now my 7 slot ship can't even stand up against one savage ship most times. I think it has to do with whatever buff their weapons are getting. They can strip my shield and destroy the ship in seconds (I'm talking in under 4 seconds for each... which is made worse if you encounter an enemy with Pulse Cannons), making me have to constantly boost away from them until the timer regarding repair expires, repair, and then fly back and try to cause a little more damage before doing it again. Last encounter I did this with was a small Xsoton encounter. They only had 3 or 4 corvettes, two of which were of the tough variety. I had to deal with each individually in this manor. I think I did a repair 6 times before both were dead. Personally, I'd like to see the weapons balanced so that even regular enemies are not simple push overs before you seriously start considering adding these tougher enemies. Maybe even balance HP and SP gains so that player ships aren't easily getting into the millions and tens of millions with such ease (diminishing returns)? Again, these changes are just making the use of smaller ships even more useless than before right now.
  20. If the game encounters an issue, it will dump debug and error info into the logs. The one that I think is most likely to include something of use would be the server log, but it's good to include the client one as well cause you never know.
  21. I’ve not ever seen a ship fly so far away from me, so even if you aren’t exaggerating, it cannot be a “major” issue since it happens rarely and combat is often optional for advancement. I’ve seen them fly 100km for something else, but they return to me when they’re finished or dead. I have seen slow pirates 50km away, but I’m not required to hunt them, and no personal ship of mine is too slow to reach them within 50 seconds. When I try to flee from a deadly ambush, the speedy ships catch up to fight. Whether I’m weak or strong, it’s always fun to have to dodge and shoot at high speeds in a pirate sector. Both of us—the hunting pirates and I—fly at hundreds or even thousands of meters per second and exchange volleys. I love it. I spent a few minutes looking for pirates and tried to capture the high-speed chases I sometimes enjoy. I might upload a 30 second video to YouTube when I have the time to check whether the video captured what I wanted it to. Might not be able to, though, (and it’s not necessary). Maybe you can describe what exactly is unfun about how the pirates use speed? I might not be understanding you. I have had issues with the ships flying away. You can see this behavior by watching sector security ships as they chase the pirates or whatever around. I've had it, too, where I'm the only ship in sector and by the time I'm done, I'm having to fly back close to 200km just to reach the spot where I destroyed the first one.
  22. Sounds similar to an issue that’s been reported a few times about AI ships getting stuck/blocking docks at player stations. I’m not sure an actual solution has been found?
  23. I never had mining lasers on the ship. I had some salvage lasers that I took off, and it ran mined for a while, then started back again. My laser only ship is going fine. If I can find a xanion or better laser, I'll see if that helps. Hmm, I wonder if a Xanion or better of any weapon type would work?
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