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Posts posted by FuryoftheStars

  1. It's nice that having a flight recorder on your ship allows you to find the sector your ship was in when destroyed, but it'd be nice if it could also help you find the wreck within the sector as well.


    Simple suggestion that, whichever piece of the wreck has the flight recorder in it, would have the white targeting box flash on it just like the Exodus beacons do.

    (Also, it'd be nice to have the ability to clear these "You Died Here" markers manually or automatically after the flight recorder is salvaged/destroyed.)


    Lore wise, you can say the flight recorder is transmitting a coded homing signal so you can find it.


    The benefits to this are:

    [*]Helps you locate your dropped systems and weapons easier.
    Edit: Well, I guess reconstruction tokens take care of this now....

    [*]Allows you to locate and salvage your wreck.
    Edit: And I guess this was changed or never possible, too

    [*]For those that design their own ships (or care), it allows us to find the wreck and inspect the damage, trying to determine if the ship failed due to a weak spot, or if it was simply too much overall damage.  (A design I've been working on kept failing faster than expected, and finally after being able to find some of the wrecks, I've determined that my front armor was too thin, allowing weapons fire at the weaker internals too fast.  I'm trying to fix this, but trying to find the wrecks to examine after is extremely hard.)


    Edit: Well, crap. This may mostly have no purpose now due to other changes in the game. I’d still like to be able to find my own wrecks, but I feel like I got no good reasons anymore that apply to everyone. 😞

  2. Quite simply, this is a suggestion to add a meter to the main screen with & similar to the health/power/etc meters showing how full your cargo space is. (Quite possibly add it as an optional toggle for those that may not care.)


    When out mining/salvaging with the R version lasers, I’m constantly opening & closing the ship window to check how much storage I have left to see if I can maybe fit this next ship/asteroid in, or if I should go dump at a refinery to keep from spilling and wasting resources. (Yes, I know technically the resources are infinite, but if I took the time to mine it, I want to collect it, darn it. :D )


    Yes, agreed, not everyone may necessarily care about cargo space (especially if the ship they're flying doesn't even have a hold) and so there should be an option to toggle or some other dynamic mechanic to it.  I hesitate to say have something only pop up for a brief moment when you pick something up, though, as this may not be helpful in some situations.

  3. Love the whole list!  Some I think they may have worked on already with the Beta (faction rep penalty, bit), but could still use some work.  For example, even though they've added an "At war" state for the factions, it'd be nice to still be able to order your ship(s) to not fire at them unless fired upon, otherwise sometimes they'll go after merchant vessels.

  4. Pretty much love everything suggested here!  To go with the faction growth bit, as I've posted in another suggestion thread, they should be able to self repair (not just with repair turrets, but regular maintenance like what your own ship can do), too.


    For the traits and faction borders, I wonder if they've done some of this with the latest Beta?  I haven't played stable, so can't compare, but currently they do have some of the sectors around each of a factions locations colored in with different colors.

    • Pulsating green/yellow dots - I actually like this effect, too, though I would ask that maybe the dots don't disappear completely.
    • Seeing the green/yellow dots from the other ship's perspectives - Yes, please!
    • Map marking - Yes, some expanded capabilities here would be nice. :)

  5. I voted in here a few days ago, but only now getting to actually making a comment.


    I like DivineEvil's ideas and suggestions on turning turrets into blueprints, making them cost resources instead of trade goods.  I also like the idea of extending it to other things like System upgrades and making it so that you can't do this to Exotic and Legendary items.

  6. I've been thinking of posting a similar suggestion as of late, though I'm still fairly new, so was still trying to learn everything. :)


    I'm not so sure on this bit from yours:


    Perhaps turret bases could even reduce the overall processing power of a ship thus forcing players to make important choices between more guns or more module slots for upgrades, thus keeping that element of current gameplay intact.


    I'd maybe say don't let turret bases add to processing power, but I'm hesitant to say make it go negative.  Otherwise I really like this. :)

  7. Quite simply, this is a suggestion to add a meter to the main screen with & similar to the health/power/etc meters showing how full your cargo space is. (Quite possibly add it as an optional toggle for those that may not care.)


    When out mining/salvaging with the R version lasers, I’m constantly opening & closing the ship window to check how much storage I have left to see if I can maybe fit this next ship/asteroid in, or if I should go dump at a refinery to keep from spilling and wasting resources. (Yes, I know technically the resources are infinite, but if I took the time to mine it, I want to collect it, darn it. :D )

  8. I've only read through a couple pages of threads so far and not sure if someone has suggested this or if it's been suggested directly, but I'd like to see NPCs repair their own ships/stations and even respawn some time after being destroyed.  As of right now, if you hang out in one sector for too long, the frequent events can start to take their toll and wipe everything out, leaving the sector barren.

  9. While I don't need control of a specific turret (I currently can use the number assignments for that), I wouldn't be against it.


    But zooming would definitely be good.  If nothing else, it would allow you to push the camera forward of your (potentially) huge ship so you can actually see what you're shooting at.

  10. Yes, please. :)  Number 1 & 2 have been annoyances for me, and after seeing the hundreds of auto-save files in the galaxy directory, number 6 can keep the directory from bloating too much and then some people wondering where their hard drives went....

  11. None - Opt out of all beta programs:

    - This is the current, default, live branch and is recommended to play on.


    beta - Newest changes, beta:

    -This is the unstable branch, where new updates are tested before being pushed to the live branch. Recommended only to help test new changes as it can be buggy.


    All the other versions listed are just older versions of the game. You can ignore these, but some people want to play on an older version for whatever reason.


    Thanks.  I've only had experience with one other EA game via Steam so far and that one marked everything "Stable" and "Experimental", but they too kept older versions available for those that wanted them.


    Based on this thread in the mod section, I'm assuming 0.19.1 (or at least some sub version of 0.19) is the current stable?  How do the betas work here?  Is each one a standalone to itself building upon stable only, or do each incorporate the changes from the lower beta versions as well?


    IE, does 0.24.1 include changes from 0.23.4, 0.22.2, etc (while playing on 0.23.4 would include 0.22.2, etc and not 0.24.1)?  Or is it more 0.24.1 is stable plus those changes only from the 0.24 branch, 0.23.4 is stable plus those changes only from the 0.23 branch, etc?


    I just haven't seen this many open beta branches at the same time before.

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