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Posts posted by Laserzwei

  1. The complex mod is not updated for 0.16.x and later versions!


    This mod will allow you to connect Factories into a single "Complex", where their production power is focused.


    I got the idea for this mod, when I was shipping goods between ~15 of my own factories and felt too bored to continue. From my game experience of the x-Series(The space sim, not X-COM) I knew complexes would be the solution.




    Combine all the Factories!







    known issues:

        - Stations founded before the installation of this mod, can't start a new complex.

          However: You will still be able to integrate them into any complex within the sector, from the next station placed after installation.


    Installation Guide:

    Download the mod-File.

    Go to your Avorion installation Folder.

    Put the content of the zipped "data" folder into the avorion data-folder.

    Put the content of the zipped "mods" folder into Avorion\mods\. It should look like this: Avorion\mods\complexMod\ ...


    MODS that work very well together with this:

    move Asteroids [mOS]

    A mod to transfer Asteroids beetween sectors.

    all Production Chains  or similar mods!

    Adds missing Factories.

    Better Docking

    Lets Freighters move more careful.

    PM me, if you find more!




    Downloads below.



  2. I just want to say that it is really annoying not being able to even SEE the download for this mod when you aren't a member. From the outside it looks like a bug; no download links yet no one complaining. The way I see it: put on github or some equivalent OR acknowledge in your original posts that forum membership is a requirement to download your mods. Like some kind of "how to download my mod" Obviously you can see benefits to putting on both, such as, people being able enjoy your mods in case either site is down (and they WILL be down at some point).

    It's an easy anti-cracked-games blocker. You found out how to get it- I assume others will too.

  3. 01:19:42:559 [OOSP][0.9_7c] can't do single process: Gold

    This can only happen, if the mod started and works correctly. It does not explain why it tells you to update the version.

    I highly recommend sending me both: client- and serverlLog, as I asked you in my private message.

    I did not send you a private message- This is a mistake by me. By accident I mistook you for Crispy_Top_Hat.

    Here is a summary of what is happening:


    On the Client we see: everything is fine

    2017-04-09 09-01-24| [OOSP][0.9_7c] Version check on Client
    2017-04-09 09-01-24| <Server> OOSP version received and validated: [0.9_7c] . OOSP is activated for you! 


    On the Serverside:

    2017-04-09 09-00-43| [OOSP][0.9_7c] Tickhandler starts at: 11873430
    . . .
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c] dCheck passed
    . . .
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c] Version Check
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c] Processing Version:   [0.9_7c]   false
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c] Player Andy-Blackknight Logged in with the correct version of OOSP: [0.9_7c] 
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c] Andy-Blackknight has been activated.
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c] Player: Andy-Blackknight entered sector with: 0 more player(s)
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c] timestamp aquired: 11405139
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c] update shipyard: Aul'iiiiw
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c] update shipyard +: 23456.95
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c]     Solar Power Plant S    Otcuej
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c] Ressources reduce to: 4691.39
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c] Garbage Storage Space reduces to: 4691.39
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c] can't do single process: Energy Cell
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c]     Fusion Core Factory S    Wisbeelai
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c] can't do single process: Energy Tube
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c] 2/9 Factories/Stations
    2017-04-09 09-01-32| [OOSP][0.9_7c] Sector: 184:274 needed 5ms for Production catch-up
    . . .
    2017-04-09 09-01-52| [OOSP][0.9_7c] Processing Version:   nil  true

    Your installation of OOSP works the way it's intended.

    Your Version check passes without any obstructions.


    Can't do single process: ... 

    This simply tells you that the factory is either missing cargospace or ingredients:

    Solar Power Plant S    Otcuej, doesn't have enough cargo capacity for more energycells

    Fusion Core Factory S    Wisbeelai, is missing Energy Tubes (and maybe other ingredients!)


    If a factory needs updates this will show up:

    [OOSP][0.9_7c] The Factory is x processes behind.

    [OOSP][0.9_7c] add x of ware

  4. 01:19:42:559 [OOSP][0.9_7c] can't do single process: Gold

    This can only happen, if the mod started and works correctly. It does not explain why it tells you to update the version.

    I highly recommend sending me both: client- and serverlLog, as I asked you in my private message.

  5. Since move asteroids is my own mod and I am german, I can help you translate anything from English back to german. However mOS doesn't support the ingame translation system-changing Avorion/data/localization/deutsch.po has therefore no effect. You would have to modify the modfiles directly.

  6. The game is not deciding the production amouth from size, its doing it in the opposive way. Looking up the sector and the surraunding sectors needs and give a production amouth for the station.

    This is plain wrong. The initialize method in /entity/merchants/factory.lua determines which products and Factory size will be applied.

    The product (and its corresponding Productionprocess) are randomly selected between all goods that have a good.level within the sector-templates limits defined in /entity/merchants/(base-/low-/mid-/high-)factory.lua. The randomness is weightened so higher level goods are less common. The selection of base/low/mid/high is tied to the Galaxy-Seed.

    The Factory size is also determined by a wightened random selection, as well as its distance to the Core. From a distance of <450 to 300 the possible maximum size increases from 1 to 5. It has no further effect to the random selection.


    (...) This is why player stations are always geting the size S.

    Wrong agian. The factory size of a player-Factory is determined in entity/stationfounder.lua. Where in line 269-271 it says:


        -- make a factory
        station:addScript("data/scripts/entity/merchants/factory.lua", "nothing")
        station:invokeFunction("factory", "setProduction", production, 1)

    The 1 as the last parameter determines the size (1=S -> 5=XXL).


    its doesn't matter how big is the ship what was used as a foundation, or how big you build that station.

    That is correct, because noone ever bothered to implement it- also refer to my previous example.

  7. The biggest problem with changing the productionsize (internal name) is not the actual changing, but knowing when to change. Actively checking if a Block changed or registering events onBlockplanChanged/onBlockDestroyed are too resourcehungry atm.

    function getUpdateInterval()
        return 120 --2 minutes for save performance

    This would also cause the productioncycle to take at least 2 minutes (currently 15seconds with 2 parallel cycles).


    Using Volume as a Balancer is a realy bad Idea. You can use Holographic or Stone blocks to very cheaply generate lots of Volume.

  8. any chance this could run at midnight on all explored sectors?

    This mod runs above those pity sectors. It is controlled by math  ;D.

    straight talk: It neither hurts performance nor does it need any sector to stay loaded.

    It works in all sectors of the whole Galaxy.


    Is 0.9.7c the newest version?

    It's the newest version available and therefore the best to use.

  9. could one just run the asteroidSpawningLib.lua mannually to spawn a claimable asteroid ?

    You would either have to use the cheatmenu or a little bit of programming to add a command that handles this.


    and before you ask i wanna experiment with mines stations and production chains

    see what the game is able to do/handle and what is not there jet.

    You graphics power is the limiting factor. And some missing links (Coal, Raw Oil, Diamonds) in the production chain. Look in my signature to find a mod that adds those.

  10. assuming you placed the code in

    function getNumTurrets(seed, rarity)

    Then this function gets called every time you place the turretmodule.

    maybe this helps:

    on top of the file:

    local numTurrets = nil


    function getNumTurrets(seed, rarity)
        numTurrets = numTurrets or rarity.value + math.floor(math.random() * rarity.value/2)
        return numTurrets

    Edit: this code is not tested and might not work properly. Test if it stays constant after restarts.

  11. The problem with keeping sectors loaded all the time is simply that it clogs up resources. With every loaded Sector your sector -the player sector- will have less resources and ultimately become laggy.

    On another note: It is currently not possible to keep Sectors loaded from an API-based modding perspective.

  12. This mod is not up to date anymore.

    For an up to date weapon modification example look here:











    They come with 50% shield pen. They sometimes don't do damage to targets- reason unknown.





    The reach of the rockets is displayed wrong. Their reach depends on velocity times lifetime and has a grand total of 30km at 15sec. Lifetime.





    The perfect anti-fighter weapon- or whatever else is in its way :D







    digs out 2x the displayed amount of Ore!





    salvages 2x the worth of an component!



    /cheat  gives easy access to:




    I used Ohm/DPS for displaying the stats.

    The Bonus Effects are randomly applied.


    The reasons behind this mod are threefolded:

    1) Server admins might want to have such OP wepons.

    2) I needed weaponry to easily test the destruction of strong enemies.

    3) Showing how to mod weapons for other modders.



    The mod consists only of commands.

    Therefore all scripts belong into /Avorion/data/scripts/commands/. By default they are only availabe to admins(or the player of an singleplayergame)


    Version history


      -added /cheat





    Public Domain

  13. price variance broken down is roughly price*0.5*relationfactor for full stock and price*1.5*relationfactor for empty stocks.


    building a factory is defined in stationfounder.lua and Minefounder.lua:


    local diff = resultValue - ingredientValue
        local costs = 3000000 -- 3 mio minimum for a factory
        costs = costs + diff * 4500

    where resultValue is the accumulated Value (good.price) of produced goods and ingredientValue is the accumulated Value of all ingredients.

  14. math.random() provides numbers between and including 0-1. To avoid decimal places use math.floor() or math.ceil().

    with your current formula you will also get a problem when math.random() returns 0.


    I suggest using such an formula:


    rarity.value + math.floor(math.random() * rarity.value/2)

    this will provide such an distribution:


    0: 0-0

    1: 1-1

    2: 2-3

    3: 3-4

    4: 4-6

    5: 5-7

    6: 6-9

    7: 7-10

    With the number before ":" refering to the numerical rarity value. I can't remember if it starts with 0 or 1. the formula might need to be fitted in that case.

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