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Posts posted by Korr





    Now that Jester pointed this out, wow,  the look of the tie wings does look crappy.  Good advise for you, I think, Waarax.  Dont build that square-sy lookin wing thing.

    Plus too, your design changes to the original tie wings is a big improvement.  The notches at the tips of the wings look gucci. 

    Much more agressiv compaired to the artsy tie fighters pics.  They look kinda boring.


    Last thought - If you add in hangars maybee put the hangars inside the wing notches, with exits pointing in tuward the main hull.


    And geez, Warrax, with a ship that big, whats it gunna cost?

    I cant wait to see the finish product.


  2. In all fairness, I agree to a point, but for the devs it's a balancing-issue.

    If the devs do adjust this, I hope they do it wisely and not mess up other things, and create other issues.

    But yeah.  Massive ships seem to be overly nimble.


    And for top speed - with boosters deployed, it appears to be linked directly to the NUMBER of engines.

    However, if you run outa energy its game over.



    For an interim fix, I sugest using a Jump-Inhibitor and ensuring that YOU are fast yourself.


    Maybe keep in mind, this game is NOT purpose-centred on PVP.

  3. This is already on the Avorion Wiki and probly in the forums somewhere, but is a reference tool tat i keep close at hand.  I am not posting my own ships, so thought this would be a good spot for it to share.


    I will update this image if there are errors or has been updated.



  4. Thanks for the xml on Algard 2.  She’s a sic beauty.

    I am trying to bild my own set of tie-wings. Even when i reverse engineer yourAlgard, i cant figure out wth you are doing to get all the wing”s lines so smooth in the transitions. The outside corner was pretty easy:  Corner 1 seems to work fine.

    But the inverse edge - i’m like wtf?  And the change up for the tips, that smoothly ramp up and down - geez !!  Lol, wow, wtf??  :o

    Can you drop a  few pics for me to help out?  :P

  5. On longer ships, you can only scroll forward to a certain degree.  It seems the point of perspective is from the rear of the ship.

    I agree.  It would be nice to have some options set that point of perspective, instead of being locked in default.

  6. You mentioned the C43 Object Detector, and using that as a way to develop a solution ...


    I agree with your ideas, and have an additional suggestion:

    • The C43 rarity would determine its range of effectiveness (as is already the case);
    • Discovered C43s would come with “various sensitivities”, (per your suggestion) the number of which depends on rarity
    • Maybe allow for the possibility to “craft” sensitivities

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