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Posts posted by nobigdealbro

  1. I've recently explored the idea of trading more to make credits, and I've run into some issues that make me wonder if my server/instance are broken, if trading is currently broken right now, or if I'm just misunderstanding the way the mechanics work.


    Basically, NPC factories don't seem to be producing anything.  Not only that, they aren't accepting/buying any of the components they need to do so.


    Example: Antigrav Units are shown as priced at -50% with 6 factories in a sector.  I fly there, and notice that only one factory has any in stock, and that they all have resource shortage missions for processors.  Only one of them is actually buying the Processors/Power Units/Energy Cells actually required.  For stock, 5/6 of the factories are showing "0/0" for all input/output components.  This doesn't seem right to me - shouldn't it be 0/X, with X being whatever their capacity would be? Is this a known issue? I flew around and noted that this is a widespread issue on my server. 


    Edit - so far I've noticed this is actually occurring with one faction, whom I was previously at war with but am now neutral.  I've checked other neutral factions and don't seem to have the issue.  Not sure if it's due to my relations with them or just that all of their factories are bugged.

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