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Posts posted by Adrien007

  1. What has happened after the release?

    It has been three weeks since we were able to celebrate the release of Avorion 1.0! We are incredibly happy that everything went well, and that the post-release stress is starting to fall off our shoulders. Now we will focus on new ideas, innovations, and improvements! There are a lot of things in Avorion that we can’t wait to get our hands-on. We want to thank everyone who sent us one of the many great suggestions that we received!

    Boxelware, Corona, and Home Office

    We're not getting spared from the Corona crisis either. Due to the current situation the entire team is now doing home office so that we and all our friends and families can stay safe. Of course, this also means that our workflow isn't as great as in our official offices and that some things will take longer than usual. But we hope that you will understand this and that you and your families are well!

    Nomination for the DCP (German Computer Games Award)

    Great news! Avorion has been nominated in two categories for the DCP 2020: Best Debut and Best Expert Game.

    It is an honor to be nominated and we are incredibly happy! So please keep your fingers crossed for us.  :)

    Sadly, the news article is only available in German, but you can check it out here:


    FYI: The DCP was first held in 2009 and each year the best computer games made in Germany receive awards in a number of categories. 590.000 Euros total of prize money is distributed among the winners, which makes it the German video game award with the most prize money.

    What's up next?

    Right now, we are putting most of our time and energy into the next free update! There are some really good ideas that just didn’t make it into version 1.0 and we're looking forward to adding them!

    Over the next few weeks we'll keep you posted with more news on the upcoming update! ;)


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