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Posts posted by Shaw.jarad@ymail.com

  1. I know maybe not one of the most grasp after aspects, but if you ask me Avorion is seriously lacking in the Imersion aspect to it. Take a succesful game of the past, I'll use Skyrim here as an example. It was put out in 2012, and honestly has a higher playerbase than Avorion even today. If you goto nexus mods, the main mod sight for skyrim people use, what the number 1 type of genra of mods they download today? Imersive mods. They download mods not that cheat or completely alter the gameplay but mods that bring the game to life, or rather suck them into the game.  Infact 67% of the mods downloaded have Imersion as either the primary or at the very least secondary catatorgy they are classified under. Please forgive my bad spelling but its late. 

    Thus why I ask that voice be added to the game, even starting small and adding in just a few will do to start with to make the Avorian universe feel less bland. For example I'd suggest 1 voice for the guy you run into the tutorial reading allowed the text that already appears on screen.  1 voice for the players faction computer, plus 1 other voice for each faction in the game besides pirates.  Also 1 distint voice for each boss in the game, as for pirates we need to make them feel different than normal factions, so randomly given 1 of 3-5 voices should do. 


    The players computer generated voice should have the most lines out of any of them, and allow things like alerts of enemys to be announced, shipstatus/ damage ect to be announced to the player, along with pay dates ects. 


    While this may seem like a simple change I completely understand it is a huge undertaking and will not be done unless it has huge player support behind it. That is why I would ask any players reading this to post thier support and vote for this suggestion. 

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