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Posts posted by Aetrion

  1. Missiles should definitely be overhauled, they are way too slow, and excessive missile spam seems to actually lag the game. In general there is an insane bias in this game toward hitscan weapons over weapons with a travel time, and missiles are probably the worst offender for not even reaching the target before a railgun has already pulverized it.

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  2. I was asked to repost this idea here after talking about it on the Steam boards.

    Basically the idea is this: The journey to the center of the galaxy is cool, but since all the high level content is close to the center most of the galaxy isn't worth exploring. Basically all of the high level enemies, high level weapon factories, high level ores etc. are squeezed into maybe 10% of the total map area, while huge swaths of the galaxy are irrelevant because the game rules dictate that nothing useful can ever crop up there. 

    It's a matter of simple geometry. A 100x100 area near the center of the galaxy contains a little less than half as many squares as even just a 10 square belt around the outside of the 1000x1000 galaxy. The vast majority of the map area is wasted. 

    So by adding high level stuff to the outer rim of the galaxy the game could offer a lot more sectors to explore to people. This could take a variety of forms. Maybe this kind of content could crop up only after defeating the guardian, so the journey to the center remains the leadup to endgame, but then you could find new opportunities at the rim. Maybe there could simply be high level systems near the edge of the galaxy. Maybe the resource progression could still work the way it does with the highest level resources only cropping up near the center, but there could be high level weapon factories and enemies near the edge of the galaxy so that that's a good hunting ground for better equipment in the late game.

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