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Everything posted by LordMaddog

  1. Naw you will just end up with boxes that have long flat UGLY wings. And the end result would be players would have even less design choices dramatically increasing the number of Cube ships.
  2. Ya it dose already in the beta forums this argument is quite prevalent and the dev seems to agree with both sides. Personally I HATE CUBS it really feels like a sign of laziness and ineptitude on the players side but it is without a doubt the best way to go. Whats worse I also love complexity. My fav idea for IFG is for them to stop collision damage(according to there size) and make it so parts that are broken off can be repaired by your mechanics. This however would just compound the Cube making meta as well. There are a few ways I can see slightly fixing this tho. 1 make it so NPC stations sell designs that the player can buy in game. 2 make a model converter that lets players import .obj and have them converted into blocks. (this one would take a lot a lota work and many new block shape types) 3 An aesthetically pleasing crew moral boost that make's all systems 25% more effective. I know if I worked on a wicked looking ship that just bespoke awesomeness I be like HECK YA we can cream that lame block of a ship over there! This however gives rise to the question of how do you determine what is good looking. 4 make all components peaceable in all block shapes.
  3. I am on a new server and for some resign I am not getting mission when taking suspicious package from smuggler. I do get the email to meet a friend tho and I can go and talk to him but he don't give me a list. so I use http://avorion.gamepedia.com/Bottan_the_Smuggler to remember what I needed and gathered the stuff Now I have the needed parts to give the friend but he just keeps telling me to get him the parts.
  4. The TZ series goal is to make a ship that will scale well all the way up to 10-12 slots and still be very maneuverable underneath the new flying physics while at the same time being nice to look at. It starts out costing 2.8k iron 3569$ I can be easily scaled and its core is hollow so its real easy to add shields/generators/fields/ect. I am not 100% pleased with the looks. It dose not feel quite done any crits or pointers welcome. Edit: thinned the wings and made the aft nicer looking >XML to large to attach do to the spherical center just copy and past into a text document and rename to TZ193.xml http://pastebin.com/vewVXPxF Tire 2 TZ194 2.2k iron 500 titanium http://pastebin.com/gRGN31T1 Tire 3 TZ195 21k $ 18k Titanium 11k Nanite .XML http://pastebin.com/d14jasQT TZ196 Tire 4 500K $ 500 titanium 50k Trinum http://pastebin.com/rDAHwLAS
  5. Right now the speed at which you turn or stop is almost entirely reliant on thrusters, this has caused several problems which are not worth going into right now. I am proposing that the power of thrusters is dramatically boosted allowing players to design their ship's the way they want to and a new mechanic is added. G - Force When turning or stopping the inertia of a moving object causes there to be a set amount of gravitational force applied to said object. The larger the mass of the object the more gravitational force is applied. One cannot simply go from traveling at 1000 m/s to a complete stop even in space, the gravitational force generated would rip a living being a part. Therefore I would like to see implanted a system where your top break thrust, yaw, pitch, and roll are governed according to your mass. The larger the ship the lower the cap. This means that smaller ships would be a lot more nimble than massive titanic ships which is realistic. However the player can override this cap by holding Ctrl-or another modifying key-at any time he chooses but at the cost of causing his crew to blackout or even die.
  6. This is all a wonderful beautiful ideal the only problem is it WILL NOT HAPPEN!! Competitive players will always do exactly like what they've done on my server; build massive flying bricks of thrusters giving them instant gratification of on the dime turning. It won't matter if you were to nerf thrusters into the absolute ground. They will just build even bigger bricks of thrusters. The end result will be the only one's you hurt is those who actually want to build nice-looking ships. There is no way to stop this because it's realistic. It's what will happen in space if we ever obtained to this level of technology. There will be giant ships with engines pointed in all directions. GeForce will be our only limitation which is another thing altogether. However if you wanted to add a mechanic where crew members start blacking out or dying if you turn too fast or slow down too fast you could indeed achieve the effect you are talking about. I can very well see a player holding Control+s or Control+a To override safety mechanisms as they turn or stop, killing crew members from GeForce so they can achieve the desired movement. This whole thruster thing on the other hand is just lame and unrealistic and has the possibility of actually destroying the game.
  7. No because this will force every one into making Block shaped ships! Witch is one of my biggest gripes against the whole thruster thing to begin with. Over 90% of the ppl on my server have block ships and its just lame! If you try to make players have to retrograde THEY WONT! If you insist on it they will just make even bigger block shaped ships to counter it. This will lead to players who like having athletically pleasing looking ships being at a severe disadvantage which is already the case. One of the massive drawls to this game is its ability to make nice awesome looking ships! If having ugly looking block shaped ships is the best way to go which it currently is and from this change is becoming even more so you will lose these players. To be honest it's like stabbing your infant baby game in the heart. Devs please realize this. Having fun game mechanics and a visually stunning environment is far more important than some pre-contrived notion that results in players who try to follow it having a massive disadvantage.
  8. I completely agree. Its just not working. As for retrograde movements as a whole they just don't make sense in a game this scientifically advance. A few players from KSP think its a cool ideal the rest are like wth is this crap. And to be honest it is crap. If the game had real orbit gravity like effects and limited fuel/energy then sure I can see it's use but it don't and its not that type of game. Not only that but the physics are all wrong for it in this game. Right now inertia is shiftable, witch means if you get your deceleration burn even slightly wrong your entire direction instantly shifts.This intern makes crashing while trying to slow down a far more prominent problem then it would be in real physics.
  9. I could spend all day drudging up pieces for my argument however at this point I can tell your mind will not change. So all I can say is this is how I fell, I DISLIKE steam, I am not comfortable giving them my money. I may be wrong and misguided in my feelings but it is how I see things. Tho I am not the only one who sees it this way. And I only came to the OP assistance because some one attacked him for not liking steam and accused him of being EVIL just because he din't. This is also what is wrong with the world as a whole right now. If any one disagree with some one else they instantly accuses them of being nefarious, evil, fear mongering, or racist. Its used none stop to silence every ones opinion but your own.
  10. HAHA! you have no clue This is just one example of steam actively screwing over it players. And I have heard of many cases of players loosing entire collections of games for extremely BS reasons. Steam is not a saint system most want to see it as. The truth is it has gotten complacent and lazy throwing it weight around instead of actually fixing problems and any one who studies history knows things only go down hill from here. Could you explain how this applies because I just read through the entire thing and I feel like it has nothing to do with what we are talking about. No one in that thread is complaining about being locked out of their libraries. No one is talking about being banned from steam itself. From's aggressive anti cheat banned some innocent players from DS and no fault lies on steam. In fact it sheds a good light on steam because at least the players that only had a few hours on could get a refund where that would be normally next to impossible. It was steam's auto band system and they let From and Namco take the fall. Witch was revealed almost 4 weeks after and when the publishers finally told the players this they were forced into retracting their statement only a day and a half latter. On top of that steam never apologized. As for examples here http://www.geek.com/games/steam-proves-we-dont-own-the-games-we-buy-1464093/ and here http://www.gamespot.com/forums/pc-mac-linux-society-1000004/my-steam-account-was-banned-for-no-reason-26365424/ If you follow this guys case its insane https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/banned-from-steam.848695/ This guy had to get a lawyer to get unband https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/596869-bannedsuspended-basically-ban-for-22-years-from-the-steam-community/ There is many cases but most of them get covered up or the poor saps just role over. My main point is when you buy a game and the people you buy it from go out of their way to say you DON'T OWN it and on multiple cases prove they mean it, there is something diabolically wrong with them.
  11. HAHA! you have no clue This is just one example of steam actively screwing over it players. And I have heard of many cases of players loosing entire collections of games for extremely BS reasons. Steam is not a saint system most want to see it as. The truth is it has gotten complacent and lazy throwing it weight around instead of actually fixing problems and any one who studies history knows things only go down hill from here.
  12. You need to majorly buff thrusters or this small thing will be the easy death nail for your game. That or let players set engines in all directions witch is something space crafts are stating to have already. Or maybe the better option is combine thrusters and engines into one block allowing the player complete freedom over how his ship flys.
  13. I don't like steam much either the entire ideal that I can loos a mass collection of games because of an arbitrary ban or how they over and over say in the user agreement that you DON'T own the game your just buying the rights to play it and they have the right to take that away for any infraction. Frankly really rubs me the wrong way! And having suffered a ban on an online game without warning just for using SweetFX\ReShade I have become gun shy I buy all my games from GOG when I can. I have spoken to many others on the forums there that are the same as well and some WILL NOT buy from steam ever. It would be wise for this game to get on GOG and other outlets as soon as possible.
  14. <a href="https://ibb.co/dnWWka"><img src="https://image.ibb.co/nfwxQa/Screenshot3.jpg" alt="Screenshot3" border="0"></a><br /> <a href="https://ibb.co/ma745a"><img src="https://image.ibb.co/iPxhrF/Screenshot1.jpg" alt="Screenshot1" border="0"></a> Completely legit no mod cheats or any such thing.
  15. I want this list 1 = Scout 2 = Light Fighter 3 = Medium Fighter 4 = Heavy fighter 5 = Frigate 6 = Freighter (yes I have seen big big cargo haulers in game :) 7 = Destroyer 8 = Light Cruiser 9 = Heavy Cruiser 10 = Battlecruiser 11 = Battleship (first capital class) 12 = Dreadnought 13 = Super Dreadnought 14 = Star Destroyer 15 = Super Star Destroyer Id do it my self if I can figure out witch .lua file to edit :)
  16. O WOW THANK YOU!!!! Testing it now.
  17. The problem is that no matter how good the AI, the combat will always result in lame flying backwards and shooting at each other that's just what newtonian flight mechanics results in without extreme thrusters or drag generation of some form.
  18. I have done that my problem is that Npc do use newtonian flight physics and because of that they just float around like meat shields waiting to be shot :(
  19. ??? Inertia dampeners create drag not lessen or negate mass. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drag_(physics) Essentially it makes it so you can dog fight like they show in space movies.
  20. Right now fighters a more or less a tossup for usability but that's not what this post is about. It's about wanting to be able to make my own ships and carry them along with me and deploy them as fighters or miners! I think it be really awesome to have Hangers bays not consist of how many fighters one can carry but how much mass one can carry. This way smaller ships still Have a usability a higher tiers and would add a lot of strategy and fun to the game. What do you guys think?
  21. LOL No actually I like both however I do slightly like Star Wars a tad bit more. However I think both are very interesting takes on space. And as for the constellation names it just doesn't sound that awesome when you say I'm flying and nebula. But when you say I'm the captain of a battle cruiser or lookout Dreadnought at 3 o'clock. Or the freighter's docking with the station. It not only sounds better it also stirs something inside you, gives you a visual representation.
  22. A new Block type is coming to a galaxy near you. Introducing the Inertial dampeners. This block forge-able out of every resource type distorts gravity in such a way that it creates drag. Enabling its user to stop faster turn faster and maneuver at far greater speeds without the need for endless amounts of thrusters. No longer will your epic battles consist of being a meat shield or flying in circles while going backwards. No, those days are gone now you'll be able to engage in meaningful dogfights and design your ship in ways that utilize maneuverability over mass. Be warned however this new block type does not come free of charge no the energy required to create these gravitational distortions is significant and the use of them will significantly slow down your max ms and may require you to have heavier engines installed. With such drawbacks why would anyone use this new block you may ask. Well with newtonian maneuvering one's flight path becomes extremely predictable and any computer-assisted targeting system can hit you with 100% accuracy. The new Inertial dampener block also causes micro-gravitational jitters that are specifically designed to throw off computer assisted targeting systems this cobbled together with the new maneuverability this block enables its user to utilize, makes your ship very hard to hit and at the same time makes combat enjoyable.
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