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Posts posted by LordMaddog

  1. Ya  I am not a big fan of cuts most just cut large portions of gameplay and say what they did but 90% of the time it makes everything seem disjointed . That and the OCD in me feels like someone is taking their fingernails to a black bored .  lol


    Fast-forwarding keeps everything flowing and makes my OCD very happy.

  2. I have a suggestion ... a request really.


    I wonder if you could profile the various weapon types in one of your videos.  Maybe outline which one you feel is best, and why your choice fits your play style?

    I would really enjoy seeing that, and hearing another player's approach to killing enemies of the galaxy  ...


    Cheers :)


    I like that idea and,

    I wish I could but they have changed so much atm I am not sure how they work yet lol.

    I use to love rail guns but they have changed and I haven't had a chance to test them yet.

    Trying to see most of the new stuf for the first time during the series so I can react to it genuinely :)

  3. Hey dear, maybe you can ask someone from our community in discord to uploud it for you? We have a lot of great ship builders there, i am  sure someone would help you out :)


    I own the original account so I can easily upload it there it's just that  I really want it on my youtube account for continuity.

    Sadly it appears that is only going to happen if I buy the game again witch I don't exactly have the money to spare for lol.

  4. It has been almost a year and I still can't upload to the workshop because  I  use family share!


    I want to do a new youtube series on  Avorion because it's been released but it really sucks that I still can't upload my designs to my LordMaddog steam account.


    :( :'(

  5. There's a few issues.


    Much like action RPGs, the game throws a lot of loot at you, most of which becomes increasingly trash as your equipment improves.  In those action RPGs you pick and choose what loot you pick up and eventually you simply stop picking up loot that's undesirable.  This is not the case in Avorion; your inventory gets littered with trash as you kill & salvage.  The trash is not mechanically useless; You use it to make rolls at the research lab to get even more  loot, most of which is still likely to be trash. Unfortunately, this is an enormously attention and click-heavy process for uncertain results; lately i started dreading visiting the research station and now i have mostly stopped.  I have 3000 items and most of them are completely worthless - but there's no fast way to get rid of them, you don't have the option of not picking up them up, and they all have their own individual entry in the items list.    Fixing even one of those issues could make it bearable, but it would be best if the loot mechanics were rethought imo.  There's no need for RNG for most systems, especially the whites, greens, and blues; to the extent that RNG is helpful with them you can make it a different system, or as a loot item with a special verb implied to make it explicitly special.  Pettys should probably be deprecated.


    While what you said is true and it definitely would make the game better if it was possible to deal with these loots in a timely matter. It still wouldn't exactly solve the problem.

    I have heard many people express that they want to be able to make fleets with all the same stats and same equipment.

    This desire among others comes because this is a Building Game not a full on RPG.

    Almost 100% of all the other building games I have ever played allow you full control over your weaponry and other systems, this has become the staple of building style games.

    This game does not and it has become a stigma against it. And it will always be one until it is fixed.

    Now don't get me wrong I do love the RPG parts of this game in fact I would like to increase them because I love RPG's but because this is also a building game as well it has to cohere with building game rules.

    If it doesn't  the players will constantly call for it to do so as they have been for over a year on this form and on the steam forms.



    Although i do agree that there's a problem with this, i do not like your idea's, save for 2, wich is practically the complex mod. It would be nice if you could make new factorys on a station, perhaps this could follow the slot system: a station can have more weapons the bugger it gets, with additional factorys for every additional upgrade slot you get.


    Buying maps ruins the need for exploration and 1 i just dont like, so i only agree with 2 :/


    I understand you not liking my ideas I could try to defended them  but they are not ideal for me either truth be told I would like all weapons to use energy,  the slot systme removed and the cost of generators  increased by ten times (resource and credit cost).


    The complex mod, is to complicated IMO it would be so much simpler and easier  to just make one new block "The factory block"  you click on it a UI comes up and you select the factory/utility type then you place it.

    The cost and min size of block is determined by the type of factory/utility.

    you could even incorporate  how the assembly block works into it. IE: the material type and  block size  determines  the productivity of "The factory block"

  7. This game relies way too much on randomly generated loot and other stuff.

    Rusty's US server has been up for less than a week and already I have over 50 to 60 pages of worthless loot  99.999%  of it I cannot and will not ever use.

    I know some of you are going to say 'well that's just because it's on a modded server.' but I have the same problem on the official test server.


    As things currently are loot feels cheap and lame And the random generation of ship and stations in a sector also really sucks.


    Maybe though I am alone and how I feel about this. So here's a poll to see if I'm the only one that feels this way.



    Also I don't know exactly how to fix it but here's a few thoughts.


    1: guns and weapons should work just like placing a prefab design. You select your design then scale it and place it.

    The size and Resource it's made out of determines the Damage, how fast it turns and slot cost. 

    Then you would just loot turret systems that give various effects to your already functioning weapon.


    2: Stations and factories should have a more stylized placement that reflect the type of faction they are attached to IE: if there are church, It could be built around a giant monolithic structure or some such. An Imperial faction should have some type of militaristic  station With a couple of battle stations parked on either side of it.

    Also there should not just be one type of factory per our station, that just doesn't make any sense for an example a colony would definitely have a water factory some type of food factory likely a Gambling center and a few other oddities as well as a main export factory like steel.


    Also I should be able to buy maps of a faction from smugglers or from the faction themselves if my reputation is high enough.


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