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Enzo Matrix

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Posts posted by Enzo Matrix

  1. I have created extra spawns and I want to have unique names for the spawned ships.

    In alien attack lua, where it says title: name, this doesn't make the names what I want. I imagine there is another lua for name changing?

    Any help would be great!

  2. Wanted to just share my ship creation I'm super excited about. I finally learned how to make round edges and stop making my terrible block ships lol. This took me about 8+ hours to make. I know many others make unreal looking ships but I am happy I at least figured out roundness! lol


  3. Holy moly! Shame at the burst + overheat making it useless lol but still crazy dps output





    Another decent miner :)





    This is now my best chaingun yet! Can't believe it also has independent stat haha, love it!





    No idea what weapons this guy had, but my mouth dropped lol! Xsotan territory area. Sure wish I got one of his weapons!




  4. Oh wow.. Thats brutal! lmao I do feel bad though for you I would be like WHAT THE F... haha.


    There is a command you can do to give you the xsotan artifact.. well any artifact. I did this for the bugged science one.

    Then funny part all the time was wasted as I found a rift that went inside the wall. I then got avorion, made a small space jump out of it.. and now could cross over rifts lol.


    I still yet to actually do the xsotan artifact properly, some are fun like the bosses, but the mad science, beacon are terrible and no fun at all. The merchant is lame cause just takes 3m to get so kinda pointless.


    I really hope this whole xsotan artifact story gets looked at and made to be more interesting and fun. I especially hate the beacon, having to travel so much right into a corner where everything is weak and no point in fighting. I don't want to fly further away lol

  5. Well... each time you talk to a beacon if gives you the cords to the next one, this is after you find the X/Y cord one. And if you go on the map it will show a ! icon on the location of the next beacon. Or simply go into missions and it will say what the next location is. There should be no reason to be hunting random spots. It gives you the exact location to go and it will be a field of wreckage with the final beacon you talk to it and then the xsotan artifact will appear out of a random wreckage so you have to fly around and find it.

  6. Here are my crafted salvagers from my fixed (not broken dps) factory mod lol. Made 10 of these and totally amazing to salvage over mine!





    Some more epic finds


    Beast tesla! Sweet range with autofire





    Another heavy hitting chaingun





    My new best plasma at 3960 shield dps




  7. i have factory made naonite lasers (thanks for the range fix!) that are pretty good damage at just under 2k for about the energy const of a car battery.

    but those are paired with a set of 4 rng exotic titanium bolters that burst fire for huge alpha damage. i still havent found anything that has better alpha at their range, and im checking xanion level turret factories right now.

    i have no idea how i got 4 matched turrets without building them, i have a feeling they were either a set drop from swoks (i like hunting swoks) or i lucked out in a massive way. maybe there is a duplication bug when a turret gets shot off? i did collect these before i figured out that volume=hitpoints, so i had to pick up my own turrets often.


    The enemies can actually spawn having duplicates of the exact same weapon, I have got over 10 of a specific weapon with specific stats all from a group of pirates. I one time got 2x exotic from a pirate, same stats and they were very nice upgrades at the time.

  8. yeah showing off crafted stuff is good to :) .. it's to bad the craft system is pretty broken dps wise, I have it fixed on my game so its still possible to find better stuff.


    I have 10 crafted ogonite salvagers that are my favourite for gathering materials! I will get a pic of those.

  9. Well.. there goes another 1.5 hours fixing up my ship lol... went from 2.02 rad pitch (thanks to gyro directional now) to normal stats after getting to my core and fixing the gyros lol


    I also see dampers took a massive hit, went from 386 break to this. I will have to add some more get it to atleast 100, I admit I had a small avorion dampners and was way overpowered lol.












    Flies very nicely!





    Good thing I had tons of energy being produced! Got tons of room!

    Great job though dev! I like where its at now, ship building is good, possible to get great mobility with careful placements and building techniques!


    Long live the Alien Dominator!


    Edit: Now its fully done with the fixed brake power. Spiced it up a bit to :)





    Saving up for it now lol, costing me

    799,629 Trinium

    1,639,647 Avorion


    Going to be amazing though!


  10. oh man gyros becoming directional while great! hurt my latest design so much lol. It is not easy to get into the core of the ship where all my gyros are but I had over 2 Rad pitch and like 0.05 of the others lol. Almost got it back to normal stats!

  11. Since we don't have a show off your weapons thread figured I make one.

    This is for legit found weapons, posting broken turret factory stuff isn't exactly the point of this thread lol, however its still fine if you wish to show off any of your factory makes. Perhaps we can try to outdo them with found stuff.


    I will start with some of my truly epic finds :)


    Just got not long ago, truly the most epic miner I have ever seen! lol






    - That sell value lol







    - What kind of bullets is this thing using lol









    - My best plasmas at the moment.


  12. Will the ships still constantly damage while your trying to build it? It always happens once I begin using holograms / light blocks and bam ship begins to constantly need repair and can hardly build. I would really like this to not happen lol.


    Glad to hear your all moved in.. looking forward to updates!

  13. So due to my lack of comp power I have to play at reduced resolution which results in a smaller window mode game. I was hoping for 10.6 that we could have a scroll for the turret slots in your ship equip / stat spot where you select your turrets and place numbers on them to group them up.


    At 24 armed and 8 unarmed they fall off the screen and I can't move the box up enough to really get at the unarmed lol. Would be a huge QoL improvement to be able to scroll it instead in the next patch.

  14. Tech level seems to have a major impact on the weapons potential in the rngesus .. I am finding tech 55 in my modded 60 max tech game. Boy what potential these weapons have had over tech 45 stuff. It feels the higher the tech the even greater potential it becomes not in a linear fashion. Finding 3k dps plasmas at rare quality with no added bonuses lol. But also 1k dps plasma same tech levels and rarity. I quite like the size of the range and potential.


    Makes finding stuff so much more interesting :).. although enemies use these weapons against you also so it hurts a lot lol

  15. I use tiny pics best free one I've used :) .. I take steam pics and use URL and upload and then it gives u the tinypic link for that picture, copy it. Here I do


    link here [/ img] [/ spoiler] to avoid long post.

  16. My latest design is extremely nimble for its monsterous size in latest beta. I haven't seen anything else like it so far lol. Super expensive though at 1.4 million avorion / 800k trinium. The thrust and speed only like that because I have 0 engineers lol





    In 10.5 beta, this is actually insanely nimble with the new flight mechanic that 10.2 didn't have.


    I use to make 2rad ships also in 10.2 and thought how crippling it was to not even break 1rad in 10.5 until I tried it and realized wow 0.8rad is even better feeling than 2rad in 10.2 was.


    Don't get use to the 0.05thin thrusters lol. It's abolished since 10.3 :)


    This ship will drop down to 0.2rad or less after update like mine did lol


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