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Enzo Matrix

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Everything posted by Enzo Matrix

  1. So I thought it would be more interesting to have the turret upgrades have a randomized amount rather than a set number. I have only partially managed this but it comes out to large decimal numbers lol. The current code is this. function getNumTurrets(seed, rarity) return math.max(1, rarity.value + 1) end I tried this function getNumTurrets(seed, rarity) return math.random() * (rarity.value + 1) * 1.5 While I had a randomized upgrade it is giving like +3.123433, +3.6346444 .. etc lol I know I am incorrectly just slapping this code on and asking for help from the experienced ones to aid me into getting whole numbers and a range based on rarity. Something like, exotic turret can have 4-7, legendary can have 5-9, and if possible make it rarer to get the higher upgrade numbers Would be neat to make turret upgrades have a variable to them.
  2. Also.. are you playing 10.2? in 10.5 its interval update 60 is now the base number, not 15. No wonder so much happening lol
  3. my Event timer is currently this local events = { {schedule = random():getInt(45, 60) * 60, script = "convoidistresssignal", arguments = {true}, to = 560}, {schedule = random():getInt(60, 80) * 60, script = "fakedistresssignal", arguments = {true}, to = 560}, {schedule = random():getInt(60, 80) * 60, script = "piratehunter", to = 560}, {schedule = random():getInt(25, 50) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {0}, minimum = 5 * 60, from = 0, to = 500}, {schedule = random():getInt(35, 70) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {1}, minimum = 25 * 60, to = 500}, {schedule = random():getInt(60, 80) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {2}, minimum = 60 * 60, to = 350}, {schedule = random():getInt(80, 120) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {3}, minimum = 120 * 60, to = 300}, {schedule = random():getInt(90, 140) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {4}, minimum = 140 * 60, to = 250}, {schedule = random():getInt(120, 160) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {5}, minimum = 160 * 60, to = 200}, {schedule = random():getInt(150, 190) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {6}, minimum = 200 * 60, to = 150}, {schedule = random():getInt(50, 70) * 60, script = "spawntravellingmerchant", to = 520}, } local pause = 15 * 60 local pauseTime = pause function initialize() for _, event in pairs(events) do event.time = (event.minimum or 15 * 60) + math.random() * event.schedule end my alien update interval is this function getUpdateInterval() return 65 And function update(timeStep) minute = minute + 1 if attackType == 0 then if minute == 1 then Player():sendChatMessage("Server"%_t, 3, "Your sensors picked up a short burst of subspace signals."%_t) elseif minute == 3 then Player():sendChatMessage("Server"%_t, 3, "More strange subspace signals, they're getting stronger."%_t) elseif minute == 6 then Etc. lol Play around with it until your happy with the off time and active time. Also if I am not alone my events are speed up 25% now instead of 50% -- but, if we're not alone, we speed up events by 25% if #players > 1 then timeStep = timeStep * 1.25 end change this to just 1 if you want no increase in event timer with multiplayer. Although no idea if you must be host for this effect? lol
  4. I had to modify this stuff for my ultimate difficulty mod due to the amount of time it could take on the much bigger spawns. Before I had like 5 events pop up but now events are pretty rare and when they happen you feel ready to tackle it and not burnt out. Lots of time I get to mine and explore but I also can have a large xsotan event that will take me an hour to deal with if I get the extreme spawns lol. Sometimes it's overwhelming but then it can go silent for awhile and I am out looking for a battle. Tough to balance but I am happy where it's at. That event schedule plays around with the likely hood of which events happen more frequently than others and at what distances before they even begin to happen. I'll post my setup in the morning :)
  5. I'm at 1.5 size turrets and they are decently big. And then.. a turret factory making a size 2.7! Required 15 engineers force turret gun I think it was. But 2.7! That would be massive! Lol. The weapons get bigger the further and higher the tech.
  6. I have all -30% or more and I have 0 second cooldown. I don't understand what the +100% is. I assume it is suppose to double your cooldown timer but it doesn't do anything to it lol
  7. Yeah posting like 12 pics wouldn't be exactly forum friendly when it makes people have to scroll for 5 min lol
  8. Here is a preview of some turret stuff to my found stuff, There is another turret that makes very good plasmas for a cost of over 4 million and 2.4k dps. While they are awesome I "could" find better on my own still. That is what I was going for, to allow crafting a viable option but not the ultimate option, its to still hunt for the ultimate stuff :) These looks very good! Yet I managed to find a 5.5k firepower uncommon very randomly from a xsotan, only one of its kind so far lol I am trying to make these now, pretty costly but amazing, miners and salvagers are still best gotten from factory as its really hard to mass good ones from battles, however you can still get better from finds lol Crazy high stats for a crazy high price lol, I don't use these so I haven't balanced it to much but I have found some very good ones still Now compare them to some of my very good finds :) The best chaingun I have ever seen, no factory has been this good lol Hope that gives an insight, hunting for the ultimate weapons is still king, but crafting is also amazing. They are both great options now and not factory to win anymore lol
  9. To this :) function getBaseIngredients(weaponType) if weaponType == WeaponType.ChainGun then return { {name = "Servo", amount = 15, investable = 10, minimum = 3, rarityFactor = 0.55, weaponStat = "fireRate", investFactor = 0.25, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Steel Tube", amount = 6, investable = 7, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.15, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Ammunition S", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.35, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Steel", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3}, {name = "Aluminium", amount = 7, investable = 5, minimum = 3}, {name = "Lead", amount = 10, investable = 10, minimum = 1}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.Bolter then return { {name = "Servo", amount = 15, investable = 8, minimum = 5, rarityFactor = 0.55, weaponStat = "fireRate", investFactor = 0.2, }, {name = "High Pressure Tube", amount = 1, investable = 3, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 1.25, }, {name = "Ammunition M", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.25, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Explosive Charge", amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.75, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Steel", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Aluminium", amount = 7, investable = 5, minimum = 3,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.Laser then return { {name = "Laser Head", amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.20, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Laser Compressor", amount = 2, investable = 3, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.20, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "High Capacity Lens", amount = 2, investable = 4, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.40, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Laser Modulator", amount = 2, investable = 4, turretStat = "energyIncreasePerSecond", investFactor = -0.2, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Steel", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Crystal", amount = 2, investable = 10, minimum = 1,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.PlasmaGun then return { {name = "Plasma Cell", amount = 14, investable = 4, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.55, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Energy Tube", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.35, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Conductor", amount = 10, investable = 6, minimum = 1, turretStat = "energyIncreasePerSecond", investFactor = -0.3, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Energy Container", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, turretStat = "baseEnergyPerSecond", investFactor = -0.3, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Steel", amount = 15, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Crystal", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 1,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.Cannon then return { {name = "Servo", amount = 15, investable = 10, minimum = 5, weaponStat = "fireRate", investFactor = 1, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Warhead", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.45, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage, }, {name = "High Pressure Tube", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.5, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Explosive Charge", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.3, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Steel", amount = 8, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Wire", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.RocketLauncher then return { {name = "Servo", amount = 15, investable = 10, minimum = 5, weaponStat = "fireRate", investFactor = 0.5, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Rocket", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.35, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "High Pressure Tube", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.15, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Fuel", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.2, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Targeting Card", amount = 5, investable = 5, minimum = 0, weaponStat = "seeker", investFactor = 1, changeType = StatChanges.Flat}, {name = "Steel", amount = 8, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Wire", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.RailGun then return { {name = "Servo", amount = 15, investable = 10, minimum = 5, weaponStat = "fireRate", investFactor = 0.75, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Electromagnetic Charge",amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.55,}, {name = "Electro Magnet", amount = 8, investable = 10, minimum = 3, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.55, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Gauss Rail", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.35,}, {name = "High Pressure Tube", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.35, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Steel", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Copper", amount = 2, investable = 10, minimum = 1,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.RepairBeam then return { {name = "Nanobot", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "hullRepair", }, {name = "Transformator", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "shieldRepair", investFactor = 0.75,}, {name = "Laser Modulator", amount = 2, investable = 5, minimum = 0, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.75, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Conductor", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 0, turretStat = "energyIncreasePerSecond", investFactor = -0.5, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Gold", amount = 3, investable = 10, minimum = 1,}, {name = "Steel", amount = 8, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.MiningLaser then return { {name = "Laser Compressor", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.5, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Laser Modulator", amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 0, weaponStat = "stoneEfficiency", investFactor = 0.075, changeType = StatChanges.Flat }, {name = "High Capacity Lens", amount = 4, investable = 6, minimum = 0, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.75, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Conductor", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 2,}, {name = "Steel", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.SalvagingLaser then return { {name = "Laser Compressor", amount = 8, investable = 10, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.85, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Laser Modulator", amount = 4, investable = 5, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "metalEfficiency", investFactor = 0.075, changeType = StatChanges.Flat }, {name = "High Capacity Lens", amount = 4, investable = 6, minimum = 0, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.75, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Conductor", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 2,}, {name = "Steel", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.ForceGun then return { {name = "Force Generator", amount = 5, investable = 3, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "otherForce", investFactor = 0.75, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Energy Inverter", amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "selfForce", investFactor = 0.75, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Energy Tube", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 2.0,}, {name = "Conductor", amount = 10, investable = 6, minimum = 2,}, {name = "Steel", amount = 7, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Cink", amount = 3, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.TeslaGun then return { {name = "Industrial Tesla Coil",amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 1.25, }, {name = "Electromagnetic Charge",amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.2, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Energy Inverter", amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 1, turretStat = "baseEnergyPerSecond", investFactor = -0.5, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Conductor", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 2, turretStat = "energyIncreasePerSecond", investFactor = -0.5, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Copper", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Energy Cell", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.LightningGun then return { {name = "Military Tesla Coil", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 1.25, }, {name = "High Capacity Lens", amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.2, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Electromagnetic Charge",amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 1, turretStat = "baseEnergyPerSecond", investFactor = -0.5, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Conductor", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 2, turretStat = "energyIncreasePerSecond", investFactor = -0.5, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Copper", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Energy Cell", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, } else return { {name = "Servo", amount = 20, investable = 10, minimum = 3, rarityFactor = 0.55, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.10, }, } end end And scroll down and change this to this value local item = SellableInventoryItem(turret) item.price = item.price * 1.35 You will still get very awesome turrets show up that are for sure great to use but then they come at a much higher cost so you can't so easily mass up these weapons. However, you can still find better in exotic / legendary but it takes luck, it isn't easy to overpower very good turret factory stuff but it is possible. So far it has been really balanced for me. Give it a shot, I also fixed I believe all the ones that went negative stats when you increased the material count.
  10. Go into your Avorion > Data > Scripts > entity > merchants > turretfactory.lua and Change this function getBaseIngredients(weaponType) if weaponType == WeaponType.ChainGun then return { {name = "Servo", amount = 15, investable = 10, minimum = 3, rarityFactor = 0.75, weaponStat = "fireRate", investFactor = 0.3, }, {name = "Steel Tube", amount = 6, investable = 7, weaponStat = "reach"}, {name = "Ammunition S", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage"}, {name = "Steel", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3}, {name = "Aluminium", amount = 7, investable = 5, minimum = 3}, {name = "Lead", amount = 10, investable = 10, minimum = 1}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.Bolter then return { {name = "Servo", amount = 15, investable = 8, minimum = 5, rarityFactor = 0.75, weaponStat = "fireRate", investFactor = 0.3, }, {name = "High Pressure Tube", amount = 1, investable = 3, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 1.5}, {name = "Ammunition M", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.25}, {name = "Explosive Charge", amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 1.5}, {name = "Steel", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Aluminium", amount = 7, investable = 5, minimum = 3,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.Laser then return { {name = "Laser Head", amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 2.0, }, {name = "Laser Compressor", amount = 2, investable = 3, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 2.0, }, {name = "High Capacity Lens", amount = 2, investable = 4, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 2.0, }, {name = "Laser Modulator", amount = 2, investable = 4, turretStat = "energyIncreasePerSecond", investFactor = -0.2, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Steel", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Crystal", amount = 2, investable = 10, minimum = 1,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.PlasmaGun then return { {name = "Plasma Cell", amount = 8, investable = 4, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", }, {name = "Energy Tube", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", }, {name = "Conductor", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, turretStat = "energyIncreasePerSecond", investFactor = -0.3, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Energy Container", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, turretStat = "baseEnergyPerSecond", investFactor = -0.3, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Steel", amount = 4, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Crystal", amount = 2, investable = 10, minimum = 1,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.Cannon then return { {name = "Servo", amount = 15, investable = 10, minimum = 5, weaponStat = "fireRate", investFactor = 1.0, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Warhead", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", }, {name = "High Pressure Tube", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", }, {name = "Explosive Charge", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.5,}, {name = "Steel", amount = 8, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Wire", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.RocketLauncher then return { {name = "Servo", amount = 15, investable = 10, minimum = 5, weaponStat = "fireRate", investFactor = 1.0, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Rocket", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", }, {name = "High Pressure Tube", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", }, {name = "Fuel", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.5,}, {name = "Targeting Card", amount = 5, investable = 5, minimum = 0, weaponStat = "seeker", investFactor = 1, changeType = StatChanges.Flat}, {name = "Steel", amount = 8, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Wire", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.RailGun then return { {name = "Servo", amount = 15, investable = 10, minimum = 5, weaponStat = "fireRate", investFactor = 1.0, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Electromagnetic Charge",amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.75,}, {name = "Electro Magnet", amount = 8, investable = 10, minimum = 3, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.75,}, {name = "Gauss Rail", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.75,}, {name = "High Pressure Tube", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.75,}, {name = "Steel", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Copper", amount = 2, investable = 10, minimum = 1,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.RepairBeam then return { {name = "Nanobot", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "hullRepair", }, {name = "Transformator", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "shieldRepair", investFactor = 0.75,}, {name = "Laser Modulator", amount = 2, investable = 5, minimum = 0, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.75, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Conductor", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 0, turretStat = "energyIncreasePerSecond", investFactor = -0.5, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Gold", amount = 3, investable = 10, minimum = 1,}, {name = "Steel", amount = 8, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.MiningLaser then return { {name = "Laser Compressor", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", }, {name = "Laser Modulator", amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 0, weaponStat = "stoneEfficiency", investFactor = 0.075, changeType = StatChanges.Flat }, {name = "High Capacity Lens", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 0, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 2.0,}, {name = "Conductor", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 2,}, {name = "Steel", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.SalvagingLaser then return { {name = "Laser Compressor", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", }, {name = "Laser Modulator", amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 0, weaponStat = "metalEfficiency", investFactor = 0.075, changeType = StatChanges.Flat }, {name = "High Capacity Lens", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 0, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 2.0,}, {name = "Conductor", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 2,}, {name = "Steel", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.ForceGun then return { {name = "Force Generator", amount = 5, investable = 3, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "otherForce", investFactor = 1.0, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Energy Inverter", amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "selfForce", investFactor = 1.0, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Energy Tube", amount = 2, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 2.0,}, {name = "Conductor", amount = 10, investable = 6, minimum = 2,}, {name = "Steel", amount = 7, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Cink", amount = 3, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.TeslaGun then return { {name = "Industrial Tesla Coil",amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 3.0}, {name = "Electromagnetic Charge",amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.2, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Energy Inverter", amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 1, turretStat = "baseEnergyPerSecond", investFactor = -0.5, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Conductor", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 2, turretStat = "energyIncreasePerSecond", investFactor = -0.5, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Copper", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Energy Cell", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, } elseif weaponType == WeaponType.LightningGun then return { {name = "Military Tesla Coil", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 3.0}, {name = "High Capacity Lens", amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 1, weaponStat = "reach", investFactor = 0.2, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage }, {name = "Electromagnetic Charge",amount = 2, investable = 4, minimum = 1, turretStat = "baseEnergyPerSecond", investFactor = -0.5, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Conductor", amount = 5, investable = 6, minimum = 2, turretStat = "energyIncreasePerSecond", investFactor = -0.5, changeType = StatChanges.Percentage}, {name = "Copper", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, {name = "Energy Cell", amount = 5, investable = 10, minimum = 3,}, } else return { {name = "Servo", amount = 20, investable = 10, minimum = 3, rarityFactor = 0.75, weaponStat = "damage", investFactor = 0.15, }, } end end
  11. Yeah I found insane mode the same where the start was a great challenge and game got much easier as it went on. I fixed that by modding it and now its gotta be 5x more difficult than vanilla insane mode. It gets much tougher the closer you get. 2 million shields gone in under a minute if I played my old way lol. I modded turret factories also so they no longer make redonk powerful weapons. They are in fact broken and it was obvious when I looked at the code. Regarding resources I totally agree about this! I am able to buy up to ogonite so easily getting over a million of each with no effort thanks to stations. Avorion however I am forced to go and mine and honestly I felt so much relief knowing I had to actually work for the material. I think it should be like this for naonite and beyond! Always good to input feedback :) .. I think I will post my settings for others to try out for a much harder game.
  12. use a radar upgrade that has the "shows yellow blips" These are the hidden mass, you actually get one for free from the first jump you make and talk to the explorer guy, be nice to him and he says you know what.. have this. While in hidden mass areas use the object detector upgrade and they will find any claimable asteroid / ships instantly. Also if you go and repair a ship.. dismantle it with safemode off for 100% credit and material reward lol Also.. your ship can already jump 2 sectors(or is it 3?) on its own. so you can go to these hidden masses straight from the start :)
  13. Well... I think I may have disproven this.. I like your current setting though for 10.5! It took serious effort but you still can make a massive ship move very nicely. I have to say "never" should be "possible" when you use alien engineers to make your ship ^_^ lol
  14. Wrong lol.. all gyro's my friend. But I love this "you can't just slap some volume of gyros and be okay" It is like you tested 100% of this game lol So yes.. you can use volume of gyro.. and be okay. Hope this helps Ryugi. Takes practice but it sure can be done :) Currently working on affording it in my main game. Shes a beaut, but expensive lol
  15. lmao I know right! I see so many people making such limiting suggestions. I quite like the current beta build. Avorion Gyro's are actually amazing and so many people said they were totally useless. Yet I got a 1.6MT ship, 12 slots with nearly 1.00 roll / updown rad and 0.4 left right rad all thanks to gyro's and no thrusters! Then again, I don't even know if most of these suggestions are from build 10.5 because its apples and oranges from 10.2 (current non beta).
  16. Well... for the first time guys.. I had real defeat feeling lol. Just after I finished with an xsotan spawn and shooting wreckages. The worst of the worst decided to finally pop up for the very first time! I panicked, went to military faction with all the good stations hoping for lots of help. What happen was truly horrifying and left the sector in ruin, I was barely any help.. 2 million shield was gone in under 60 seconds, I tried to take on one at a time but it got even worse.. they were everywhere. I had no control over this situation! Take a look at this unreal event lol I also have graphics at lowest settings possible due to poor pc specs My ship has 2m shield, 200k hull lol, 9 upgrade slot size. Was no match for this. -Class 6 spawn! - There is 20 of them. All extreme hard - yes nearly 2m hp - opened fire and I got instantly overwhelmed! - Stronger firepower - I actually just about died here! - Heavily damaged, barely dented them. - Serious firepower xsotan You thought it would be over? No.. now I really felt defeated! - Class 3 spawn, also hardest spawn level in vanilla the to strong for your scanner type but modified here to my specs - I lost count lol - Add in another 5 ships! - Fighter loaded to the teeth! The part I felt real defeat.. they won, even after killing them all after what felt like 2 hours.. the sector was in ruin 20 million hp stations, gone! So there you have my difficulty.. I take it to the extreme insane mode lol
  17. It took me a loong time to figure out how to really hide everything. Basically I had to make an outer shell the main body.. and have everything inside the ship.. tons of effort but I pulled it off very nicely lol.. I also cover the thruster holes with 0.05 trinium hull, lightest possible lol
  18. Nice ships! Also creative mode isn't cheating, that's where you wanna go to build really well designed ships to exact specs you want, save it and then play your actual game and buy it by either build a new core block from shipyard, go into that new block hit build and go into saved and apply plan of your ship you built. This way you can make it have a new name. Or, if you already like your ship name don't bother with a new block, just go into build and apply plan. This is what I do. My newest ship is 1.350 million avorion, 800k trinium. It's beast!
  19. After seeing so much people making amazing ships I felt mine were terrible lol... I spent 2 days learning how to really make shapes, how to hide everything, how to make something seriously awesome and yet have awesome stats! I wanted a mega ship that was so alien and kick butt. I finally did it.. My most amazing creation of all time... I am taking a break after this design because it took so much effort! Please let me know what you think! It's so shiny and sleek! I love it! With a spike back end so badass lol to give it oomph! lol These I took before my last modification on the back spike part
  20. Also he's moving into his new office, so hopefully that goes smoothly (power, network access, furniture, bars, locating restrooms, bed) *Fixed* Lol
  21. Thanks to the mod section my new tough spawns now activate. class 4 out of 6 will now spawn, This is a class 4 and 2 million shields got melted I had to back off. Was very intense lol Oh.. looks like I need to fix up that message haha
  22. Thanks Laserzwei! It Worked! Level 4 spawned and man it was crazy intense. Serious space battles lol My 2 million shield got melted I had to back off lol - Oops need to fix that double fleet part lol
  23. Ok I did this, { {schedule = random():getInt(45, 60) * 60, script = "convoidistresssignal", arguments = {true}, to = 560}, {schedule = random():getInt(60, 80) * 60, script = "fakedistresssignal", arguments = {true}, to = 560}, {schedule = random():getInt(60, 80) * 60, script = "piratehunter", to = 560}, {schedule = random():getInt(25, 50) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {0}, minimum = 5 * 60, from = 0, to = 500}, {schedule = random():getInt(35, 70) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {1}, minimum = 25 * 60, to = 500}, {schedule = random():getInt(60, 80) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {2}, minimum = 60 * 60, to = 350}, {schedule = random():getInt(80, 120) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {3}, minimum = 120 * 60, to = 300}, {schedule = random():getInt(90, 130) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {4}, minimum = 130 * 60, to = 250}, {schedule = random():getInt(100, 140) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {5}, minimum = 140 * 60, to = 225}, {schedule = random():getInt(120, 160) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {6}, minimum = 150 * 60, to = 175}, {schedule = random():getInt(50, 70) * 60, script = "spawntravellingmerchant", to = 520}, } Gonna give that a try.
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