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Posts posted by AvorionCraft

  1. My client was still playin catchup ten minutes after the server had been shut down by the admin. I was dealing with 180,000 ping.
    This is atrocious.

    Why does my client have to run through every packet recieved? Why is it not simply talking to the server and saying "hey, whats your time stamp?" and the server saying "Eyyyyy, here's my time stamp" and then my client saying "eyyyyy that's like 8 minutes ahead of me, maybe I'll just dump 8 minutes worth of packets and get with the program. Eyyyyyy."

    Add more Pacino.

  2. I am hoping that with Avorion 2 they take a different tack to this. Where Avorion itself is harvestable in regions around the rips in space, ogo beyond that, and so forth, instead of it being solely around the center of the galaxy and going from there.

    It would make for a completely different galaxy for sure. You could still make it to the galactic core while never actaually harvest avorion if you were so inclined, for example. Suggesting that avorion spawns around rifts, not just simply in the core of the galaxy.

    I think it would make more sense.


  3. My carpal tunnel would appreciate it.



    PS: while you're at it, please put in something for torpedo purchases like an input so if there's 45 torps, I can hit two keys, a four, and a five, and then click the buy button, rather than having to click 45 times.

  4. Turrets cost a great deal to produce.

    Logistically, the player has to collect the parts, to which there are numerous, numerous parts.

    Steel tubes
    Ammo S,M,L
    Energy Cells
    High Pressure Tubes
    Targeting Cards
    Laser Compressors
    Laser Modulators
    Laser Heads
    High Capacity Lenses
    Explosive Charges
    Force Generators
    Industrial Tesla Coils
    Military Tesla Coils
    Power Units
    Energy Tubes
    Energy Containers
    Plasma Cells
    Gauss Rail
    Electromagnetic Charges
    Probably missed  few

    The investment required to produce turrets to start with is immense.
    But then the player gets to deal with Jesus. RN Jesus.

    What about another tac'd on option for turret factories?

    One that is more expensive, more part intensive (more expensive still), but allows for purely player created turrets?
    Build in size requirements that tie into what mods, number of mods, etc that the weapon has, and weight each mod differently related to size. All mods are based off of base size, not post mod size. All increments are base shown, but would be adjustable in 1,5,10,25 (etc)% chunks (with either an option or hotkey like single click 1, ctrlclick 5, ctrl shift click 10, right click 25, ctrl right click 50, ctrl shift right click 100)
    For instance, range.
    Range +25%, size +15%
    Range +50%, size +50%
    Range +100%, size +75%
    Range +150%, size +100%

    If your base turret is slot size 1, and its a chaingun with base range of 4 km, with range +150%, it is defaulted to slot size 2 with a range of 10km.

    Take the same gun

    Damage +25%, size +25%
    Damage +50%, size +50%
    Damage +100%, size +100%
    Damage +150%, size +200%

    If the base turret is size 1 (same chaingun) but you elected to go for a +150% damage, that means your default size is 3, which means it won't work....because chainguns are capped at slot 3 size. So you have a hard limit. Drop the damage down to 100%-size 100%, so you have now a slot 3 chaingun with 150% range and 100% damage. I'm guessing that there's already some of this built into the game, but its all RNG. The best ranged chaingun I recall having was 9.7km with stupid 5800 dps on 3 slots. 

    But wait! there's more!

    What if you want plasma, antimatter, electric, ionized, etc as options? Those could be based off of either cost, or % of slot size, bearing in mind that the hard caps are the limit of the gun slot size itself. 
    If they're on cost, double the cost of the turret.
    If they have a set % of slot space tied to them, then its a simple trade off. Cut 25% range and 25% damage, add 95% ionized. Booya!

    Naturally, there would be those that would find that sweet spot, or some that would absolute cheese it, but lets be honest---people do already. But that's their "reward" for RNG'ing across so many sectors with their turret factories and just getting lucky.

    If I could figure out a way to get a Mortar to
    a) fire 2-4 rounds/sec
    b) not overheat 
    c) 15km range (shrunk down from the 30-50 that is possible)
    d) seeking warhead
    e) lower damage as a tradeoff

    I'd do it. Basically turns a mortar into an oversized slower firing chaingun. ThumpThumpThumpThump/sec For some, highest damage isn't the all encompassing endgame. Its effectiveness and coverage. 

    There are modders that are out there doing something similar, but there's no true tie-in with the economy. Its insta-create-a-gun mode.

    The most expensive turret I have built was 530million/each for a low rate high damage 72km range seeker T52 6Slot. I saw that once, pre-turret balance, but wow+ it was nuts. 97kdps on one turret.

    Ability for the game to play to people's preferences would increase playability and decrease turret frustration too.

    I'm more partial to bolters. Some are more partial to seekers. Others to mortars. But the ability build a low-range faster firing mortar, or a high range, slower firing chaingun, or a 5km range stupid-rapid-fire bolter, or a more intense laser, or even converting a gun you have the blueprint for from regular to a coaxial, or coaxial to regular, all would be truly awesome to have as options.


  5. Anyone who runs on a server knows that when someone decides to take a ship or five with 50 armed slots and fill them with low overheat high fire rate long range seeker missiles, the sector and the server make like a [insert proper metaphor to your taste] and choke. 

    I suggest a major rework to seekers in general.

    • Cannot overheat
    • Very low firing rate by comparison, capped at .25/sec
    • Very high damage rate, minimum x4 current stats
    • Fast projectiles (50% velocity of cannon/mortar)
    • Always seeking, never not
      • Lower chance to hit (capped at 85%)---always a chance to miss
    • High range = lower yield warhead
      • Makes for a good standoff weapon, bad for tactical kill-guarantee
    • Lower range = higher yield warhead
      • Dangerous as hell, particularly in the hands of pirates, xsotan, hostile factions
    • Can be shot down by point defense (flak) by random chance, but not by PD Cannons or lasers

    Seeker shot has a benefit--they never miss. But they never miss by firing dozens or hundreds of "ship" entities across the map. Reduce the number of entities, make it possible to set up a flak shield to possibly defeat them when AI get them, make getting hit by them dangerous, but lower their maneuverability to allow players to dodge.

  6. Found that if I add pre-built modular pieces in chunks out of say, titanium (edge armor), when I do a grab all/replace with trinium edge armor, they don't replace with original alignment of the original block. They replace in another direction. Have to manually replace each block one by one with alt.

  7. Feel like this is one of the coolest lore aspects of Avorion. There's an ancients gate network that spreads across the entirety of the galaxy. But you are required to have it on every single ship in order to use it properly, or manually fiddle with fleets so that the one ship with the XSTN-I module is the last to jump to the next gate.

    It would be fantastic that once you have XSTN-I, you can go to a research facility and click it into a specialized research tab and use it to grant your fleet gate codes so that all of your ships can just use them. This would dramatically alter how people play the game regarding the gates. Gates would become a major thoroughfare in regular and in pvp servers simply due to the ease of transit. At this point they're an "oh, that's neat I guess."

    Additionally, that second tab could be utilized to reverse engineer all of the xsotan bonuses to some degree to offer simple but measurable bonuses to all of your ships. Not huge, but enough to make them worth actually putting effort into getting beyond the baseline requirement of using them to activate the barrier gate.

    Xsotan Research: None stack---all can only be researched once.

    XSTN-I: Unlock supergate travel

    XSTN-II: All ships gain +2 arbitrary/+2 auto slots

    XSTN-III: All ships gain +2 armed/+2 auto slots

    XSTN-IV: All ships gain +2 unarmed/+2 auto slots

    XSTN-V: All ships gain +10% generated energy, 10% battery recharge, +2 arbitrary/+2 auto slots, +10% shield durability, -10% recharge energy, +10% cargo hold, +10% velocity, +1 deep scan, +2 radar range.

    XSTN-VI: All ships gain +1 squadron storage base (base now 2, which helps because the best fighter modules are +4, so you'd only need 2... at this point you need 3 for a full loadout regardless of rarity). Pilots still required.

    XSTN-VII: +All ships gain 50% energy production, battery recharge +25%

    XSTN-VIII: All ships gain +2 jump range, -15% hyperspace cooldown, -20% recharge energy


    But the biggest thing is....make the gate network mean something, make it easier/simpler for players to utilize it.

    Obviously you'd still need the modules to activate the barrier gates, but maybe---maybe not? *pondering*
    In that regard, I'd suggest that researching would not destroy the xstn modules, only "partially reverse engineer" to gain fleetwide benefits.

  8. I figure the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Granted, I'm probably one of the few psychotic enough to endure the current state of docking to build super structures.

    Docking problems: 

    1) The game hates collisions and docking.

    2) The game has a hard time understanding docking.


    Docking suggestions:

    1. Make docking blocks color coded.
      1. Red docking blocks on structure 1 tractors Red docking blocks on structure 2.
    2. Make different docking block types.
      1. Station to station - Particularly useful when building large structures or large manufacturing facilities. Red to Red Blue to Blue. No more tractor to center of mass
      2. Ship-A - Not color coded or anything-simply exactly the docks we already have
      3. Ship-B - Color coded for multiple objects docked - work exactly like the station docks. Would allow a mothership to have multiple ships dock to specific points, and as an add-on, shipB docks show up as items on the fighter string on the left side of the gui, so the ship when told to dock, will dock to shipB dock of its color.
      4. Commerce - Docks specifically intended for commerce, works exactly as the current docks work on stations.
    3. Station Docking Thrusters
      1. Give thrusters to station to improve docking - works when the station is being told to dock to another station or a ship
      2. Station Keeping Thrusters - Allow a central structure thrusters that allow re-alignment at 1 to 5 degree/sec
    4. Stop the light speed anti-dock bug. Please. A structure moving at <1m/s should not be able to spontaneously launch itself to .5cee.


    • Like 1
  9. I'll grant, the superstructure that I have built on TreeCafe1 is probably well outside of the scope that Boxelware had in mind, but it certainly does a fantastic job in outlining an issue with docking that everyone has had.

    This is hopefully something Boxel has seen by this point, but this is 27 individual structures tied together almost meticulously. 

    When something is docked---it needs to not have the capability of "accidental fraction of light speed"

    The [edit] third [/edit] screen shot shows an allied shipyard docked to the primary station. It is constantly jumping between 0 and upwards of 120,000m/s to try and do who knows what. 

    Please do something about this in an upcoming patch. 

    Docking gave us a great deal of possibilities and options in the game as well as ways for (as pictures show) to be creative which is some folks entire reason for playing. Creativity.

    In this case, that station is something like 80 hours of gametime and it is constantly riddled with issues to the point where I'm half way tempted to hit "undock all" and retitle the sector "GMF Ruins" x_x

    I should not have my alliance's sector popping up with "missed ticks" or whatever to the admin while nobody is in the sector. And that happens. A lot.













  10. https://imgur.com/a/a28w5qN

    This is a sequential "recovery" from the issue.

    I had seen ping as high as 820,000.

    Logging in today it started at 82,000, then these messages blasted me.

    Ping returned to normal after this.

    Bug report submitted, this post is linked in that bug report (Submitted 1615 08142022 CST)


    Also please review general report on the DLC:


    • Increase HP for ancient shield
    • Increase default size of teleporter
      • Barely fits larger vessels
    • Add Research Station tab to Rift Research Center (regular research, dual use)
    • Rift Research Center more mission availability
      • If I want to go into the rift at level 10 or 11, I want to go into the rift at level 10 or 11 instead of having to wait 20 minutes for the sector to reset the missions. 
        • Increase the number of missions available to cover all of them instead of random missions
          • Add a scrollbar
        • Don't force players to go do something they don't want, especially if they're prepared for a higher level and reward. Not everyone is geared for every mission. This is basically a "sorry, wait 20 minutes for something else random" debuff. This really doesn't help the player experience.
          • Tested for an hour. Mission I wanted did not come up in an hour. This is not a good experience.
        • Add a timer like other stations
    • Research: Research trash "Systems" and Research trash "Weapons"
      • Honestly---not sure why Boxel didnt just incorporate the auto-research mod and simply clean up the threads. This version of auto research is awful. You get nothing but junk out of it because you can't do anything with it except spray and pray.
      • Add a "research like items" first, so if there are 5 shield modules, it takes those shield modules and researches those into the next level instead of grabbing a shield module, a repair gun, a zerg, a shotgun, and boots.
      • I'm not sure if this was designed purposely to make the user "deliberately click what they want to specifically upgrade" or not, but if that was the direction, its a ridiculous notion. Avorion gives you an enormous amount of modules and guns. Being able to specify what items you can combine should be a key part of auto research.  The Auto-Research mod was clunky, but it worked in a common sense fashion. The current research does not work with common sense.
      • If you were to change the trashman mod - or "mark as trash" as two options - petty through legendary weapons and petty through legendary modules, that would also resolve the problem because then you could just research only your modules at least, or just trash all of your junk guns.
      • Research - glad you added auto. Not happy how you did it. Auto-Research mod is flat out better in every way outside of optimization. I went back just to verify that auto research was not being smart enough to say "oh, there are five energy to shield modules, combine those." no, it was "zerg, shotgun, boots, protoss, and bringin them home to you"
        • bow bow bow bow bow bowwwwww
    • Object Detectors - no comment, very cool. But please remove project exodus from the ping list unless you removed its constant blinky blinky.
    • Though I have not tested it, I've been told that avorion does not suffer consequence from rift fog. I think this is a design error. Sort of.
      • Avorion has no armor. 
        • Circumvent with "compressed avorion" that's smoother looking and higher hull count (1.5) that doesn't count as armor and costs thrice as much. (?)
      • Cool, more hull skins were added
    • Stability
      • I'm finding low stability within the rift and strategic screen. Moving about, refocusing has now caused me two client crashes. Running a 3060 and ryzen plenty of system resources.
      • Client crash when trying to exit rift
      • Client crash when in the rift no strategic screen
      • Really wish you guys released this to folks running servers for testing before release
    • Client Crash detection:
      • If client crashes/times out - pull the ship from the rift instead of destroying it. This stops players from losing fighters and cargo for something that is outside of their control.
        • If they die they die, but if its a timeout? Not cool.
    • Trade Deal Options with NPC Factions
      • Option to put down credits per hour to increase faction relations until alliance is possible
        • over time decreases jump gate costs
    • NPC Faction Auto-Assist
      • If player has high excellent relations / alliance with a faction and is hit by pirates and gets under 25% hull, local NPC faction will send ships
        • Replaces the "click to make it happen" with "NPC Assistance Beacon"
        • Is fully automatic
      • For non-rift scenarios
    • Rift items
      • Old Research ship. Uses an old script about being followed by xsotan--nothing new here. Boring.
        • research data ok
      • Items you can scan should have far more "wartime" type of logs. 
        • eg:
          • "First Office--Acting Captain's Log: Xsotan came out of nowhere at 0847. Fourteen stations were eradicated in minutes along with our entire system defense force. Reinforcements arrived too late, mere moments after the Xsotan left the system in a debris field. Our main power was knocked out and we were left for dead, and the Captain was killed in the first salvo. The Cormorant is sending a shuttle to evacuate--"
            *Klaxons blaring*
            "Captain to the bridge! They're attacking again!"
            "Heaven's hel---"
          • Scan ship
            • Loose ancient subsystem [attempt retrieval + research]
            • Retrieve bodies for burial [attempt retrieval + research]
              • These can be attempted one after the other instead of one or the other
              • Both grant research regardless of retrieval achieved
          • Ancient ship - Repairable
            • Should probably either remove this or add in something that preserves it.
              • Makes no sense that it can set there for thousands of years and the moment you board it it decides it can't handle the environment and explodes within 30 seconds
    • Missions:
      • General:
        • platform (protection and repair) dont have nearly enough hitpoints
        • The swarm attacks are far too aggressive. I can recognize that the intent here is "unrelenting assault" but by the same token, there are other problems that make it effectively impossible to get out if you're not horrifyingly overpowered.
        • Add another modifier to your modules: Mass detection reduction
          • Allows a higher mass by default, so for instance if your base ship is 383.99kt ( :) )and you have mass reduction of say 30% (from 10 legendary modules, 3%/each) then you can go in at lowest detection rating with a 500kt ship.
          • Further, lower mass should lower the intensity of the xsotan swarm attacks as they dont recognize it as a threat threat
        • Gate activators should be invincible. It is beyond the pale that they are so fragile for such a critical item. Trying to dock? Oh! Look! A swarm! It jumped right on top of you! Annnnnnd the gate activator has been destroyed. They should not be constructed of explodium. Really, nothing that is "ancient" should be constructed of explodium--we know via lore that it wasn't their tech that was awful---it was their numbers.
        • Buoys are absolutely useless. 
          • Why do the buoys not show on the entire map regardless of where you are? The whole point of a buoy is to navigate. It should have a strong IFF that is detectable by the player only, and specialized to not attract xsotan.
          • They should be invincible objects and/or undetectable by xsotan or treated as non-hostile.
        • Batteries. There needs to be at least 1.5x the number of batteries required on the map. Once detected the player should always know where they are--TAG em!
        • Using an ancient gate in lieu of a handily handed-to-you wormhole generator for a higher difficulty mission seems like a cheap difficulty creator. Why do we not just get a wormhole generator for every mission? I wouldn't suggest it if not for lack of batteries and explodium based gate activators.
      • Into the swarm
        • This one feels good. It is difficult as intended. The damage effects put the player into a precarious situation as intended until they can get enough effect resistance, which is cool.
      • Applied Xenology
        • Bug report submitted 08-11-22 0340 CST
        • Not enough batteries for what is present in the map
        • The map is massive, making 38 minutes for someone improperly equipped an impossibility
          • I was in this map for three hours, had to use admin commands to clear debris from 500+ dead xsotan
        • Update the notes for the mission to include "sector scanner highly suggested"
      • Rescue of lost expedition
        • Make any item that you have touched appear permanently regardless of range. If you have interacted with something, you should automatically know where it is via automation---not leaving it to the player to navigate 3d space. This might have been what the beacons were for? But wouldn't it be simpler to just tag an item?
        • Escape pods do not automatically show on your screen. These things should be LIT UP on your hud as they're mission critical. I'm not talking about the ones that aren't in use. I'm talking about the ones with people that you're rescuing on them. They should be very easy to locate once they've been boarded instead of the player having to squint real hard. That isn't fun---that's annoying and tedius.
      • Xsotan Core Extraction
        • This one is tough. It feels like this is what a hard mission should be. The enemies are difficult. The torpedoes are very angry. This mission feels like Cooperative play is practically a requirement. I would have been able to solo it without admin commands had it not been for buoys not showing up and the gate activator being made of explodium. Unfortunately, due to those two things, it amplified the difficulty 5x+ just because of navigation and explodium.
      • Rare Minerals
        • By this point I've figured out that pretty much all rifts are using the same map, more or less, though randomly generated with similar specific requirements.
        • Rare minerals need to have a different color through the mineral detection. From what I could tell they were all iron. I went through a variety of different minerals and that makes sense for them to be, since rare minerals is a mission that would be available at lower levels. But since they're all iron, there should probably still be a different color of rock for the mineral detector to pick up, and they should be pingable too.
        • The bonus on this map (not sure if bonuses are randomized yet) were the unusual xsotan breeder structures. They're tiny, weak, and they're weak enough that you can blow them up and not know it---which means you lost the sample, because the sample doesn't light up. It should have its own color like a deep glowing angry red so it is visible.
    • Effects
      • New background lightning is awesome
      • New warpy effects are awesome
    • Wreckage List
      • Because of the amount of debris and asteroids, its hard to tell if its by design or not, but its extremely difficult to find anything ---but I'm saying that before considering that that might be what the new pingy scanners are for.
    • Mines
      • Awesome addition
      • Can players make these too?
      • Mine tab along with a [please for the love of god] rebuilt torpedo tab?
    • Teleporter structure
      • Needs to be larger so it cant be bumped and shuffled
      • Teleporter effect needs to be altered from the jumping effect, so the blue energy shadow stays in place. Its a teleporter, not a jump gate.


    • Crew Transports - give them transporters, because they are DUMB. DUMB DUMB DUMB. Make it so you can transfer crew from 10km away as they have a tendency to just not get close enough, or if you dont get to it in time (station) they'll just sit there and you have to build a dongle from your station to reach them.
    • Torpedo screen
      • This thing is awfulbad terribad. Still. Running even a 3060 it chews up gram hard when doing any kind of torpedo transfer. 
      • The torpedo screen causes extreme server/client latency. Its as if it is treating the torpedos as individual items instead of a simple number.
        • Shouldn't it be: Torpedo type ABC Count 123 - One packet to deliver data, let the client handle it
        • Not Torpedo 1 Torpedo 2 Torpedo 3 ... Torpedo 451 Torpedo 452, all server to client data ?
        • Can someone code-wise corroborate that that's whats going on?
    • Torpedo production
      • We need torpedo production. The current mechanic for torpedos is clunky. You have to send a ship out for an hour minimum to get some torps, and its not enough, then do it again, and its not enough. There's a mod module for this that could easily be used and polished that also takes advantage of your other new modules for production. Using a mixture of available materials and credits would be good.
        • Some players don't like torpedoes, and some of us love torpedoes. Players that don't like torpedoes don't like them because of the entire acquisition process along with how easily they're knocked out of the skies. 
        • Either add a way for us to make them on our ships, or dramatically increase the cost, damage, maneuverability, and durability of torpedoes to the point where if a player fires one, it's going to do severe damage to the ship it hits.
    • Adjustable economy tick rate:
      • When you're starting out and get your first mine, every sale matters. But eventually once you have a serious economy going, you wind up ticktickticking the server pretty hard. If its possible to do an average economical update every five minutes or ten minutes or even an hour, instead of every time a station sells something it might release some burden from the server side. 
        • Example: On Tree Cafe 1, GMF has an economy that ticks every second or two on average with something. You don't have a trillion credit economy from nothing afterall.
        • Unfortunately, this does have an effect on the server, and when you have hundreds of players, well...
      • Should be controllable by highest ranking alliance officers 
    • Expedition to the center!
      • Please make this message auto-delete the prior "Expedition to the center" message in the inbox. Its an irritating thing to go in and clear out.
    • Mass analysis and push
      • Captains are dumb. They will stop if there's a single piece of debris in the way.
      • Set a threshold for "ram it out of the way I have places to go" that is adjustable by the player per ship. If a player has a very large mining vessel, its very silly for it to get stuck because of a couple of rocks are sorta kinda in its way. This shouldn't be hard to do, as NPC pilots regularly run into player ships and get mad at them already.
        • Obviously, "run into that factory sized asteroid at .07% cee" is not a desire, but "bump that asteroid out of the way while running 30m/s" is. 
        • If there is an adjustable per ship threshhold, it allows player control to counter for outside effects like whether or not collision damage is on.
    • I was under the impression there would be stealth? where is this "stelth" ?
    • Make trade modules stack to increase econ scan range. This would make manual trading far more viable. If I have a scan range of 100 I'm far more likely to actually piece together trade routes myself, manually--highly lucrative trade routes.
    • Add hybrid legendary cargo modules
      • Adds x%-40% extra cargo space
      • +x-xyz extra cargo space
    • Add fleet management to rifts.
      • Add GUI to allow for a player to automatically add ships to the rift flotilla/fleet.
        • Eventually players will have enough modules to add more ships to it, and manually maneuvering ships into the jump gate is cumbersome. You can use the mission gui to do this.

    Server Post Deployment Updates:

    • Difficulty should scale per difficulty of the rift more dramatically.

      Right off the bat on an existing galaxy I'm able to roll in slap my .... railgun .... on the table, and just guard the shield carefully and beat an 11 difficulty swarm for loots.

    • Cargo Holds need a "data" option, so that you can ignore all cargo but data.

    • Any Xsotan ship destroyed in a rift below "cruiser" or "battleship" needs to just poof. POOF. The crazy amount of debris is just too much for a server to handle sensibly.

    • Server hangs while in a rift result in your ship being "in a rift" still without being in a rift. You cannot build. For some it is impossible to escape. No avorion jump drive = ship stuck without administrator intervention.

    • Inability to scrap a partially constructed fighters is an issue. Should be able to toss those.

    • Tooltips need to specify in rifts whether or not fighters are affected by rift effects. Just lost 10mil avo worth of fighters, whereas in the previous rift.... they took no damage. Nothing specifies one or the other. Either fighters do work or they do not work.

    • Fighter update. You absolute glorious son's of bitches. I'm not spoilering this. This is amazing.

      • nevermind, its broken. cant get out once in sometimes.

    • Mining/Salvage/Attack Secondary Commands

      • Add options that are:

        • Attack with fighters

        • Attack without launching fighters

        • Mine with fighters

        • Mine without launching fighters

        • Salvage with fighters

        • Salvage without launching fighters

        • Repair with fighters

        • Repair without launching fighters

        • Guard with fighters

        • Guard without launching fighters

      • When telling a ship with fighters and pilots to attack in a place like a nebula, you can lose your entire wing in seconds. Feel like this is a dramatic oversight.

    • Addition of data in the encyclopedia once you have encountered something new.

      • Items such as:

        • What does fog damage

        • What kills fighter craft in rifts

        • What each effect does, in great detail to help players understand

    • Like 1
  11. This would be very cool. 

    Other thoughts in a similar vein:

    You are a member of a faction that is seeking to expand---your new stations are the faction's stations, and full accessible to you. They are simply controlled by the AI (with not that much of a difference, really). 

  12. Yes. I don't board stations except to discard blocks and sell anymore. It's completely useless.

    If stations were conquerable AS THEY ARE, then it would be a good mechanic. If I'm boarding an accelerator factory, its because I dont want to spend 2billion+ credits building one on my own. Why would I board one, just to have to make a new one to begin with? Its kinda silly.

  13. This is a great idea. This could also be applied for "this sector is under attack by another faction!"

    Perhaps a Smuggler Captain being on board/as the captain could hide your ship's identity, fight off the invaders (even if you're allied) so that you don't suffer ill relations.

    Realistically, if I were the faction being attacked and I saw my "ally" just sitting there doing nothing, I might start shooting at them as a foreign combatant or a spy if the relations were bad or hostile.

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