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Everything posted by AvorionCraft

  1. Better controls in an alliance would be fantastic, such as who has access to which resources. If you have an alliance with newer members, you don't want to hand them Avorion right off the bat, or Ogonite, Xanion, or Trinium. Giving them immediate access to such resources kills part of the "start from nothing" aspect of the game and therefore you have to put it on faith alone. I started an alliance, up to six members, and I don't share Avorion and won't until they reach the core. But there's no way to restrict it in the alliance screens.
  2. With the advent of docking, and the ability to create entire single docked-structure complexes, you guys have got to update the delivery/fetch options. Having only three creates a nightmare that creates work required to make things make sense. If a factory needs X number of items to create product, then there should be X number of slots to "fetch" or "deliver" for.
  3. This is more or less covered by a thread I've already posted here: The possibilities are only limited to the number of ships you can have. If you're server based....significantly less. lol. A Homeworld-esque play style, where you fly around in a mothership that undocks a variety of smaller vessels when you enter the system would be quite amazing in all honesty. ...Provided there's a quick way to re-dock.
  4. Fighters are pretty bad against big bads like AI or Big Brother, but a class that might not be would be corvettes, Corvettes would be about 10x the size of a fighter, armed relatively similarly, but designed to take a punch. Adding different methods and ways of fighters to interact could further increase the feel of fleet command: Fighters (More Agile, less damage) Interceptors Defenders vs other fighters and torpedoes First Strike Heavy payload first attack (10x dmg) Escort Swarm stays around mothership Bombers (Less Agile, more damage) Stealth First attack ballistic approach, fighters do not appear on enemy radar (can be used against player) Heavy Payload Fast Attack Craft 5x Size of Fighter Lightly Armored, 2x Throw Weight Corvettes 10x Size of Fighter Similar Armament to Fighter or Bomber Multiple Turret capability (1 Main (spinal) 4 Point Defense) (blueprint created via two gun types) Heavy Armor (can handle many, many more hits) Frigates Actual ships that can be put into the mothership's hangar bay (fighter) Module installed allows the ship to dock Once a frigate becomes a parasite ship, it is now considered a "fighter"
  5. When you have a ship destroyed, it is rebuilt with the exact same equipment. The equipment is returned to your inventory. When you delete a ship, and forget to remove things manually, the equipment is destroyed. Seems like a rather irritating :@ oversight. I just lost hours of research work thinking that everything would go straight to inventory. All legendaries. Something like that is why I quit playing for nearly a year if I recall. Docking control - Please see my post on docking. I have just spent several hours trying to figure out how to meld two ships together and either its impossible because you guys want it to be or its simply not a thing that is ready for prime time. AutoDocking and Parasite Ship Commands - Allow designation of specific ships to specific docks. Ship building - allow localized area to be re-sized instead of the entire ship.
  6. An option in squadron command to automatically launch a specific wing upon arrival regardless of whether or not the player is there to do it would be magnificent, or an auto-launch the moment hostiles enter the system. (I was thinkin civil because I was thinking about my freighters)
  7. Torpedoes are both a cool thing, and a terrible thing, in present capacity. Cons: Tubes must be loaded manually by type Only ten tubes Tubes have limited capacity Torpedoes must be purchased cannot be blueprinted cannot be built Pros: You can shoot a torpedo! Torpedoes need to have a renaissance. Allow a torpedo *type* to be set to the weapons module EG, I choose to use Anti-Matter, Tandem, Kinetic Torpedoes, they are thus Weapons 3, 4, 5. When I select 3 (AM), All ten tubes are immediately loaded with Antimatter torpedoes, until I select another torpedo type. When I select 4 (Tandem), All ten tubes are loaded with tandem torpedoes This process allows a tactical change in tube management, as kinetic torpedoes do more damage based on their end speed/distance traveled. shooting a kinetic torpedo at 1km is useless. allow that to be swapped. If I am assaulting a pirate base, I want to drop 20 kinetics at distance to soften it up, This also allows (by my estimate at least) more than only 10 tubes to be used, in theory, 20, 30, 40, 50, tubes, if you have the storage space for it, why not? Allow Torpedoes to be blueprinted Allow Assembly to have more of a purpose than fighter creation--torpedoes are less complicated than a fighter, and a ship with good assembly should be able to create a torpedo at least once a minute x6 New class of ship could result from a solid restructure of torpedoes. I use the hell out of torpedoes versus bosses like AI, but honestly----its a pain to: Buy torpedoes Stock torpedoes Set up torpedoes Arrange torpedoes Find the right torpedoes And when you run out, repeat! Note!: This could be a "Macro/Micro" mode selection, as I can definitely see the need for micromanagement early-mid game. (it makes sense to have torpedo tube one shoot emp, and tubes 2,3,4,5 shoot nuclear/fusion off in a single salvo especially early game) I'm requesting more endgame support for torpedoes. Alternatively, an option to manually fire a single torpedo tube instead of through the master fire button. Like ALT+1 ALT+2 Etc
  8. An alternative would be for fighters not to shoot through friendlies & neutrals to hit a bad guy.
  9. Or in general, the manual adjustment (via textbox) after the block is placed. When working in 0.1 voxels for some pieces it gets really tense.
  10. Another QOL A merchant ship can go buy anything and sell anything from the galaxy map (sometimes) provided you have something specific and you know that there's the resource(s) there. But if you want equipment, like modules, in order to go do some mass research, you are stuck going from system to system to system blindly hoping they happen to have the various levels of the module you're after. If I'm searching for tractor beams, for instance, I'll get lucky if 1 of 5 jumps that an equipment station is at even has one, let alone one of good quality. But if I could just send a ship with permissions on quality it is allowed to purchase of a variety of items, I could allow that ship to just run a circuit. And this especially goes for torpedoes, unless we can manufacture torpedoes onboard our own ships with blueprints and assembly (that would be nice).
  11. Its a struggle to find weapons that are exactly what you need. Its understood that that is part of the joy of RNGesus, but if we're building a turret, it would be amazing to be able to toggle the option. I've researched some amazing turrets. Most of the amazing ones were coaxial mounts. Whatever the modifier is for the coaxial, if I were to blueprint it, it would be amazing to toggle the blueprint. And this makes sense... we have the blueprint, and we fly around in space ships so we really should have the ability to alter it.
  12. On occasion, when I tell another ship in system to start salvaging, I'll come back and find them very far away, like 120km distant chasing after a tiny piece of debris. One time, I found my dreadnaught 1200km away. It took an hour for its fighters to be retrieved. So I've some thoughts on that. New Block: Fighter Jump Anchor Expensive, only available in Xanion or Avorion--100,000 for a 1x1x1 block + $500,000 cash 1x1x1 Block gives a 10km "Anchor" for all fighters, where upon issuing the recall command, to a squadron, the fighters would jump to within a kilometer of the host ship and continue docking procedures Each additional 1x1 gives an additional 10km Anchor range, allowing a way to retrieve lost fighters for a quick departure from the system. Any fighter outside of 250km range automatically jumps to within 250km range in order to combat the "5000km drifter fighter" Jump Anchor is inbound only New Fighter Command: Retrieve Command that tells fighters to retrieve components (turrets, modules) within a range determined by the fighter jump anchor. So instead of trying to get your tractor beams to grab everything (which will still be faster), you can take 5, go get a snack after the battle, and let your fighters go retrieve everything New Command: Parameter Allow us to set the distance in which ships can travel from the warp in point. Having ships running off 1200km away is not common, but can happen because the "salvage" order doesn't seem to have a specified range. So a command like "/Parameter 40" sets the ship's max distance travelable to 40km +/- 5km (so it doesn't bug out and start doing summersaults) Actually taking that back. Was about to kick off a Big Brother fight and my main battle wagon was just sitting there look a doof back home. Turns out there were (and still are, an hour later) several fighters that are 5000km out. I have no choice but to let them make their way back, and try to close the gap as best as I can manually (cut about 3000km before their directions became wonky)
  13. I ran into the same issue with my Titan. 3k wide, almost 4k long. At a certain point it will not fit throug a gate or a wormhole. With 105 jump range and 0 cooldown it hardly makes a difference, though.
  14. I like the idea, but I think it would make more sense for this to be a module that you can put on a station. Hyperspace Anchor Module: Applies only jumps inbound to the station, and anchors only affect you or your allies (not AI) Petty: +5 Hyperspace Range Common: +10 Hyperspace Range + 5% Ship Range Uncommon: +15 Hyperspace Range + 8% Ship Range Rare: +20 Hyperspace Range + 10% Ship Range Exotic: +25 Hyperspace Range + 12% Ship Range Legendary: +30 Hyperspace Range + 15% Ship Range Unique: +35 Hyperspace Range + 25% Ship Range (EG--if a ship has jump range 100, the anchor gives a total 100+25+35 for the anchor. 160 sectors to home in one jump. Home sweet home.
  15. There are mobile equipment stations, etc. Being able to set up a ship with a special module would be fantastic. Equipment Module Resource Module Etc Cost is that one of these modules takes up two regular modules---so if a ship has six slots, popping a module into slot one cancels the last available slot, leaving only four more available.
  16. Just gonna say, that if it took over a minute to jump every time, I'd rage quit.
  17. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2390026168 I run a very large ship, and have managed to get it to a yaw/pitch of .28 and roll of .39. 8.21MT 3160x469x3687m. If you look at the picture above, both my phase IV and phase V titans were constructed / are under construction using the same general methodology. A solid core of gyros around the center of mass, directional and thrusters close to the core on the edges of the ship (they work whether they're "inside" or not).
  18. The most powerful weapons wind up being spinal mounted weapons, but spinal mounted weapons are difficult (if not impossible) for the AI controlled ships to utilize. Any time (even with the current news that AI controlled ships are better set to run spinal weaponry) I run with spinal mounts on AI ships they just float around like big dumb blimps that can't fire anything. So the proposal is simple: A special block that is Orgonite/Avorion specific that acts as a turret mount for a spinal weapon. Alternatively, a way to convert a weapon at a turret factory into a turret: Changes to weapon due to modifications of the conversion: Increase the size of the turret by 1-2 Increase the power requirements of the turret by 15-25% Increase the slots of the turret by 1-2 Decrease the damage by 10-20% Decrease the range by 10-20% Increase the cooldown (decreases rate of fire) on the turret by 10-20% Decrease the heat dispersion (chance of modification) up to 20% Offers an opportunity to take spinal mount rail or lightning cannons that are generally useless half the time and make them super awesome regular turrets While on that topic, a way to convert regular weapons into a spinal mount: Changes to weapon due to modifications of the conversion: Increase the size of the turret by 1-2 Increase the power requirements of the turret by 10-20% Increase the slots of the turret by 1-2 Increase the damage by 30-50% Decrease the cooldown on the turret by 10-20% Increase the heat dispersion up to 20% Increase the range up to 100% Offers an opportunity to take regular turrets like chain guns or plasma cannons for instance and turn them into heavy hitting spinal cannons
  19. I just realized I might have just made a second account. I've probably been here before but its been a while. Halcyon, I play on a tree cafe server. Here's the current ship under construction: My phase V Titan https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2390026182 My current Titan. Full slotted. 400k omicron. Once held off an entire invasion while I was on the can. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2390026148 Current Titan guarding the one under construction: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2390026168 Just bought Black Market. Also discovered that I completely dodged the whole 8 asteroid beamy gate thing by going through a wormhole.
  20. Bugged fighters. Still. An option to select a fighter and hit "CTRL K" to just blow the stupid thing up. Easy fix.
  21. Neat idea. Apparently pirate attacks happen even when I'm not logged in. Cost me 1mil avorion in repairs.... on a ship I was building. Some sort of notice would be neat.
  22. So....docking two ships together does not do what I expected. Docking is NEAT. The expansion possibilities here to essentially give a mothership "subsections." A second type of docking would be fantastic, as well, parasite dock, so that way we wouldn't accidentally undock everything Edit: Another note---By Parasite Dock, I mean "until a human clicks a button to undock." When I tell one of my stations to repair me and it says "well, I better undock the other stations attached to me to do this." It makes zero sense. Suggestion: Further improve the mechanics around docking ships together. Presently, if you dock two ships together, the parasite ship's turrets are not functional unless the mothership has enough control links to operate them on its own. This doesn't make sense. Links for engines, gyros, thrusters work, but it all stops there. I attempted to tell my docked ship to mine, but it doesn't have a captain. So I added a captain and told it to mine. It undocked instead. Parasite dock should be a thing. I don't want them to undock, I want them to have a specified purpose. Yet, the larger ship can be ordered to go mine things (with fighters) without undocking from the parasite. So I suppose I'm suggesting two things. Better docked ship control, and/or better docked ship integration. I understand the potential balance issue with this suggestion, that's why I'm also suggesting limits. DOCKED SHIP INTEGRATION Core Systems All excess energy produced by parasite is fed into mothership at 25% loss. EG: Parasite has 100MW available not in use, 75MW gets transferred into the Mothership Engines, Thrusters, Gyros, all operate as if the parasite is part of the mothership. Shielding transfers at a 25% loss 1000sp = 750sp Academy and cloning no loss Torpedoes--torpedo storage transfer only There is potential for serious torpedo boat here, but I think that could have undue effect on server performance, so no 9-parasite 100 torpedo salvos. Crew The crew should act as one as though they're all part of the same crew. Captains would of course stay connected to their ships. Installable Subsystems Ratios of Power Loss/Gain for interconnectivity to the mothership, interconnectivity ratio. I wanted to cover the concept with mass generalizations instead of offering an idea that the quality of the subsystem improves it. I figured that would be cool, but something for later. For now just the basics. Most of the idea is that anything that is "Data" related would carry over with only the cost of power. Anything "Energy" Related like shields/batteries would have a loss in transfer. Anything that directly upgrades a specific system (like engines) would not carry over, and anything that is unique/storybound would be required on the mothership (like botton drive smacker thingy). Radar 1:1 50% increased power cost 1:1 meaning that mothership gains the bonuses that the parasite ship has directly, like increased radar range Object Detection 1:1 50% increased power cost to mothership Scanners 1:1 50% increased power cost to mothership Chameleon 1:1 50% increased power cost to mothership Mining Scanner 1:1 50% increased power cost to mothership Sphinx 1:1 50% increased power cost to mothership Tractor Beam 1:1 50% increased power cost to mothership Tractor beamed items go to the mothership's cargo bays, since the cargo is connected. Shield Reinforcer 1:4 If a reinforcer offers 100% increased shields, it only applies a 25% bonus to the mothership's shields. Shield Ionizer 1:4 Shield Polarizer 1:4 Energy to Shield Converter 1:4 Internal Defense 1:4 50 guns becomes 12 guns (always rounded down) Battery Module 1:2 Engine Upgrades 0:0 No engine upgrades from a parasite ship may effect a mothership, its a physical upgrade, not electrical Velocity Upgrade 0:0 XSTN - Artifacts all vary XSTN I - Mothership only XSTN II - 1:2 +4 unarmed or armed turret slots XSTN III - 1:2 +5 armed turret slots XSTN IV - 1:2 +5 unarmed turret slots XSTN V - 1:2 +15% generated energy +12% battery recharge +1 Armed Turret slot +1 Unarmed Turret slot +12% Shield Durability +1 Jump Range -7% Rechage Energy +15% Cargo Hold +15% Velocity +0.05 Km Loot Collection +1 Deep Scan Range +2 Radar Range XSTN VI - Mothership only XSTN VII - 1:2 +100% Energy Production +60% Battery Recharge XSTN VIII - 1:5 +2 Hyperspace Jump Range -10% Hyperspace Cooldown -15% Recharge Energy Hyperspace: 1:5 EG If a hyperspace booster offers +20 Hyperspace Range and -40% cooldown, that becomes +4 Range and -10% cooldown. Any other effects tied to the device like radar range would also be effected by 1:5 instead of 1:1 that radar has on its own. Sales 1:1 - If a parasite ship has data, it can transfer it to the mothership Unique upgrades will not carry over and must be on the mothership DOCKED SHIP CONTROL Simply put, adding in a second docking method "parasite dock" that locks the parasite to the ship period. That ship no longer has control over its control systems but has control over its turrets, fighters, shuttles, torpedos, etc.
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