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An Ning

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Posts posted by An Ning

  1. The problem: Only the player-controlled ship displays green and yellow areas on galactic map


    Sometimes you want to have a ship exploring, but you don't want to be on it. Or sometimes you have a set of mining ships in an area while you are elsewhere, and you want to move them to a new sector -but you want to be sure the new sector isn't a yellow area where they might run into pirates since you are not escorting them.


    Currently, you have to go to galactic map, click on the ship to find the sector they are in, click on the sector, move to the sector, then go to the galactic map to look at the area around you with that ship's sensors, then you either go back to the previous ship and order the ship to move, or input the jump and jump manually (waiting for yet another sector to load) THEN go back to the ship you WANT to be in (loading up THAT sector).


    It's a bit tedious considering all you wanted to do was tell a ship to "jump to a nearby sector with a green blip" -all because only the ship you are in will show green and yellow blips on the map (meaning if you are in an exploration fleet, YOU have to be on the ship with the radar upgrade, you can't just have it be in the fleet and have it talking to you).


    A simple solution would be as follows:
    -ANY player-owned ship that is selected on the galactic map will scan nearby space and show green and yellow areas of interest nearby.
    This allows the player to guide fleets that are outside the player's sector more efficiently and effectively without all the hassle of jumping between ships/sectors just to see what that ship sees nearby.

  2. Spent 2 million to manufacture 15 titanium mining turrets (not R-mining) that cost 40k to purchase directly at equipment docks.


    I can see making it a bit more expensive to make them yourself, but a 330% increase in price is ridiculous -especially since I'm going to find better turrets and want more of them, but no way am I going to pay enough to found a space station to make 10 GOOD turrets while still in the IRON SECTORS.


    Please.. reduce the cost of making turrets based on their base materials so they are at a level where someone that doesn't have LITERALLY more money than they know what to do with has reason to utilize the feature (maybe make it 120-175% of the finished purchase price).

  3. Just a thought, but.. I literally had to jump halfway across the galaxy -from iron sectors to xanion- for the "meet me" point in the smuggler missions (that's not even going over the aggravation of finding my way around the rifts that had perfectly encircled him at a distance of 60 sectors with only a singke 1 sector area entrance on the far side)... only to be told "go back where you were and buy stuff, then come back here again".


    A range like that -especially for a mission you can get at the start of the game- makes missions time consuming and irritating, not time consuming and entertaining.


    For the love of sanity, limit the range of these missions to like 2 large galactic map boxes from the player's home sector (20% of distance across galaxy)... please

  4. Since "First person views" are a "definite no" in this game, how about an engine block that can point forwards and be activated with a key to help brake your craft quickly?


    I keep running into asteroids that I have NO WAY OF SEEING until they are too close to dodge because they are completely obscured by my ship, or that I can't tell are in my ship's way because my camera is above (or below) my ship. (clarification: My ship has a 110 m/s brake ability with standard thrusters. But with a cruise of 1 km/s, it travels quite some distance in the 3 seconds it needs to stop)


    I'd love to just "stay out of asteroid fields", but enemies tend to go in there, claimable asteroids are in there, secret stashes are in there, and ships in distress tend to be in there.


    I just want to point an engine forwards so that when I'm going through what I THINK is an open enough area for my ship to fit and realize "the dark area up ahead is actually another asteroid", I can do something to slow me down.



    ...failing this, how about an upgrade that puts a little green dot that shows through everything (except menu screens) on all asteroids so you can see them through your ship?

    Either that, or the ability to select an engine output amount to have your ship "cruise" at a lower speed than normal -so collisions don't cause so much damage

  5. Shooting someone shooting you shouldn't impact relations

    It's quite annoying to have a set of merchants, or a warship that you are not at war with start shooting you, and have the faction call foul and "reduce relations" when you shoot back.

    I would suggest the ability to enter a "truce" with a hostile faction you are not at war with 

    - You make a "truce" by talking to their ships/warships -basically you don't shoot them, they don't shoot you.

    - The truce slowly gains reputation (until you are out of "hostile" relations) for every so many minutes you go without firing at one of their ships/stations (relations do not raise beyond that)

    - The truce is broken if you shoot at a ship or station of that faction. Breaking the truce results in a massive loss of reputation, and a new truce cannot be made for X hours.


    Failing this, I would simply recommend that shooting "hostile" non-pirate ships you are not "at war" with not result in reduction of relations -only destruction of their craft results in reduced relations.

    Because a merchant showing up in a system I'm mining in, coming over and shooting me, then getting upset and "reducing relations with the faction" when I shoot back... is kinda bull.

  6. 2 suggestion points in here:
    1) new blocks for space stations specifically
    2) A reworking of the Habitat space station


    1) Habitat Station reworking:
    Currently, Habitats are kinda... dry.. and flavorless. They are just kinda... there... and they consume stuff... meaning building them isn't really helpful unless you own several nearby stations that produce things for it. What I suggest might be too difficult, but I think it would be interesting.

    -rework:   Rather than have the stations simply "be present" randomly, have them require a certain number of stations nearby (acting like family apartments and suburbs to a normal working station's dormitories for workers), and only in systems that have a market present.
    If player-owned, they generate money for the player from "rent" or "taxes" based on the number of residents on the station (maximum determined by the number and size of stations in the system) and the value of the homes themselves (determined by entertainment areas, shuttle hangars, docks, number of sides open to space, and markets/casinos in system -value lost after a certain population size is reached, encouraging the player to build multiple habitats).



    2) New blocks for Habitats: Habitation block, Entertainment Block
    -A:  Habitation block: A block that is designed for human use akin to the Crew Block. Unlike the Crew Block, they are not designed to maximize number of personnel, but rather to allow small families to live in relative comfort due to larger living areas.
    -B:   Entertainment Block: A block  that increases the value of the station's habitation blocks


    Habitat build/play style options with these 2 ideas combined:
    -Slum it. Shove in a bunch of crew blocks to cram in as many people as you can in as tight a space as possible with a few entertainment areas but no shuttle bays -you come in on larger ships. Low rent, but a lot of it in a small station
    -High class estates. Lots of home areas and entertainment areas with a lot of shuttle space. Bigger station and not as many people, but they pay through the nose for that personal shuttle pad next to the park
    -mix it up. Some crew blocks for the miners that have 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off and want to spend their 2 weeks off in a place with nicer air and some parks -or want to have 2 weeks off with their family on the station. Habitat blocks that are in many areas for a variety of families from low to high income.

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  7. I don't want "1st person", I'd just like to be able to see the front of my ship when I start building things that are really long/tall by moving the camera forward on the body past the tall stuff.


    (or to have my camera focused such that I don't constantly spawn zoomed so far out I need to take 3 seconds scrolling to zoom in at the entry to EVERY SECTOR when I have a small ship)

  8. it will highlight the sector, but I still need to find the asteroid once in the sector -unless that has changed.


    I had a playthrough a while back where I found and claimed 20 asteroids in 14 different sectors (left a tag on each so I'd know).


    When I went back the asteroids didn't show on the local map, so I had to try flying around randomly to find them again.

  9. For missions where the conversation is integral, I think they should really try to have the writing stand out.

    In this mission in particular the pressed freighter crews don't seem hesitant or reluctant to be in their position, and the dialogue comes off as clunky and forced. I have a suggested rescript of the conversation and options I will put in below (replies with a * result in the same action as the reply above, just worded differently for flavor, the number in parenthesis after an answer show which dialogue is the result of the answer):


    part 1

    dialogue 1:
    Sorry, but... if.. .if you want to live.. then surrender your ship and.. come with us.. now!

    answer: Come with you where? (2)
    answer: I do have another option (6)
    *answer: I was just thinking of doing some target practice.. and now I have volunteers
    answer: You must be behind the missing freighters! (3)
    *answer: I could just fight you. I've beaten pirates before
    *answer: What kind of pirate says "sorry" when threatening someone?


    dialogue 2:
    To the base.. you'll have to.. become a pirate like us

    answer: I'll never be a pirate! (6)
    *answer: I think I'll just destroy your ships instead
    answer: You don't seem like pirate masterminds, here (3)
    *answer: Is there something else going on here?
    *answer: Look, if you want to live, you pirates had better start talking


    Dialogue 3:
    We're not pirates by choice! Our freighters were ambushed and we were captured! We were told that if we didn't do as they said, they'd go after our families!

    answer: They? (4)
    *answer: Who are these scumbags?
    answer: Not buying it. Nice try, outlaws. (6)
    *answer: You should have sold books instead of sacking ships. You'd have lived longer


    Dialogue 4:
    The pirates based in sector (insert). They're the ones behind it all!

    answer: There's plenty of you here. Why didn't you ever fight? (5)
    *answer: And you guys never fought them?
    answer: That doesn't justify what you did! You will answer for your crimes! (6)
    *answer: At the end of the day you still became pirates. And guess what I do to pirates


    Dialogue 5:
    We had to do as they said!  They have a huge number of ships, with all the people they've forced to join them, we'd never stand a chance resisting! And if we tried and failed, they'd go after our families after killing us!

    answer:  I will stop them myself, then (7)
    *answer: I'll deal with them. But if I ever see you guys plundering again, there will be no mercy
    *answer: Sounds like a fun place. I'll head over there and take 'em out


    Dialogue 6:
    What? You.. you are outnumbered! Quickly! Attack!


    Dialogue 7:
    Thank you so much! We can go back to our families and jobs safely!



    part 2

    dialogue 1:
    What are you doing here?

    answer: I heard you were pressing freighter crews to fight as your pirates. I'm here to put a stop to it (2)
    *answer: I just dropped by to destroy every ship and facility you have
    *answer: Criminal scum! I am here to end your days of terrorizing the innocent!
    *answer: I was hired to find out why some freighters had gone missing... oh.. and also to kill the ones responsible for it


    dialogue 2:
    Hahahaha! You are welcome to try! All ships! Attack!

  10. For this I'm gonna break it into 4 parts: 1) the problem, 2) Why it occurs, and 3) my proposed solution (the idea), and 4) Why I think the suggestion addresses the problem


    1) The problem itself has 3 parts:
    a- I still avoid combat in the early game (even with the shield rebalance)
    b- I almost never use repair yards
    c- I almost never use resource platforms to buy ores


    2) Why these occur:
    a- You have no shields in the early game and damage takes too long to repair/jumping to a repairyard takes too long early on
    b- aside from repairing lost blocks more cheaply there is almost no reason to use a repair yard
    c- I have no reason to buy ores that are plentiful in the area

    3) The solution:
    a- make repairs by the crew faster, but with the caveats of
    --1) only repair yards can replace a lost block
    --2) crew repairs cannot raise ship hp beyond 80% (full repair can only be done by repair yards)
    b- have resource depots sell ores that are beyond the grades found nearby with the caveats of
    --1) The amounts are very small
    --2) The amounts are overpriced (expected, they are not found here and are only sold in small quantities)
    --3) They do not refresh (unless sold more by player, but quantities purchased are also small, so no great profits are to be made -except maybe when the system is at war?)

    4) Why I think these solutions work:
    -I avoid resource depots because I have no use for them except to smelt items or sell ores. The purchase feature is virtually useless, especially early on.
    By enabling the starting area resource depots to sell small amounts of Naonite and Titanium, I am able to build better generators and even small shields (for a very high price, and after jumping between many areas), which grants me incentive to build a combat craft because I will have more energy and be able to take more damage. It even allows me to buy the titanium I may need for a generator in the starting ship, rather than spending my first 2 hours (or more) hunting for titanium in a drone just so I have enough energy to make a hyperjump.

    -I avoid combat in the early game because damage takes too long to repair for the crew, and the time it takes to jump to a repair yard and go back is most of, if not more than, the time I'd need to just sit there and wait for the repairs. I avoid the repair yards for much of the same reasons.
    By making the crews repair damage faster, I have less time sitting and doing nothing (or running away from combat because of severe damage) and more time I can spend in combat. By limiting the amount the crew can repair, and preventing the crews from repairing blocks lost in combat, I have reason to seek out repair yards if blocks have been lost, or if I am anticipating entering a system with heavy combat.


    I mention both of these in a single suggestion because I think they have the best overall result in a tandem suggestion, as opposed to separately:
    Your crew repairs your hull faster so you have less downtime between fights, but they only repair to 80% and you need repair yards to replace any lost blocks/completely repair the vessel. You can get shields and Naonite generators early by buying the ores from resource depots, but it requires  jumping around/exploring due to the small amounts sold, a lot of money, and they won't be incredibly strong incredibly fast because you won't find a lot of Naonite at the resource depots.

  11. So I just did the torpedo tutorial and had a few suggestions to make:


    1) Mention that the firing button for torpedoes is "g" -kind of important, and if, like me, someone doesn't look at key mapping for it, they will think they are either bugged or built/loaded the torpedo launcher wrong


    2) Set in a "torpedo defense" segment to it where you learn to use PDCs against torpedoes.


    3)  potential spoilers:


    Tie in the torpedo tutorial to the opening tutorial by making the pirate that destroys your ship in the opening the same as appears here.

    Have the pirate launch a torpedo (which player's PDC intercepts) then say, "I remember you two. Give me everything you have or you end up like last time!".

    The Adventurer messages and says, "here's another torpedo. Tell him it's from both of us"

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