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Maverick Infernal

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Posts posted by Maverick Infernal

  1. Essentially headhunters scale differently than region based enemies... Hmm. It's still rather disturbing considering my main ship was strong enough to solo several Wipe Out Pirate missions within trinium space. My ship, having been made of entirely trinium itself had outgrown the challenge of trinium space. If Headhunters scale in accordance to my ship's material (or maybe hiring faction) it is still baffling that the omicron was roughly 10x higher than my own. I've encountered head hunters with 2x or even 3x omicron to my own ship in regions from time to time but considering that I ran no mods and the server was only 1 difficulty up from normal it came as a shock to witness a 2 second destruction of a ship that otherwise should have been seeking xanion region challenges.


    I dunno.

    In any game where I die or lose everything because I took a risk/gamble or did something stupid I can live with that. That's on me. Jump a naonite corvette into xannion space and get lit up by 10 ships. My fault. Try to take on swokes with a multipurpose ship lacking decent guns and explode. My fault. Forget to repair inertial dampeners and slam into a friendly station. My fault.

    In this case I did everything in my power to not risk jeopardizing that ship and RNG omicron of god levels the likes I've never seen (for that area) came in and wiped me out. It's like a level 100 dragon spawning in a starter zone in a fantasy game and torching all the low level newbs lol. Even if declarations of war happen you'd think the headhunters difficulty would be on par with or noticably higher than the faction that hires them... But that level of power was just insane. If it's normal for headhunters to scale up that high while everything else was pathetic at that point... I dunno. The balance as is just doesn't feel right. I had no time to turn, no time to boost, or target the ship. It was over in 2 seconds. There's challenge and then there's that. I don't think I'll be making a return if headhunters can warp into lower level areas and potentially wipe out your entire fleet and chain of established stations.

    I do appreciate the response though Echo. As it stands though I'm not eager to deal with potentially going through that again. Maybe later down the line with more updates and improvements. Great game but it's kind of a deal breaker when you lose weeks of progress in that manner while paying for a server.

  2. I really enjoyed this game for a long time. Two of my builds the "Infernal Charger Frigate" and the "Sector Hold Mobile Station" each received recognition as build of the week. As time went on more of my friends started to play and we formed a server to play on. At the time our best ships could handle anything the Trinium regions could throw at us with ease. We could even take on some foes in Xanion regions. We would dock our fleet and log out in Naonite space since it was relatively safe. We did this because the server was constantly running and we thought it would be best to leave our ships parked some place where the enemy strength was far too weak to endanger our ships while we were away offline. One day I was constructing turrets in this relatively safe region when 3 Head Hunter ships warped into Naonite space and wiped out my best ship in less than 2 seconds with 3 shots. A single Head Hunter ship annihilated my ships and it had an Omicron value of 91248.5 in Naonite space. After having lost everything my friends and I never played Avorion again. That was a little over a year ago.

    I often think about replaying Avorion again but I just cannot bring myself to do it knowing that the power balance can be that random... that I could lose an entire fleet and hours of progress within seconds despite playing it that safe. It would be nice if the regions had a built in feature to ensure random generated omicron/weaponry of ships could not manifest within regions that they clearly are too powerful for.

    Side Notes/Questions Unrelated:

    1) Are Coaxal Guns still exclusive to larger ships? You would think that they would be exclusive to small ships instead. I don't think Star Destroyer sized ships need coaxal guns unless it was for assaulting large stations or bombarding planetary bases from outside of a planet's atmosphere. The Normandy from the Mass Effect Trilogy is a prime example of a ship that should have coaxal guns since it is nimble and evasive enough to engage in combat flight similar to the dog fighting of planes from WWII therefore needing said forward facing guns.

    2) What are people's thoughts on hangar ships having base flight speeds that exceed their mother ships? How often do you wipe out a handful of ships only to notice a large subsect of the remaining pirates in the area are a good 3 minute boost away... but a lengthy 10+ minute flight for your fighters to catch up to the fray? I think an advantage the fighters should have over standard builds is top speeds that take ships by storm. Just my thought.

    3) What if there were weapons specifically made for destroying/temporarily disabling integrity fields? Sure losing sections of your ship and having to repair that damage can be a pain but on the other hand there is nothing more satisfying in any craft style game than tactically blasting off key components and sections of ships (such as thrusters or guns) or putting visible holes through an enemy haul (Visible path of railgun destruction). Even if it's your own ship with all the damage and holes in it, it's great fun to show your friends in multiplayer your damage and yell, "Dudes! I'm alive. Look at my ship" as half your ship is missing and barely functional.

    4) Thoughts on random voice/comm chatter of ships and fighters? During combat epic death cries from pilots or voice lines like "stay in formation" or "I'm hit!" as their tiny ships explode or even captains of ships calling "red alert" or "all hands on deck" and the like? I think it would really add to the feel of the game.


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