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Big Sexy Himself

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Posts posted by Big Sexy Himself

  1. Idea : The progression of technology upgrading when going from one tier of resource to another is one of the most compelling gameplay loops present in Avorion. Going from Iron to Titanium and getting a generator, then to Naonite and getting shielding, then Tritium with the hanger and academy, and Xanion with the Cloning pods. It's a shame that there is no extra technological unlocks when you get to the late game resources, it feels cheap that you just end up with raw number boosts. I think that the late game resources should still unlock new modules that your ship can enhance and toy around with.

    Give Ogonite blocks the ability to become Shield Projector blocks that create stronger shields that only work in a certain direction based on the blocks orientation, multiple types of shield blocks, like shield enhancer, reflector, electrifier, etc. making shields have effects beyond just blocking incoming damage

    Avorion the ability to become Weapon blocks. Essentially transforming an entire sector of your ship into a singular massive weapon based on three types of avorion weapon blocks;
    - Dedicated weapon energy generators
    - Weapon ammo containers
    - and the Turret barrel block itself.

    Give the
    Avorion weapon system multiple choices for ammo configuration, things like anti-capital railguns, homing energy torpedoes, massive spooling machine guns, flamethrowers, etc. Give Turrets and weapons unique modifiers and make Turret Factories able to modify a turrets properties up to and beyond the material that's used to create it. Things like elemental effects and damage, corrosion, fire, charge shot, spooling weapon, homing lock-on, slowing, etc.

    Also, boarding a ship should never make its omicron decrease, it's such a slap in the players face when you put so much effort in to not put a ship into fatal damage to take it over only for it to become devalued the moment you actually take it over. Like, imagine buying a ferrari and the moment you step into the ferrari it turns into a chevy impala. That's basically what happens when you do ship boarding in Avorion

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