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Posts posted by DFX2KX

  1. Well, more precisely, you'd have to edit a number of them, basically anything dealing with the ship name in the UI.


    We also have fighters in the game already, so that might cause some confusion. I'd write it, but personally wouldn't have much of a use for it until better AI and some fleet logic comes along.

  2. I can kinda see where this would be useful, particularly in a hardcore MP server or something, but how to go about implementing that limitation... Not sure.


    There's also the fact you can have more then  one ship to your name to consider... And how that aught to be handled. innnntresting...

  3. To anyone that says you can't have good looking ships right off the bat, I present some of mine, and I've only had the game for a few days.


    Here's the first ship I tried to make look good the 'Norway' (yes, I'll make Finitiy's End referances all I wall :P)

    The Norway:







    the Escort Frigate Arcadia, I have more then one of these floating around mining for me. sadly, this si a new game, the last one with the Norway in it got ate in a crash.


    The EFS Arcadoa and EFS Hood:



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