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Posts posted by ralyon

  1. After some research and trial and error, I have finally built a service file that I feel handles my galaxies rather well. All of the actions are contained within the service so it doesn't rely on any additional scripts making it easy to manage. This setup does not cover steam installation, server.ini settings or mod setup as these items are already covered elsewhere. I may add automated update checking at a later time if I manage to get it working. 

    To create the service, open a new service file in a text editor like:

    • sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/avorion.service
    • Add the following text to the file editing the info as described
    Description=Avorion server 
    User={local account you run Avorion in}
    ExecStartPre=/usr/games/steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir /path/to/Avorion +app_update 565060 validate +exit
    ExecStart=/path/to/Avorion/bin/AvorionServer \
      --galaxy-name Galaxy \
      --admin {steam ID of admin} \
      --datapath . \
      --port {if not default 27000} \
      --query-port {if not default 27003} \
      --steam-query-port {if not default 27020} \
      --steam-master-port {if not default 27021}
    TimeoutStopSec= 180
    ExecStop=/bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/echo /stop 120 >> /path/to/Avorion/Galaxy/commands.txt'
    ExecStop=/bin/sleep 160
    ExecStop=/bin/bash -c 'rm /path/to/Avorion/Galaxy/commands.txt'
    • Make sure you change the User= to the account you run steam under
    • Update "/path/to/Avorion" to where you want Avorion installed in every line
    • The ExecStartPre= line will update Avorion every time is starts and will install if it is not already
    • Use the 4 port lines to specify which ports you want to use if you are not using the default, otherwise they can be removed. Make sure the last line does not end with a \
    • The TimeoutStopSec and 2 ExecStop lines are if you would like to provide an in game count down. They can be removed if you would like the map to shut down immediately. 
      • The TimeoutStopSec should be longer than the /stop time so the service will wait until after that time to force it off if it locks on shutdown
      • The ExecStop=/bin/bash sends the stop command to the map and the number after /stop is the seconds of warning for the map. Make sure you confirm the path to echo by running "which echo" on the command line.
      • The ExecStop=/bin/sleep is needed to keep the service waiting until the timeout finishes on the map.
      • The last ExecStop command removes the commands.txt file in case it was not able to properly finish the /stop command in which case the file would still on next start
      • IMPORTANT! The timers on the sleep and timeout lines need to provide a sufficient amount of time for the galaxy to save and close. If either of those timers expire before the stop command has time to finish saving and exiting, it could stop Avorion during a save and corrupt your save file.
    • Restart=always will bring the server back up if it crashes
    • Once you have updated the information to suite your environment, save and exit the editor
    • Run "sudo systemctl daemon-reload" to update the environment
    • To start the server run "sudo systemctl start avorion" or change avorion to what you named the service file
    • To get your map to start with your server run "sudo systemctl enable avorion" or change it to disable to turn it off

    Running the server in this fashion prevents you from directly accessing the console, but it is still accessible indirectly. The console output is stored in the systemd logs and commands can be sent through a text file. Here are some commands to use the console:

    • To view the server console, use "journalctl -u avorion" where you can scroll forward and backward through all the console messages
    • To follow console messages as they happen use the follow switch, f, as in "journalctl -f -u avorion"
      • You can not type commands in this log like you would in the console
      • To exit, type CTRL-C, which does not exit the game
    • To run commands against the server put them in a text file in the Galaxy folder like "echo /save >> /path/to/Avorion/Galaxy/commands.txt"
      • To view the commands as you enter them through the text file, have the journalctl follow in one tab and use a second to execute the echo

    The journalctl command is a very powerful tool for searching and filtering logs. Further functionality is out of scope for this post, but I encourage you to look up more information on the topic.

  2. Description: I have several several factory chains setup just outside the barrier that the "locals" will come and visit and several times an hour they will come in at sharp angles for a docking maneuver. When they are longer ships like pictured below, they will regularly collide with the station they are docking with. In this beta server, it is happening often enough to cancel my alliance, but thankfully hasn't escalated to a war declaration yet.

    To Reproduce: Build a station in an area where the AI has long skinny ships, setup to allow trading and wait.

    Logs: I've not attached them since there aren't any failures or warnings, but I can get some if you believe they will be helpful.

    Version 2.0.2 3F2673c1c095 [beta]



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