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Posts posted by Hellsmith

  1. The fix is pretty easy for the new patch:


    Go through the files of the mod and look for any line that says something like




    Then search for the function with the name blablabla and add directly after it


    callable(nil, "blablabla")


    You do that for every  invoke in every file and use the correct function names instead of blablabla and the mod works again.... I guess :D

  2. Hey sorry guys, I have been quite buisy. But as soon as I figure out a good way to place turrets only on turret platforms for ships I will publish an new version and fix the other issues.


    I will also integrate a value into the config file that determines whether the model should be scalable or not. So that even in the start sector huge ships could exist. And therefore a difficulty rating for the factions in the config file is also necessary to prevent that.


    But again. I need to find the time for that and as I said, the code already looks like the devs intend that functionality already in the near future

  3. Still not sure about a better place to put it :D



    The command to send a ship somewhere lets the ship ignore void rifts. Even though the interface recognizes the barriers and displays the "available" sector range correctly you can simply send a ship somewhere within its circular range and the ship will jump.

    Never got that easy into the core ;-)

  4. I don't know where to post beta branch issue feedback other than here.



    If you change the ship orders of a ship that is currently mining to attack enemies in sector it will start to attack the currently mined asteroid.



    Selling and buying remote order via the map won't work if you or another player aren't present in the system where the buy/sell orders are placed.



    Big ships fail to mine even with only one miner on the ship. They seem to go to a distance equal to their bounding box length to the asteroid. Mining beams won't go that far


  5. With the newest patch I also had errors when moving into sectors with planets. Maybe I missed a special use of the plangenerator there. I will look into it.


    About the torpedos I probably should have taken less detailed designs from the workshop. But as this mod is meant as a basis for you/the community to setup factions I hope this mod inspires people to build more CPU efficient designs ;)

    Or at least inspire the devs to an easy way to incorporate player made factions into the game. Best would to have the option to publish whole faction configs to the Steam Workshop

  6. Hello fellow Space Captains,


    I have a small Mod for you. Using this you can replace NPC random block composed ships by those masterworks of people on the steam workshop.

    The mod was actually very easily applied and judging by the already available global functions supplied by Avorion this mod may be obsolete in the near future.


    How it works

    The supplied config file describes 3 factions. Every faction in the game will be assigned one "style" of those and every new ship or station that spawns for that faction will use one of the supplied workshop designs for that. There are some categories already that ships can apply to, like "Defender" NPC ships will be Cruiser and "Attacker" NPCs will be BattleShip. If a faction config does not supply a version for a category, the default ship will be used. And if that also fails the block generator of Avorion will be used.


    How to install

    Simply extract the content  of the supplied ZIP file to the directory of Avorion. Overwrite the files in the script folder when requested.


    The default I supply you with works with a handy and small Steam Workshop Collection:



    How you can use your own collection or another will be explained.


    How to install on a server

    Pretty much the same except that I have no clue how to download Workshop files on a dedicated server other than manually uploading them  ;)

    You can basically put them anywhere on your server file system and change the  config.lua accordingly. But I've found it to be convenient to test the faction client side first and then put everything on the server. Therefore use the Steam Standard structure and copy your steam workshop folder content in the same structure to the server:


    steam/steamapps/workshop/content/445220/[ships here]


    How to edit it

    In the folder "mods/factionships" you will find a file called config.lua. This file contains the configuration for NPC factions and what workshop ships it should use. The default content is composed of 3 factions. If you add or remove a new faction section make sure to set the FactionCount property in the top of the file accordingly.


    To get the right files and the Steam Workshop entries you can go through all the ships/stations you want to use in Steam and add entry ID to the config.

    You can find the Workshop entry ID in the top of your steam window. The folder on your filesystem has the same name. Be careful to look whether the file in the folder is called plan.xml. I encountered files called design.xml.


    Known Issues

    - Adding a new faction mid-game will most likely end up mixing styles for existing factions. The faction styles are as of now applied by the faction index property.

    - Some ship categories of pirates or bosses may not be reflected by the config files yet.

    - turrets blueprints are not used yet.


    Files modified

    - plangenerator.lua

    - shipgenerator.lua

    - pirategenerator.lua



    Feel free to use and expand all files of this mod as it pleases you, as this already modifies Avorion files. I hope you can achieve fun stuff and will share it with the community :)


  7. Hallo,

    Leider schmiert bei uns der (dedizierte) Server ab, sobald wir mindestens zu zweit jeweils eine Fliegerstaffel mit CarrierCommand starten (egal welcher Befehl). Der Absturz kündigt sich an, dass wir weder Ziele angreifen noch Asteroiden minern können.


    > 2018-07-03 23-12-40| Donager  WD Wreckage find pre

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| Donager  WD Wreckage found

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| Donager  WD fighters started

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| Donager  WD End

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| bad_alloc thrown for a size of 140388256038880

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| === STACKTRACE =====================================

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| #1: operator new(unsigned long) [0xa8843e]

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| #2: [ext] std::string::_Rep::_S_create(unsigned long, unsigned long, std::allocator<char> const&) [0x7faf20725249]

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| #3: [ext] std::string::_Rep::_M_clone(std::allocator<char> const&, unsigned long) [0x7faf20725e0b]

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| #4: [ext] std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(std::string const&) [0x7faf2072648c]

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| #5: Script::makeExecutionContext(std::string const&) [0x986c59]

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| #6: void GameCallbackSender::safeCallback<std::tuple<ut::uuid, ut::uuid>&>(std::string const&, std::tuple<ut::uuid, ut::uuid>&) [0x4ca598]

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| #7: DelayedCallbackSender::sendDelayedCallbacks() [0x6944b5]

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| #8: cp::ScriptCallback::update(float) [0x6099c1]

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| #9: Scene::sendRemainingEntityCallbacks(float) [0x78c9b2]

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| #10: ut::Worker<ut::queue<std::shared_ptr<ut::WorkPacket> > >::workSinglePacket() [0x38cfca]

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| #11: std::thread::_Impl<std::_Bind_simple<ut::Worker<ut::queue<std::shared_ptr<ut::WorkPacket> > > ()> >::_M_run() [0x38e080]

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| #12: [ext] ?? [0x7faf2071ca60]

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| #13: [ext] ?? [0x7faf1ff39184]

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| #14: [ext] ?? [0x7faf1fc6603d]

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| ===================================================Exception in Game WorkPool worker thread 2: std::bad_alloc

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| Total memory in use (whole system): 66.37GB

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| Script Memory: 115.79MB

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| Factions In Memory: 7

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| Players In Memory: 2

    2018-07-03 23-12-40| Players Online: 2




    I can confirm bolidors bug.


    If two vessels of the same Alliance show up in the system and use carrier commands the server crashes. They dont have to be controlled by different players. Nor do they need to be controlled by a player at all. It may sometimes take some time to crash.


    Though I'm not familiar with the patch and game feature situation in patch 17.1 I assume alliances are already in the game.

    A quick look at the CarrierCommander.lua showed that in the sector callbacks for fighter events a check for the (i guess) mothership enitity checks whether the faction of the ship entity and the fighter are the same.


    line 163: if Entity(entityId).factionIndex == Entity().factionIndex then 


    That maybe ok if the faction for every mothership that uses carrier commands is different, but otherwise every carrier of the same faction holds messed up references to fighters in their squads.


    But I'm no LUA pro and I still wonder what part of the script is global and what local. Every Ship a player enters he can access the carrier commands, which lets it look like a local thing, but those callbacks for fighter spawning will probably only work in a global context. Yet in these functions there is a call for Entity() and I guess that is the current Ship in which the script runs. I m confused and wonder why the thing works in the first place :D

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