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Everything posted by Michigo

  1. The flagship i'm currently building barely uses armor at all (only for looks). It simply won't need it, regular hull blocks with integrity fields work fine if they are big enough. They only have to endure the occasional shield ignoring shots, cause my shields can pretty much ignore everything else. :D And yes, especially front and back facing thrusters (to brake) are important. They don't need to be super flat anymore (the beta branch changed that). I build my "thruster arrays" out of a bunch of medium sized cubes, mixing good surface area with volume. PS: Trinium really is your best friend, it's good for all purposes. Xanium is can be better for shiny stuff (like generators) and Ogonite is best for armor, but you can never go wrong with trinium. :)
  2. Wieso? Die sind ganz sicher 100% stabel. ;) Die einzige Messung von wert wäre eine mit 256 echten Spielern live auf dem Server, aber ich bezweifle stark das so gemessen wurde.
  3. Around 1/10 of this is enough, that is if you build a ship that can actually survive enemy fire. ^^
  4. True, but some parts of a ship don't scale well. To some extent ships have to be adjusted to work at their new size.
  5. The real question is: Do you want to actually build it later on with materials you get while playing, or do you want something so big and crazy that creative mode is required? Another question: Should the build focus on being an effective ship in Avorion, or on perfect looks? I can see multiple ways to build this design. One approach would be to leave a good chunk of ship hollow, to reduce mass and costs. To move a very very large ship AT ALL large internal engines are needed (the tiny ones seen in the wiki wouldn't suffice), and ofc a lot of thrusters. Regarding materials: The bulk of it should be trinium, granted: titan could work as a substitute, but it's simply worse. While generators and similiar internals should be made out of the best available stuff (Xanion for example).).
  6. The best thing besides more tester-feedback is simply: the MONEY! Avorion may be small, but even devs have to eat. Seeing the game become decently popular has to be greatly satisfying. :) For us players this is great too, cause it provides the best incentive for long time update support.
  7. Sometimes a yellow "hidden mass" system seems empty, but is really full of HUGE ship wrecks in the distance. Just zoom out a little if you suspect to be in one of those, those ship wrecks can rival huge asteroids with ease. Yes, i already found one with over 300k Xanion. A few good salvage lasers focused on the high resource parts (like generators) allow for HUGE returns in no time at all. :) (only the last hit on a part needs to be with salvage turrets!) Here is one with Trinium: edit: Found an even better one. :D
  8. The limiting factor is range. Personally i don't care for salvage turrets in combat anymore. I only use them on hidden station wrecks i find laying around, otherwise i just blast wrecks with regular turrets cause the modules are worth much much more the raw materials.
  9. Well, the Topic is pretty self explanatory. :) Rebuilding ships based on saved designs is great, but it would be even greater if we would know how much materials and credits the design needs. Bonus: Crew needed could be displayed too, but this is far less important.
  10. Or stick the new bigger ship to your old one. If both ships are "one" you can amputate the unwanted twin at any time. ^^
  11. Turrets are the way to go? Well, that is until you realize that "normal" difficulty is anything BUT normal. :D On normal players recieve only 10-20% damage from enemy turrets. This naturally results in a player that can tank pretty much anything in his tier, but to kill the swarm of enemies he's in the player NEEDS to focus on extra turrets or get bored to death. After i started a new game on maximum difficulty i only get into battles i can actually survive. Those battles don't require a huge turret arsenal anymore, my system slots are much more balanced now. :)
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