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Posts posted by Kiapha

  1. Four modules devoted to legendary/exotic hyperdrive upgrades, and a 160,000 resource hyperdrive core, I can jump insane distances, and my drive recharges in four seconds.  But it can take up to six minutes to calculate the jump.  And nothing reduces that except jumping closer, which removes the whole benefit of all that work boosting my jump distance.


    I can jump to a sector, set a target, kill the pirates that attacked me, kill the aliens that warped in and attacked me, and still have time to loot everything before I can jump again sometimes :(


    I can see the need for a charge/cooldown to prevent just popping out at any random point in time, but I also like the idea of using power to calculate the jump as well.  Perhaps even add a penalty to the speed it goes when under attack to maintain the difficulty warping out mid-combat without preparing ahead of time.

  2. This is indeed very annoying late-game.  I have enough shields that I can literally ignore 3-4 ships attacking me for about ten minutes without problems, and my hyperjump range is so long it takes multiple minutes for it to calculate the jump.  I literally open the map, set a target, and go watch videos on youtube, flip back, hit space, select target, go back to youtube.  Very boring, to say the least, and quite annoying that my jump cooldown is four seconds but it takes four+ minutes before I can actually jump at times.


    We really need a cap on the max length of time that a jump calculation takes so jump-focused megaships don't lead to leaving the game for several minutes constantly.

  3. It isn't based on distance, just time.  I've had multi-million resource wrecks despawn on me less than a second from destroying a block larger than my ship when I was less than 0.5km away, and had dozens of ship wrecks despawn seconds from reaching salvage range after battle.  I saw an idea in another thread that I liked where each size takes longer to despawn.


    Perhaps something like this:

    <100 resources: 5m

    <1k resources: 10m

    <10k resources: 15m

    <100k resources: 30m

    <1mil resources: 1h

    >1mil resources: don't despawn


    Perhaps lower the non-despawn level in areas with more than a certain number of wrecks, because no one is going to be able to salvage 100+ wrecks in a scrapyard in under an hour.

  4. I also REALLY hate this - out of the last five or so times I've played, I have had over 90% of the wrecks I go to despawn before I reach salvage range, or before I take off more than ten blocks.  I actually had to mod attacks to happen 1/10th as often just so I could salvage something before being stuck in another fight and everything going away.


    I agree that having an option for the despawn would be helpful, and perhaps have it start with individual blocks or small collections of blocks as well as floating resources, but leave items and larger chunks of ships around longer.

  5. If you can get it to ignore things below a certain size, that would be quite helpful.  I often have my 30 fighters all spamming a single tiny block for five minutes at a time because it is too small for them to target, but then they hit a large ship and strip it to almost nothing in a few seconds.  If they could just ignore the stuff that is too small for them to actually hit, they would be almost perfect since you fixed the problem the base game had.


    Thanks for all the work you have done so far, it has helped out a ton already. :)

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