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Posts posted by AikawaKizuna

  1. Game experience become boring when our resources gained more and more quickly, and what's more player's fleet become more and more unbeatenable.

    To stretch players' fun time, and for some performance issues many games choosed to be harder to gather, enforced AI enemies roughly, or simply let all the economy numbers harder for players to survive. 

    Combine with the existing system now of Avorion and what I know (maybe quite little but play a lot times experience), and think through the dev's 2 dlc ideas, I saw a possiblity.

    Here is my idea about this new "DLC" :

    1. The Second Galaxy War. (New global event)

             When player have beaten the Xstans' wormhole mothership, we can set a timer to trigger this event.

             This will not a single boss event, but a whole disaster in a fixed range from the center of galaxy. What it means shutdown the server for a while, re-generate the galaxy center,   reform it to a new dimension of Xstan invader Empire. 

             We will have new dlc about enter the rift right?

             Story is, the Xstan's new invasion,  made the whole center into the Grand Rift. And they are going to annihilate all the factions in the universe !

             Now the NPC friendly sector will request urgent assist and have a time limit to save them, or they will be devoured by the growing Grand Rift !

             Players will confront stronger enemy's ships, no way to gather better material to build invincible fleets back, only allies and what player have the numbers of resources   that stored before the great war.

            When players struggled on the front line, hardly prevent the rift from growing, other players can form an elite fleet, into the rift, gather better resources, find the hidden Xstan comanders, eliminate them and destroy their alien devices that build the rifts, get the sectors back!

            In this global disaster events,  players will always have the lower tier of materials than the Xstan has, so we can only use more numbers of ships to fight, like a normal AI faction.

           To make it comfortable, RTS mode is very important, and an economy flow from players industries are the same. So lets' see the next "update".

    2. New ship equipment and turret Production Machanics.

         To make the equipments from what it is now to a production of military supply, We will have player turret factory and equipment dock changed:

          New Player Turret Factory productions: when player-build Turret Factory is built, it will take a blueprint to continue. Building turrets wont cost credits but components, when all settings are done, the factory will auto product this turret within production cycle, until the player inventory full or meets the production limit number or insuffcient components.

          As the same, Equipment dock will function just like the Turret Factory, consume components and auto product several selected ship systems.

          This only affact the players owned dock and factory, AI faction's remain the old mech.

    3. New Ship building selection. (Shipyard builds player-saved ship blueprints with setup)

          Now the ship that with systems, turrets. Can be saved as blueprint items(generate from the building-mode).

          This item will be required when player goto a shipyard for building a fancy new battleship. Shipyard will trigger a timer to build the whole ship like before, and player will consume all the turrets and systems needed for that ship immediately, just waiting for your new ship, with all the things setup, with crews and captian!

          Thus, player wont be annoyed again and again, to into system tab, setup everything, building mode, place all the turrets, set the turret skin...

    4. If there's spare force to code. dev. Please implements the fleet formation system. 

         Let players' ship form in battle line, click to move one followed after one, V shape, horizonal row shipe, square formation or anything else!

         Also, let the AI use formations as well!


    The End.

  2. On 9/25/2021 at 5:00 PM, revolver said:

    I was not aware of the performance issues they caused, I understand that the choice to basically unload the ship from existence saves data. I would like to be given the option to enable direct fleet command though - 32GB of DDR4-3200 with another 32 I plan to slot in by the end of the year, I should have the headroom to background run those commands.

    I guess in essence what I'm saying is Avorion used to be a game of options. I suppose many more options exist now such as disabling the materials knowledge and choice to disable the story for a creative-mode experience, but I'm not so sure the devs have thought it through here on applying this to every command apart from the jump command. If I know where a refinery is I should have a mining rig unloaded and ready for its next operation in 5 minutes, not the 10 minutes it takes to get one of my littlest miners cleaned and cleared.

    Loads of little things have built up to grind my gears as I initially detailed, so it's not really one thing that disappoints me.

    ur right about singleplayer server although, in dedicated servers just about more than 6 people (I used to play on) do have a serious performance problem. Even the ai ships command attack the enemy is freezed.

    I think the dev is trying to make it a larger server?

    Anyway, here's the dev said on wiki roadmap page:

    Last update: November 2020.

    Developer Note: "For the future, we want to make sure to not spread our efforts too thin, since we're a small team. We've added so many systems where we're only scratching the surface, and that makes the game feel unfinished. We want to implement our own vision of the game, and to do that, we'll have to stick to what we're good at. That means fleshing out some systems that work really well in the game, but at the same time, it means reducing, maybe even removing some systems that we think don't work well. In general, we want to go towards less micro-management intensive, finicky gameplay and more towards macro decisions & commands."

    Loop commands must be the one that dev already reduced.Sad.

  3. I think I have a better acceptance opinion with this new update, I do love loop commands back to older version yes, but I do know it is a huge performance issue related with these command scripts running background. Compared to a roll back version of loop command I rather like an implemented fleet formation command. 

    Hates my ships wraping in a sector and begin to engage enemies like Somalian pirates swarm upside-down all the time  like these[🙃🙂🤣🙃🤪] and when using escorts they still do friendly attacks with each other sometimes, or say friendly targeting.Buggy.🙃

    Oh, pirates do have a formation I guess.🙃🤣

  4. 1.About the docking block,see pictures below 🙂 

    if the docking check box smaller or configurable to fit this block shape, we can get a better docking ships feature.

    2.we have hotkeys to disable/enable weapon groups, how about adding hotkey bindings to weapon group controls?

    ie.we can use keyboard to do weapon group state changes, to make auto groups attack my target instead of click the icon below. 




  5.     Hi Im Kizuna. Start to deal with this Chinese Traditional community translation since early 2017. I am doing the work all alone from the community translation begun.Large numbers of new entries popped up this year (about 2000+ new) and this quite a large burden for me to ensure quality.

        I found a few people do go to translate.avorion.net to sign up new or correct my translation, but I dont have any way to contact or thank their help and support.Worse is, I realized that they might think there's no one is approving their waiting translation or, no one is answering about this stuff.

        Still I am on checking the translate site sporadically,not that much but still working on the CHT localization, in a slow speed.









  6. Yeah have this bug too on my own dedicated server.

    Fighters remained in the ship hangar before the crash, and this bug seems accured randomly. Not all carriers lost its fighters,

    This bug indicate to some carriers losing all the squads setting after a server restart.

    Crash info in my server:


    2018-02-28 01-41-14| Thread 137 Error: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION

    2018-02-28 01-41-14| Sectors Total: 1458

    2018-02-28 01-41-14| Players Online: 6

    2018-02-28 01-41-14| Players In Memory: 8

    2018-02-28 01-41-14| Sectors Loaded: 24

    2018-02-28 01-41-14| Script Memory: 565.3MB

    2018-02-28 01-41-14| Used Global Memory: 16.35GB

    2018-02-28 01-41-14| Factions In Memory: 16

    2018-02-28 01-41-14| Used Memory: 3.04GB

    2018-02-28 01-41-14| [1] RaiseException 140719602883576

    2018-02-28 01-41-14| [2] CreateVProfile 1939248945

    2018-02-28 01-41-14| [3] RtlCaptureContext 140719646756563

    2018-02-28 01-41-14| [4] CValidator::BMemLeaks 1939149719

    2018-02-28 01-41-14| [5] CatchAndWriteMiniDumpForVoidPtrFn 1939154096

    2018-02-28 01-41-14| [6] CThread::ThreadProc 1939173095

    2018-02-28 01-41-14| [7] BaseThreadInitThunk 140719638845101

    2018-02-28 01-41-14|


    Please fix this.

  7. Talking about AI stations, they consume their items so slowly that players end up overproducing(for making money early on, since you tripled the cost of starting stations which was honestly a horrible move) and can't really do much with the resources, since the stations in every system you go to will be full from your sold materials.


    Also, it's random when AI stations that generate will have extremely low buy/sell amounts.  I've still seen sectors that have 0/0 stock for items, or 0/10 as their max.

    Every 30 seconds with a probability of 50% (so effectively every minute) 1-6 of one random good gets removed from the station in loaded sectors. It is defined in /scripts/lib/tradingmanager.lua

    function TradingManager:useUpBoughtGoods(timeStep)
        if not self.useUpGoodsEnabled then return end
        self.useTimeCounter = self.useTimeCounter + timeStep
        if self.useTimeCounter > 5 then
            self.useTimeCounter = 0
            if math.random () < 0.5 then
                local amount = math.random(1, 6)
                local good = self.boughtGoods[math.random(1, #self.boughtGoods)]
                if good ~= nil then
                    self:decreaseGoods(good.name, amount)


    The OOSP mod has -for a few versions already- the ability to simulate this behavior in not loaded sectors


    Im not a programmer or a moddler now but I think if there is a way to do this discount function once *****when player entered the selected  sector***** will greatly increase game performance.

    have all activated sectors' factories checked every 30secs will of course costs a lot.

    The OOSP mod used to lag my dedicated server seriously. I dont think 30secs is a good idea. If there is no way to mod that I believe in Koonschi will do something on it.

  8. Think about two coop situations:

    #1:Fly a specific fighter as leader, taking control of a fighter squad on your friend's carrier ship...

              a. Able to pilot a single fighter with fighter control mechanism.

            b.Fighter squad orders or tactics AI easy to use by the squad leader.

            c.Docking mechanism between different players' ships.(A dock button with auto dock is enough

    #2:Flies a flagship with larger hangar, that fits a gunship or light frigate as patrol ship or miner or whatever. The other player can fly it away when you are still on the bigger ship.

            a.Docking mechanism between different players' ships.(same with above

          b.Hangar blocks volume calculation for holding smaller player ships.

        c.Merging ships with merge block?(let players make twin ships just like the AI do



    oh... By the way, please make hotkeys for switching the auto-turrets fire mode. We now have to click the icons below the screen every time after entered a new sector.

  9. Yeah... nice ships, would love to mess with them myself... but I'm not going to be running an executable file from some some other site, and the chinese site presents an error that, when translated, basically says it doesn't exist.


    I have tried the file-upload.net link to download myself, sure the link is weird and had a lot of ads.

    Maybe I should try another way please check this post tomorrow. Comments are always welcome.

  10. Thank you for your advice, Google drive is down from my side because of local network restrictions. I will try other way today, but not promise.


    The curved shape is easy if you know how to use the triangles until you successfully made a ball.

    In fact this ships are all formed with similar components predefined, before I start to construct a whole "ship tiles".

    A ball is useful for cutting and reshape it - for curved outer armor and ellipsoid structure. It is a component that I considered.

    Other components like a single engine, ship bridge, complex weapon basement, hangar bays ... etc. Make the components first,save them to the space menu slots before your ship work, is quite helpful to form up a more complex ship model.


    There are many more creations on the steam screenshots page better than mine, but I realized they can't be download to play with.My ship is there for a month and sank then a guy leave comment said he want xmls, so here I am.


    I think the steam workshop won't be soon available for Avorion. Besides I'm expected more about game experiences update now.I will try more to solve this sharing problems from my side.




    You know these are absolutely amazing right????? LIKE OMG


    I was actually vocalizing my excitement when I was clicking each spoiler!!!


    And the last ship I just straight up said Wow out loud!!!


    Amazing work dude!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


    So do I need to change an image post site or not? The guy up there said they are broken anyway.

    Oh...and thank you.

    I am fixing the broken image.

  12. Greetings! This is all my ships above 300 hours spent on Avorion so far.

    (Some of them are built in earlier game version, without new blocks and maneuverability turned to be very unconvenient)


    #Adjusted for new version

    %Good maneuverability

    *Too slow


    1.Snow Gunboat*

    Credits $15,649

    Titanium 2,766





    2.Nova Gunboat

    Credits $11,810

    Titanium 3,224





    3.Imp Light Frigate(Imitation from Hiigaran gunboat, Homeworld 2)%

    Credits $109,813

    Titanium 7,043

    Naonite 6,233





    4.Fire Hound  Frigate(Ugly,Imitation from Vagar frigate, Homeworld 2)

    Credits $306,210

    Titanium 2,310

    Naonite 28,800

    Trinium 1,400

    Xanion 39





    5.Succubus Frigate(Imitation from Hiigaran frigate, Homeworld 2)#

    Credits $267,602

    Iron 2,325

    Trinium 26,027





    6.InfernoBalrog Destroyer(Imitation from Titan Battlecruiser art design, Homeworld)%*

    Credits $1,519,590

    Titanium 68,788

    Naonite 107,313

    Trinium 2,363





    7.Tinkle Freighter

    Credits $427,530

    Iron 42

    Naonite 61,196





    8.Incubus Cargoship(Imitation from EVE)#%

    Credits $6,785,011

    Iron 92,703

    Trinium 8,808

    Xanion 609,849














    9.Hyle Battleship(Imitation from Star Conflict)#%

    Credits $11,219,598

    Iron 71,057

    Trinium 7,140

    Xanion 941,294

















    10.Maya Battleship#

    Credits $12,051,970

    Iron 120,502

    Trinium 57,192

    Xanion 959,515











    11.Tatooine Cruiser*

    Credits $4,660,570

    Trinium 3,618

    Xanion 392,905











    12.Carrier Ellias

    Credits $9,563,876

    Titanium 34

    Trinium 967,787

    Xanion 8,294











    13.Carrier Hakai(Imitation from EVE)#%

    Credits $25,681,851

    Iron 90,036

    Trinium 137,692

    Xanion 2,058,310











    14.AKI Station*of course

    Credits $13,437,273

    Iron 33,481

    Xanion 1,379,180









    The forum attachment restrictions prevent me upload them directly(up to 2MB).

    I'm not sure if you can use this download link from my country.

    If not,please inform me in this post below and I will try another way.


    Download link from Chinese website:




    @Fox thanks for your advice the dropbox.com is down for me but file-upload.net is ok, awesome. Here's the new download link below.

    Download link from en.file-upload.net:



    Should work this time.


    I tried to gain access to dropbox with some tricks lol

    Try this new link:(Updated Apr.2)




    o(╯□╰)o Hope you like them!

  13. I've recognized from reddit.com just now that Koonschi said he needs more than 3 hours to write an update note or anything like that.

    I think he can use his native language to public the weekly quick news to save up time and just let the community do the translate.

    I think players will surely appreciated this work and many people will take parts in it.

    Google translate should do the work too.


    Anyway, neither English or German is my native (English is so-so enough to understand) I am still waiting for next update to see what I can do to the localization files.

    Keep up the good work and thank you.

    lol is this place Koonschi might take a look at?

  14. I think the turret system what we have now is well enough though, Avorion has its own features.

    It is not necessary to change it.It just needs adjustment and improvement.

    My opinion is, the turrets should get a larger block size and slower their turn rates when the tech rate  meets 30 and above.(Even uses more turret slots if necessary. Larger the size of a turret it suppose to be more fire power long range in one shot as main cannon on battleships.)

    Like we can get a 1.8 sized force gun turret in tech 35 made in Xenion now, why should weapon turrets remained 0.5 in size?

    If we have several 5x2x5 Cannon or railgun turrets in size, we can do ship models as capitals or line ships.

    This should limit high damage turrets on small ships and high damage small weapons to easily hit small and fast ships.

    And if a large ship wants to install small and fast turrets as "point defense", lower tech or lower class material made turrets shall in place.(To make the items in early gaming are not littered as the game processed. Of course the AI should do more works making enemies and captained ships fights as they supposed to. Such as large ships tend to stand fire weapons at longest range as well as the small ships circles the targets at full speed or do spiral maneuver, should flee if they are damaged enough etc.)


    Then, implemented directional mounted large capital weapons and torpedoes as wiki said.

    What I think the cap weapons should only mounted on large capital ships so the turret slot for it should independent.When ur ship have 7 slots or 8 (or what ever should call a capital, there can be a standard) more, then 1 slot for cap weapons will appear by default.(ps: It will be amazing if we can have a cap weapon linked glow block in our ships design. The block keep dark usually until your main capital weapon prepared to fire, the glow blocks start to glow from your ship tail to the weapon muzzle.Not necessary but cool :P :P :P)

    Torpedoes can be act the same way as the normal turrets but as they are supposed to do huge damage, they should have very low firing rate and use 2 or more turret slots for 1 torpedo launcher install on ship. Torpedo launcher should differs from missile or rocket they are not turret mounted so launcher cannot turn, fire to the direction that player placed them.

  15. Ýeah, the search function can make life really hard at times :)


    I guess, as issues like these are not really game breaking and as high priority as some other stuff, he is pushing these back. Maybe he also has some changes to the system planned, which would make those fixes unnecessary. But that is just pure speculation from my side.


    That an opinion ;D. But return to the beginning I'm still curious about what he is doing about the game now. It will be nice and inspiring if he can have somebody to post news every week or even every day.Since Avorion is now becoming global famous::) ::) ::).

  16. Merged topics. Please try to search for similar topics next time. This one was just on the second page ;)



    lol,I have searched for "player build stations" "station" "build larger stations"etc. but got pages of topics from suggestions. This one dived nowhere to be found. :o :o :o :o


    I'm wondering when Koonschi will implemented these sort of small problems as it only takes less than 10 lines of coding.

    So that we can play the game without edit xxx.lua every couple of days.

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