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Posts posted by RandomCommander

  1. I've got some ideas considering torpedoes. This might be a good application for special torpedoes.


    You just sky-rocketed my curiosity


    Torpedoes? Do these require "Torpedo bay" blocks where these things launch from, akin to Fighters and Hangar Bays? Are there missiles too? Do they need a separate "Missile rack" block? How many types of standard/special torpedoes/missiles do you plan on adding? Are you considering the Mine-laying suggestion too?


    Okay I'll stop the questions there. ;D



  2. I guess I'm the biggest Space Strategy nut?


    Master of Orion (originals only so far...)

    Sword of the Stars I

    AI War (There's a second one coming out! :o )

    Homeworld (mainly the first game remastered)

    Supreme Commander (first one)

    Total Annihilation (Planetary Annihilation is iffy)

    Sins of a Solar Empire

    And i cant decide which X game... 2 or 3?


  3. OR raise the price....1,000,000 for 30 minutes?(at the current levels of output)


    Sure, that might just solve the problem for salvage yards, but what about hidden sectors with lots of wreckages? Millions of resources for free - just as long as you kill the pirates protecting them.



    ...actually, I can live with that.

  4. what sector you are in


    Sector (-292, 85) with all Trinium ships. Come fite me bro!1!!



    Before the salvaging lasers, mining the wreckages was really not all that cut out to be. Maybe if you wanted systems, but armed turrets would get that job done faster than mining turrets. But I will admit salvage turrets are an awesome addition - your favorite sector polluted with wreckages? Get some salvage turrets and go to town!


    I'm not sure Koonschi will keep having them give HUGE amounts of materials though, so I wouldn't get your hopes up.

  5. Small mining ships FTW


    I like to just have one type of turret (armed vs unarmed) on my ships at any one time. As I'm not very good with Weapon Groups yet, I tend to just Alpha-strike anything that is my target with all my turrets.


    Regardless, I would also like to see Quality-of-life improvements too. +1 on Remove Turrets button!

  6. AFK Mining can be a problem, yes, but it can also be a reliable source of mineral income when you are, say, running a sector with stations of your own, and you have plans to create an empire of sorts (which in the current state of the game, is really hard to do). However, before we can even THINK about running sectors and having proper player-factions, we could always have a short-term solution.


    The short-term solution I propose is that these ships will mine only if the player THAT OWNS THEM is online, otherwise they will go in a pseudo-idle state, which they will return to normal mining when the player logs back on. This encourages players to do something else while these ships mine, but at the same time discourages AFK mining (especially when paired with a timer that kicks players from the server if they are AFK too long) significantly, not to mention said ships are even more vulnerable to pirate/hostile attacks.

  7. I am actually having this same problem, though never found a way around it. I have managed to get a save file of a galaxy JUST BEFORE one of my ships imploded into the light/orb thing, though I was pretty far into the game at that point.


    I will try to get a save file of this bug in action as close to the starting sector as possible, I believe this will be easier on Koonschi.


    EDIT: Booyah! Ship going haywire about ENE from the starting sector - about two gate hops! The file is too big to attach here, so I'm e-mailing it to Koonschi himself.

  8. Space Pirates and Zombies (I & II)


    Sublevel Zero

    FTL: Faster Than Light


    Space Impossible


    Avorion Demo

    ...basically, any cool, indie/Non-AAA Starship game out there.

    As well as many well-known ones like Homeworld Remastered, Sins of a Solar Empire and (Probably) MoO (Whole entire freaking series!)


    Oh yeah, and Terarria, a little bit.

  9. There was a 2D space game (forgot name) which did that. There were several gun parts that influenced the gun in different ways like:

    Gunmount | D ( xx rounds per minute(rpm)/ x dmg / range x /speed x m/s / x energy per shot (eps) )

    Barrel | ] ( dmg +x / eps + x% )

    Barrel | = ( Range +x / eps  +x )

    Barrel | H ( rpm +x / eps  + x% )

    Barrel | > ( speed + x% /eps  + x )


    this ended up in huge rail cannons  D]]]]]]]]]]================>>>>>

    or devastating turrets DHHHHHHHH]]]==>>>

    which drained ridiculous amounts of energy but annihilated most enemies in a few seconds.

    To protect the cannon, most players built their spaceship around it.

    And because of the absolute and percentual energy increase, the order of the barrel parts was important for the energy consumption and you had to do some math :)


    actually, it was pretty fun.


    --- Edit

    if there will be a research and gun factory later, you could design your gun similar to that in the research station -> let the factory build it from your blueprint -> mount it to your ship.

    this way the gun stays a single object (same like guns now), but is completely modular and everyone can design their own favorite type.


    I think you are talking about "Reassembly," there is a faction of ships that can do just that with their parts. I think they were called the "Tinkrell..."

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