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Posts posted by JayNic

  1. Thanks Aki!


    With your tip, I was able to put together a module that is self contained as follows:


    --[[file: lib/mylib.lua
    local M = {}
    --private function
    local function doThingOnServer()
       print("I'm on the server")
    --public function
    local function doThing()
    M.doThing = doThing
    return M



    --[[file: player/myPlayerScript.lua
    local MyLib = require("mylib")
    function initialize()

  2. I disagree. Categorical diversity would still permit players to build things outside any of the specifications. Just certain game play elements would not be available to a ship outside any class restriction, and classes could only do what's in their field of responsibility. Which would work for people some of the time. Or many people most of the time. Or some people much of the time... you see where I'm going


    For example: I don't really see the point in the NPC freighters - why not just destroyers with cargo blocks?


    The pro of a classless system is that anyone can build anything they want at any time. The con of a class system being that people might feel railroaded.

    The con can be negated by permitting classless ship designs, but denying smaller gameplay elements to a ship outside a required class. This not only adds an additional layer of game logic to facilitate more detailed factions, and npc economies: but adds additional player gameplay as well. Win win


    The con of the classless system is that... well.. everyone does the same thing.


    My train of thought takes me on this route:

    Without defined areas of responsibility: there's no reason to diversify.

    Without diversity: there's no reason to specialize.

    Without specialization: we're all just grinding to be the biggest and fastest...



  3. Hmm interesting. When I played through, I don't actually feel the need to build massive. In fact: I stayed much smaller than most until I just had tonnes of resources.


    I agree that NPC ship sizes should be much more varied. As it currently stands: everything is around the same size, and it means everything really just feels the same.


    As I think through things in my head: I keep coming back to ship classes... It would be an easy way to add a semblance of reasoning in to configuring ships both on the player side, and the NPC side.


    For example: I really like the idea of running a trade ship, and mastering some cargo routes: but there's really no reason... why wouldn't I just build a giant battle ship with cargo space?


    Whereas if there were classes, it would add an abstraction layer around the logic of ship design. The class system could be variable in both size, and statistics. So for example, the rules would be based on things like the following:

    * XX% of the mass must be cargo space


    * The ship can have no more than XX% cargo space


    * The ship must have at least XX% mass as cargo space


    Using these (and obviously more) rules: you could add on additional gameplay logic. So that if you're an "official cargo vessel" that meets those requirements: you would get gameplay benefits to trade. Maybe more stations trade with you, or you get better prices, or you get more relation bonus'


    Conversly as a cargo vessel: you could not have as many weapons: so there would be a reason to hire escorts etc... Or if you stayed around a series of sectors for too long running trade routes: pirates would catch wind of it and come after you... or something... just spitballing



  4. Hey all, I'm having a bit of a problem - maybe someone can help me out

    I can't seem to figure out how to get the invokeServerFunction/invokeClientFunction to recognize if I am inside a module


    --[[file: myFile.lua
    container module for this and that
    local M = {}
    function M.requestFromServer()
    function M.serverFunction()
        print("Server function!")
    return M


    the server function is never called... presumably something with scoping?

    any ideas on how to get around it?


    Maybe there is a better way to build my modules that will work with the calls?





    I consume the file like so:

    --[[file: someinterface.lua
    package.path ....
    local myUtility = require("myFile.lua")
    function initialize()



    ALSO: Still think it would be great to have a modding help sub-forum...

  5. I love this game. Way too much... And like many people: abused the hell out of the thruster stacking capabilities a couple versions ago... Then... again like many others: got ticked off when my ships all of a sudden didn't work in the new branch. I was dismayed at how slow everything was, how I couldn't fly my massive frigate like a fighter...


    But then over time, I started to realize how much I actually enjoyed feeling the power behind the vessel. I realized that there had been no space game out there that gave me the true feeling of piloting a capital ship - they're all arcadey! I started to see the merits of it, and while the flying was slow - it was supposed to be slow. If I wanted something nimble, and quick: I would have built something nimble and quick. But I didn't. I was in a 550m destroyer with 16 rail guns.


    And I liked it!

    I like the feeling of this power being held in check by the forces of physics.

    I like getting auto-targeting turrets, and taking on multiple enemies at once with more complex combat than simply pointing my nose at them and holding down left mouse...

    I like the level of detail that it could bring to the game with a few more ship sizes out there for the AI.


    The way I see it is that with the originally envisioned model: the complexities of combat and fleet management would promote clever thinking, hiring mercenary escorts, ingenious ship design to cover all angles, multiple "classes" of ships to facilitate different needs.


    But now... now that the whiners got their way squeaky wheel got the grease: I feel the only way to go in ship design and progression is... bigger... Just build bigger... there's no disadvantage to having one giant ship that can do everything... This leads to an eventual galaxy full of super ships, and that's all... Who can tank the most


    So here is my hoping - after waiting years for a game like this (since my childhood days of Escape Velocity) that koonschi adds in two simple different game modes: arcade and hardcore.


    Arcade for the simpler flight mechanics, and hardcore for the true vision that (I think) he wants...

  6. Devious, I'm making sure I'm doing this recording on the client. The server only has to provide the information: because it doesn't look like I can get the goods from a call on the client... which kinda sucks... But the most minimal amount of work is done by the server: the client will store it in memory. I'll test whether or not the memory get's too bogged down - but I'm not anticipating it.


    Push comes to shove: and people are saying their ram is through the roof: then I'll ONLY load the data at RUNTIME on the client when he opens the browser: and I'll ONLY permit the user to search within a given faction or maybe within a limited radius... Hopefully it doesn't get to that point.


    It feels good to have actually made a solid step... It's a far cray from me not knowing any lua since I started on this.

  7. Antimodes,


    I've taken to storing the data as lua tables - these can then be directly parsed back to objects with loadstring. For now: I'm not going to go external DB/api route... I'll keep it simple.


    I have them pretty-printing now and they store in a trext file in a pre-defined path:



    - I'm going to have the file written each time the player enters, or leaves a system. That way the data is always up to date.

    I'm toying with the idea of simply storing all the data in memory during play: and only writing on disconnect... But if there are crashes - it might mean the player loses his play-data... so maybe not...



  8. Yeah Devious: that's the idea! I was thinking of creating a spreadsheet, and I just thought to myself how annoying it would be to have to input/search for data. Then I though I could just output the textual data for easy copy paste IN to a spreadsheet - at which point I decided there wouldn't be THAT much more work to create a full in game searchable db...


    I think for simplicities sake: I'm going to continue along the line of the pic I posted:

    Create a text file to store the data in each system the user goes to. The file name contains the galaxy seed (but with non-alphanumeric replaced with underscores, in case I can't create a file with funky symbols) as well as the coordinates


    I'll store the following info:

    Station name/type

    Good name

    Buy or sell

    last unit price (of the player)


    max stock


    That's all!


    Then I'll monkey with the ui scripting to build a basic paginated list. Hopefully an input text box to allow the user to type in what they want to get. That, or a picklist type deal to select a particular good.


    That'll be it for now. I'm REALLY not experienced with LUA, and haven't really looked in to the UI scripting api, so that is more than enough for me to bite off.


    Long term: if this fails horribly: then I move the database to a webservice, store all kinds of stuff with simple little GET params, then integrate a more complicated search feature that actually fires off a request, performs a query on a PHP/MYSQL backend, and returns a parsable table that gets interfaced in to the ui script. That's the ferrari version.


    Anyways - wish me luck!

  9. Solved it - Thanks to SkeletonKing for helping me out.


    You need to shut everything down (steamCMD, AvorionServer.exe) duh-doy...

    Then run the following steamCMD commands:


    login anonymous


    force_install_dir c:/your_dir


    app_update 565060 -beta beta validate


    NOTE: This will override any server.bat configuration that you've done, so make sure to re-write that before you start it up again. eg my server.bat file is:


    bin\AvorionServer.exe --galaxy-name JayNic_Dedicated_Galaxy --admin my_steam_64_id --datapath C:\avorionserver\serverData --seed JayNic

  10. Hey guys,


    I've followed the guide here: http://avorion.gamepedia.com/Setting_up_a_server

    to get a dedicated server on another machine running, and it works. But I'd like to move it to the beta branch...


    Is this guide still relevant? Is there a different way without using steamCMD and just copying files from the steamapps game dir? I've done some googling: but it seems much of the information is not relevant, or out of date. I'm a bit confused...



  11. I'm hoping for the simplest possible solution with extremely easy installation. I hadn't really considered using an actual database because of the over-all complexity of the implementation. Add on to the fact that this game is still early in it's existence: the chances of architectural changes that will result in re-writes of the system would be pretty high...


    As it stands, I don't think there is a way to save any data directly to a player - that will persist across his play through. I think you can save data to the SERVER but even that (I read somewhere) is currently bugged... Additionally: I'd like to have all this work being done by the client, anyways.


    And yes, you're correct dwarvenlord1; saving the seed is the unique identifier. I wrote that in already, and was playing with just appending it to the file.



    If I go to an actual database: I'd want to just put it up on a webservice somewhere. Then build a basic JSON api to grab data. This then involves getting a parser in lua, and converting the results to lua tables... It's probably the most reliable model: because then the player is a pretty slim client... But... then there's always worrying about versioning... Ensuring the client is up to date, or maintaining older versions of the api... blech... This is sounding more and more like my job... (developer/consultant)

  12. I WAS thinking about an external db too... I'm quite experienced with good ol php/mysql. This is the first real project I've ever tried to undertake in LUA - (the only reason I decided to do it was because of the good documentation, and the fact that this game is really well programmed.)


    Definitely want to share it. Just wanted to get over this hurdle before I move forward - cause it could be a show stopper.


    So you're saying that you don't think the file parsing/searching would be too bad?


    Cause here it what I'm thinking if I break it down in to single responsibility modules.



    Module 1) Data gathering.

    This is pretty much done. This part gathers all the stations buy/sell data when you enter a sector, including the current price. I can add more things like you say - for example the person who discovered it. etc...


    Module 2) Data storage.

    Store all the data as the player plays in a bunch of tables. These tables can be sorted and interfaced with through the scripting api. This is the "database" part - but just a flat table, really.


    Module 3) Parsing stored data

    HEre's where I have some black holes in my mind - cause I'm not sure I know enough about lua/the game to answer these questions... If I was to store EVERYTHING the player had discovered in a single text file - where each line is a single good at a single station, then maybe I could just load that entire text file in to memory when the player joins up, store it all in to the tables, and the interface takes over from there.

    Then when the players LEAVES the game... (or maybe even leaves a sector) I just write the whole thing back to the text file... Seems like it might be overkill... like: my programmer brain tells me that I should really just write a single text file per sector... but my lazy/simple brain tells me I should just do one big write at the end of it all.


    If I do one big write: then there is the chance that during a crash: the player will lose his data cause he won't kick off the onPlayerDisconnect event which is where I would trigger the write...



    So I guess... If in your opinion: parsing all those text files when the player opens the "tradabase" window won't cause a nasty cpu hit: then maybe that's the simplest way?



    Thanks for your thoughts, btw. Greatly appreciated.


  13. Hey all, I'm looking for some guidance and ideas for my trading database (I'm calling it Tradabase).


    Basically, the most annoying game-ification in the game (to me) right now is the fact that I can't see who buys and sells what, even though that information is freely given from the stations. As of right now the player has two choices to understand where to buy and sell:

    1) A trade computer

      - This module really just does math for you. And by the time you get a good enough one that goes back a few sectors in history: you're already making enough money to run have the galaxy

    2) A spreadsheet

      - Nobody likes spreadsheet... let alone how detracting it is from gameplay when you are being pulled out of your immersion to fill out data


    So I started to write a little mod that records what every station buys and sells whenever you enter a system. I've got this part working.


    I grab all the stations, and all the goods they buy and sell, and dump the variables in to a text file that I create.


    The end idea is some sort of interface to be able to pull up and either browse or search for goods - but that's for later.


    What I've looking for next is some ideas from the community on potential issues.


    Namely the size. The data has the capacity to get really big, and bog down performance on the client (the trade data is recorded, and stored by the client NOT the server). So being able to load all of the potential sectors in to some tables to peruse could cause quite an issue.

    I was thinking maybe I could have a drop down with a faction, and the tradabase window would only then need to browse the goods in a given faction. This way: I could store the data against a faction, and limit the size during consumption.


    Anyways... any ideas/suggestions/help would be great.


  14. Ok I was wrong. I'm pretty sure it's all in "player/eventscheduler.lua"


    There is an initial object set up with some variables that looks like this:


    local events =
        {schedule = random():getInt(45, 60) * 60, script = "convoidistresssignal", arguments = {true}, to = 560},
        {schedule = random():getInt(60, 80) * 60, script = "fakedistresssignal", arguments = {true}, to = 560},
        {schedule = random():getInt(60, 80) * 60, script = "piratehunter", to = 560},
        {schedule = random():getInt(25, 50) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {0}, minimum = 5 * 60, from = 0, to = 500},
        {schedule = random():getInt(35, 70) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {1}, minimum = 25 * 60, to = 500},
        {schedule = random():getInt(60, 80) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {2}, minimum = 60 * 60, to = 350},
        {schedule = random():getInt(80, 120) * 60, script = "alienattack", arguments = {3}, minimum = 120 * 60, to = 300},
        {schedule = random():getInt(50, 70) * 60, script = "spawntravellingmerchant", to = 520},


    These are the available events, and each of their names correspond to a script file that is used to generate the appripriate event particulars.

    The "schedule" property seems to be what denotes their time. For "piratehunter" it randomizes a value between 60-80 minutes. Out to a range in the galaxy of up to 560 sectors.



    Later in the script I found a comment that states that if there are more than one player in the sector: then cut the event time in half. That means twice as fast. So this is why it seems when I'm playing with friends: we get attacked by pirates and aliens ALL the time...



    I think I'm going to just double those values in the random:getInt call


  15. Hey guys,


    I'm trying to mod the frequency of two events: The aliens, and the pirates.


    I have found in the file: "scripts\events\pirateattack.lua" there is a function called "getUpdateInterval" and it simply returns "15"


    function getUpdateInterval()
    return 15



    If I update it to something like the following, is that good enough?

    function getUpdateInterval()
            local x = math.random(15,60) 
            print("events/pirateattack.lua.getUpdateInterval: returning " .. tostring(x))
            return x



    The other part of the question is: where can I find the alien spawning time?

  16. ... I am also unclear how to save that data to persist between sessions.


    This is where I got stuck... I'm trying to make a mod that records what goods are for sale/purchase in each sector the player enters. But... I couldn't see if I could save data to the players inner db, or whatever.


    I did try lua's command:

    function makeFiles()
        os.execute( "mkdir season\\week1" )
        newFile = io.open( "season\\week1\\game.txt", "w+" )
        newFile:write( funcThatReturnsAString() )


    and it creates a folder in the base game data folder (or somewhere close - can't recall) but it opens a little console window and minimizes the game. That's as far as I got.

  17. Thanks guys... You're right, Snoweh: it looks like they don't move. It feels like they do because I guess they get revealed as you get closer... still... watching those buggers close...


    And I had not made the connection between subspace signals and aliens... man those aliens are more of a nuisance than anything... I'm going to look in to modding down their frequency

  18. So these rift things... (I assume are what that annoying message is that keeps saying "strange subspace signals")


    We have a dedicated server, and these things are just eating up the starting region... And they move fast. Seemingly faster than in single player.


    Can you mitigate them? Do they eventually fade in a given area, or do they just consume the whole map until there's nothing left? Can we disable them for the dedicated server?

  19. hmm nope. Not quite what I'm hoping for. I just want to point my engines so I can slow down. There's no way to do it precisely in game... you're always off slightly, which a ships computer would be able to do for you.

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