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Posts posted by Addle

  1. I'm on Linux with patch Working quite well, in general, since the latest patch. There's one super annoying issue happening though.


    When there's a large battle with a lot of effects and such happening, or generally a lot on the screen, I can't toggle weapon groups any more. If I hit the key (1, 2, etc) for a group, it toggles, then toggles immediately back to the original state. Sometimes I can get it to work if I rotate my ship so that there's a lot less on the screen. Granted, I only have a GTX560 and I'm upgrading it soon, so the FPS should improve and probably solve this, but there's likely an issue in the way that's handled, I think.


    Easily replicated for me. Just get into some large and somewhat laggy battle,  and try to toggle a weapon group. However, you might need to get your system to lag sufficiently to replicate it. And it may or may not be specific to the Linux build.


    I did look in the client and server logs and there's absolutely nothing out of the ordinary there. Let me know if I can do anything to help, of course.


    Lastly, love the game. It's amazing. Two of my friends have now purchased it (both on Linux), and I assume a number more will do so at some point. And thank you for the Linux release! Can't wait to see where this is going! <3

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