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Posts posted by Magiehammer

  1. Hi!


    Yesterday I asked about the Problem in the Avorion Discord, and we closed the discussion with "Write on Forum" :D

    So, here Ill write about a phenomen of "slow down while boosting after upgrading system specs".


    What happend:

    Some weeks/month ago I upgraded my Computer from Intel I5 3470 (4-Threaded) with 16 GB RAM to AMD Ryzen 7 2700X (16-Threads) with 32GB RAM, new Motherboard, new OS (Win 10 64-bit...), same Graphics Card (Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB).

    Since I upgraded, I see the problem.


    What is the Problem:

    When I start fly through space, while accelerating or boosting the game slows down. It dont stutter, rubberbands or so, it feels like the simulation of the Games physics is slowing down.

    In the Discussion at Discord we see, that the FPS is dropping from 120 to 60 while boosting.

    I have a 144 Hz Monitor, V-Sync active.


    I made a Video to show the Problem:


    Here you see the Problem, theres one Thread overly used (almost 100%) all other Threads are running with the standard background noise.

    So multi-threading might solve the problem, but as already known, is not a soluten like a bugfix, so this almost isnt able to do.



    With the Ship "Test 1":


    With the Ship "Test 2" (not in Video) the FPS drops to 90.


    Without V-Sync the slow down/FPS drop is a bit stronger.


    Is it reproducable?

    Another User on Discord tested my Ship in a new Galaxy on the same CPU, also with 120Hz Frequenzy on Monitor, and see the same problem.

    I tested in my normal Galaxy and on a new generated galaxy, the Problem is the same, feel free to try yourself.


    I think the Problem is the lower single-thread-performance of AMD, Intel has more single-core-performance, but the total power of the Ryzen is much higher than my I5 before, (thats why I upgraded).


    Feel free to ask and comment :)


  2. Hello Guys!


    Eng: Firstly: The Game is really really nice! Im also happy that this is a German Project :)

    Ger: Also, dahingehend: Schickes Spiel! Die NPCs halten einen gut auf Trap beim Minen, auch wenn man dennen manchmal ein bisschen zu leicht entkommt, aber soweit schonmal :)


    Eng: I think it would be nice, if the Game would get a "Search Steelfactory" or something like that option in the Galaxy Map.

    May its like a Database, which can be generated and actualisied when jumping in a new area:

    You can type in a search field for :" Steelfactory L" and if you already found some, it will highlight them on the galaxy Map.

    I played about 20h and unhide over one of these big squares when you are at maximum zoom out, and for the trading, I need to search where is which station. So I have to search for every flight new, if I dont make my own Excel-Table.

    Ger: Mir kam nach einiger Zeit der Erkundung die Idee, man könnte eine Suchfunktion in der Galaxiekarte einbauen. Eine Art Datenbank die man dann abfragen kann mit :"Stahlfabrik L" oder ähnlichem. Ohne jetzt konkret angezeigt zu bekommen, ob die Station gerade waren hat. Nur wo sie ist. Damit das Suchen etwas schneller geht, denn bis jetzt muss man immer jedes System einzeln abklappern um zu sehen, was da drin ist. Notizen sind zwar eine gute Idee, aber man kann auch nicht jedes System mit einer Notiz versehen, dann geht die Übersicht verloren. Daher fände ich eine Suchfunktion nur ganz Simpel für bereits erkundete Systeme echt Klasse :)

    Für Nicht-Händler ist die Funktion vielleicht nicht so wichtig, aber es wäre zumindest kein Schaden für die, die es nicht nutzen.


    Eng: So, it would be nice, to have this. Otherwise Ill make my own Database for all Systems and Stations :D

            What do you think about these feature?

    Ger: Daher, ich fände es echt Hilfreich eine solche Funktion eingebaut zu haben. Ansonsten, bis dahin mach ich meine eigene Tabelle :D

            Was haltet ihr von dieser Funktion?


    Eng: With friendly wishes,

    Ger: Mit freundliche Grüßen,


    [Tec]Admiral Magiehammer



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