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Everything posted by cepheni

  1. Did you try to delete the index file (maybe make a backup version just in case this does not help)? It seems the client tries to recreate the index file and somehow can't. It might help to just delete it and leave the player save files intact. A new index should then be generated according to the player save files.
  2. No, it's a launch option. Right-click on Avorion in Steam, go to properties and in the tab that opens up there is a button "set launch options". Put that in the line that will show and start the game.
  3. One unit in Avorion would be 10 m in real world. Showing all the numbers would probably just explode the tooltips, which is why it's currently not done.
  4. A teleport of that kind is planned. I know no details but Koonschi already said he wants to include that.
  5. Thanks, I will run it past Koonschi and see what we can do about that :)
  6. Hi there, sorry for the late answer, I am only now getting to work up everything that I missed during the last two weeks ;) Once you updated a galaxy to the beta branch by starting it you will not be able to play on it using the default branch or any older version. That is why its not loading/crashing.
  7. Hi there, sorry for the late response, but better late than none at all, right? ;) Yes it seems your player save got corrupted. I wasn't able to get it to work either, with all other files intact. Even upgrading it to the beta branch did not help. I would however suggest you play on the beta branch, Koonschi promised to be more careful with his updates after the thruster outbreak and most of the save file corruptions have been fixed on the beta branch. They still can happen, but at a much lower rate.
  8. Your client is on version 10.2. Does the server have the same version? The client log sadly shows no error. If it is not a version problem, I will really need you to post the server log, too.
  9. mh, I see nothing wrong with the logs. Do you still have the issue? If so could you maybe post client logs, too?
  10. wow, that looks really bad. Can you post your client log, and what graphic driver are you using?
  11. mh, yeah the AI is a bit bugged. The dev is working on it, but it may take some time, as this bug currently eludes all error logging.
  12. The dev is aware of that issue. He has not come around to fix it, as before players build stations it wasn't as big of a deal and now the work just keeps piling up.. But he will work on it, probably even as part of the alliances update (but no promises here, I have no influence on the coding process itself and Koonschi is the one making decisions).
  13. The staying shadowed is only an UI bug, that will be fixed soon. The deep scan should add the yellowish points to your map. If you happen to be in a region without stuff, they may not show up on your map.
  14. From the log it looks like the galaxy was created with a mod script "spawnbehemoth.lua" and it could not find it and crashed because of that. Make sure you have that back in the folder it belongs before reattempting to start the galaxy. If your inventory has too many items the game takes too long to load (in Windows measurements) and is shown as unresponsive and in most cases killed. If you could post the client and server logs it would help a lot.
  15. Good to hear that you like the game! Some of your suggestions will come with the alliances update. The AI (which basically is fleet control) will be improved further, the dev is aware of the issues with it. I can't promise you a certain date as it is not my place to do so but it will be done :)
  16. Can you post the client log? I think that would help.
  17. The number behind the player thing is only a way for the index to distinguish between the saves (latest ones having the highest number). It should work fine if you just delete the player_1 file. But just in case back it up beforehand.
  18. It seems to help if you leave and reenter the galaxy. All orders that you gave to the unresponsive AI are lost, it will continue with the last received order before becoming unresponsive.
  19. This is a known issue, and has to do with how steam handles authentication. We are not quite sure how we should work around that as disabling it completely (as some other games have done) seems not quite right. Especially in the recent events of players purposefully trying to crash servers. We are aware of it however, and will come up with a solution if it inconveniences too many players. For now everyone hosting a server can decide that for himself, and we like that solution so far. As for now you can disable the VAC authentication for your server only.
  20. I passed that on to Koonschi, he will look into it!
  21. Hi there, the error in question seems to be the "FileSecurer ... system:112". That indicates that the server ran out of space and could not save its data effectively causing a crash. Do you still experience the overly big client logs if you deactivate the "-t all" option?
  22. cepheni


    Ja, das ist ein Fehler, mache aber bitte einen ordentlichen bug report, sonst können wir dir nicht helfen. Wie siehe in meiner Signatur.
  23. Das hab ich noch nie gesehen, keine Ahnung. Wie genau passiert das denn? Also was macht der Spieler, ist er gerade im Heimatsektor und ist das Schiff dann im neuen Sektor zu finden? Könntest du zusätzlich das server und client log von einem dieser Spieler möglichst kurz nach dem es passiert ist posten? Vielleicht kann man daraus was erfahren.
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