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Everything posted by cepheni

  1. I can try of course, but I don't want to promise anything. The devs have the last word, I will not argue with them :)
  2. I don't know if the flight simulator feel will ever come back. It was in the game due to miscalculations of thrust and direction of thrust. But the devs are still working on the movement, so lets see what happens :)
  3. Thanks for that awesome bug report :) However, we need a bit more information. Right now we can only see that one of the server files got corrupted but not which one. It would help greatly if you could rerun your broken galaxy with the option "-t all". You can set this Avorions properties - set launch option and add "-t all" (without the quotes) there and post the serverlog created with this option.
  4. Es gibt dafür leider keinen anderen Weg. Aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass es möglich ist so viel Reputation in so kurzer Zeit zu verlieren. Lief in dem Sektor vielleicht gerade ein Fraktionskrieg an, und du hast durch das Rammen unbeabsichtigt eine Seite gewählt? Oder hast du ein Schiff, Fighter oder ähnliches zerstört?
  5. mh, for me it works perfectly fine.
  6. The dev is currently working on gyroscopic blocks, that would allow you to turn based on inertia dampening effects. That should make flying easier again :)
  7. Thanks for reporting, I will pass that on to the dev!
  8. The devs want to rework the whole turret system, maybe already with the alliances update. Turrets then will have customizable looks. The scaling of turrets and building by blueprint are already planned :)
  9. Thanks for reporting. I notified the dev and he is working on it.
  10. As user you can't do anything against that but play in borderless or fullscreen. The devs are aware of that issue and will be working on it.
  11. All blocks it can't upgrade stay the old material.
  12. Hi there, the devs really like this idea and are considering it :)
  13. This is something that we already have in the building mode. And you can even further this (still in the building mode) by saving your entire ship as a template and then rebuild that template with the upgraded material. Is that what you are looking for?
  14. What steps did you take to get that error? And can you please post the full log using pastebin or something similar?
  15. Can you please post the server log for that instance? And please add the client log from you, too, just for good measurement :) That might give us an idea. The stutter or rubber effect is much stronger than what I would expect with your pings.
  16. Danke für das Log, aber kannst du mir noch ne Beschreibung geben, wann der Fehler aufgetreten ist (am Besten wie man ihn reproduzieren kann auch noch) und was genau der Fehler ist? Also, zum Beispiel, stürzt es mit Fehlermeldung oder ohne ab?
  17. hehe, seems needed.. Man we never expected you guys to spend so much time that you would earn that much money in a legitimate way 8)
  18. Can you please post your server logs? Maybe we can find something in there that would help.
  19. You are not the only one with that problem (it is not resolution dependent) and the devs are aware of that. Koonschi is working on it, please have a bit of patience.
  20. Thanks, we will look into it as soon as possible.
  21. Sound really cool, I will pass it on to the devs :)
  22. There might be a different option for you, too, if you do not want to change the Windows UI scaling permanently. However, I can't test this myself so take it with a grain of salt :) Someone suggested, that you can disable DPI scaling in the Avorion.exe (not the one in Steam, but wherever Steam saves your game files) properties. That might do the same trick.
  23. Did you try to find the Avorion.exe and disable DPI scaling in the properties? It is something someone else said might work for 4K resolution if you do not want to set your Windows UI scaling to 100 %.
  24. Your ship is saved in %appdata%\Avorion\ships if you are looking for the .xml file. As the game crashed it seems that your save files got corrupted. If you post the client and server logs, we may be able to find an easy fix for that.
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