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Posts posted by cepheni

  1. Thanks for that awesome bug report  :)

    However, we need a bit more information. Right now we can only see that one of the server files got corrupted but not which one. It would help greatly if you could rerun your broken galaxy with the option "-t all". You can set this Avorions properties - set launch option and add "-t all" (without the quotes) there and post the serverlog created with this option.

  2. Es gibt dafür leider keinen anderen Weg. Aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass es möglich ist so viel Reputation in so kurzer Zeit zu verlieren. Lief in dem Sektor vielleicht gerade ein Fraktionskrieg an, und du hast durch das Rammen unbeabsichtigt eine Seite gewählt? Oder hast du ein Schiff, Fighter oder ähnliches zerstört?

  3. 1: Colouring

    Make it so the light grey portions on turrets change colour with paint.

    Sorts out issues people have with turrets not looking like they fit on their ships.

    Might require changes to how textures on turrets are handled, but no major changes.


    The devs want to rework the whole turret system, maybe already with the alliances update. Turrets then will have customizable looks.


    The scaling of turrets and building by blueprint are already planned :)

  4. Can you please post the server log for that instance? And please add the client log from you, too, just for good measurement :) That might give us an idea. The stutter or rubber effect is much stronger than what I would expect with your pings.

  5. There might be a different option for you, too, if you do not want to change the Windows UI scaling permanently. However, I can't test this myself so take it with a grain of salt :)

    Someone suggested, that you can disable DPI scaling in the Avorion.exe (not the one in Steam, but wherever Steam saves your game files) properties. That might do the same trick.

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