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Posts posted by cepheni

  1. No, that shouldn't matter. Only thing that matters is what is on your ship the moment it gets destroyed. If you were shot up really badly it might happen that you lost some of your upgrades. But getting none back is hard, sorry that that happened to you.

  2. That depends, did you have a reconstruction token? Or is the ship still showing up in your fleet menu (probably marked as destroyed)? In this case the upgrades won't be dropped. But if you reconstruct your ship, they'll be reconstructed as well :)

  3. Hei there,

    thank you for your feedback! I've to admit, most of these aren't necessarily bugs, but just oversights on our part ::)

    I'll put them on our todo-list .

  4. Right now there's no official way to do that, but someone wrote a mod that gives NPC station and ships predefined player models. The mods name is Avorion Multiverse, you should be able to find it in the mods section here. No promises for it working, though, we introduced a few changes to the modding API a short while ago, they might have broken it.

  5. Hei there,


    Blocks can't be scripted as of now. We plan on doing that in the future, because it would be really cool to see what you guys come up with. But it requires a lot of work, so we're not sure when we'll get the chance to do it and I can't promise anything.

  6. Ok, so, I don't know what you already tried to fix the issue, so I'll put down everything I can think of. Bear with me ;)


    Which window mode are you using? Fullscreen vs. borderless or windowed has been shown to improve performance.

    Are you using VSync? Maybe in combination with a fps limit? Some people reported performance issues with these settings.

    What output do the frame time graphs give you? You can activate them in the main menu under settings - video.

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