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Everything posted by Volken

  1. Better keep it safe from the AI ;)
  2. Personally I'd still go for salvaging (if the salvage is worthwhile) and also for the off chance of getting some good equipment!
  3. Volken

    Missing Gate

    Maybe make it so jump holes are the only ones who can be 1-way? Would make it easier to tell them apart.
  4. Just to add to this suggestion, put in a text box that we can use to filter items in the inventory. Example: typing Lasers in the textbox would only show items that have "Lasers" in any part of their name. (Don't know if this is already a thing though)
  5. At the end of october or maybe early november?
  6. Many changes and improvements, nice!
  7. Removing turrets has always been done in build mode, and you remove them just like regular blocks. Unless that changed in the kickstarter beta versions (which it probably didnt).
  8. Can you do that with cargo too? Cause that would be pretty OP :D
  9. As I've said in the PM Velusia, I thank you for organizing this and everyone else here who participated! I will definitely use this money to organize a ship building contest myself once the Avorion early access hits on steam so get your ships ready! 8)
  10. I don't have access to the game yet so I don't know what's in it and what's not :P The only other way I can think of to reduce the use of AI miners or atleast make it less easy is to make crew more expensive or add more types of crew like AI Captains which you need to hire or things like that.
  11. -Introduce a new class of crew dedicated to mining -Make them very expensive and have a high weekly wage / maintenence cost -Rarer and more expensive materials are harder to mine with low-level mining gear -Nerf mining lasers by: increasing their size, weight and power drain, reduce their effectiveness and range (to balance this out for drones - make the drone slightly bigger to allow them to carry 1 low level mining laser and have some cargo space) These measures should also balance out for rich players who have lots of income, if they try to have a lot of miners they would get overwhelmed by the weekly costs of the mining crew. Sadly the only way to balance the game is to add slightly more complexity to it. But it can be done right and without adding too much difficulty. OR as an alternative remove AI mining completely and add mining stations for building materials which will generate resources depending on their level, while requiring players to supply them at a regular pace with mining eqiupment to keep them mining.
  12. One way of fixing this issue would be to make all of the building resources i.e. iron,titanium,avorion etc. take up cargo space in the ship. So you would need a very large ship to store a lot of cargo. Ultimately to build giant ships like capital ships and super capital ships you'd need tens of thousands of resources and you'd have store them at a big place like a large stations with ample cargo space(shipyards for example). Or you could slowly upgrade your ship as you mine more stuff, expanding your cargo space allowing you to upgrade your ships to bigger and bigger levels. I'd love to have that system in the game since the current one (having ALL the resources bound to the player) seems a bit unrealistic.
  13. Volken

    Few bugs I found

    Yeah the way you pickup stuff in the game is a bit weird, I think a better alternative would be if cargo drops in small stacks which can be selected and pulled in by the player using a tractor beam. Also there should be just a button we can press that will pick up all of the cargo in the tractor beam range. But that's just my opinion :P
  14. From what I saw on his twitter, the beta of the game seems to be ready. He uploaded it to steam and added achievements too! This is just my opinion but I think the beta should be in the hands of the kickstarters very soon and just on time ;)
  15. I think he said in the latest update that they're aiming to release the beta at the end of september.
  16. I definitely believe its possible and I think the devs are going for an X3 style game but better. Although the story is nice and I appreciate the devs adding it in, I think what really will make this game popular is the multiplayer aspect. If the devs get that right, there's no doubt in my mind that it will outshine X3 in terms of gameplay just because all of the possibilities and longevity that multiplayer adds to games - just look at Freelancer, even though its so old and its multiplayer has flaws it still has people playing who are looking for this kind of gameplay. Now I've got a question for Koonschi - how many players do you think the current build of the game can support on a server approximately? :)
  17. Yep, soon is never actually soon :D
  18. Yep, tested it, works just fine. Cool little ship :)
  19. I wouldn't consider it to be just an aesthetic issue since it does impact gameplay by increasing the turn time of large ships, as an example imagine having to keep your coaxial laser on the front of your ship focused on a moving target WHILE trying to turn the ship at a reasonable speed. Now that'd be annoying. :D But as long as it's on the list of issues/bugs it'll get fixed eventually. :)
  20. I'm not sure if this is already fixed in the dev build but I'll post it anyway. Noticed this a number of times, especially with big ships. When turning quickly their turn path seems very weird, they turn upside down while turning and do all sorts of weird stuff while trying to align themselves to the mouse pointer. Any explanation why they do this?
  21. More UI-related stuff to add to the wishlist :D -Additional chat screens with Global/System/Faction/Group/Private chat windows -Friends list -Player profile screens with editable info such as description, custom avatar (something small like 40x40 png), send message button, invite to faction, declare personal hostility/suggest truce (basicly will make the player appear as a hostile or neutral if already hostile, people in faction or friends list will appear green) -Faction profile screens with editable info such as description, custom avatar, declare war/suggest peace/alliance, apply for faction button, members list, list of bases and the systems they're in, number of systems owned by faction etc.
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