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Everything posted by Ethentianknight

  1. After a few hours of exploring, I returned to home sector to poke around in the outskirts a bit. I noticed that I couldn't warp, and everything had essentially locked up. I went to 'leave galaxy', which froze while saving. After a force quit, I loaded up the server again. I found myself fairly far from home, and my ship was gone completely. The last few times this happened, the server would just crash when I entered whatever sector it tried to save in. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5MfqufXzUCJUWI3c2JReXdfMWs/view?usp=sharing -- link to server zip EDIT: I do have a previous save with my ship in it backed up, is it possible to inject it back into the game?
  2. What do player permissions do currently?
  3. I'll get it to you asap, it locks up on "saving galaxy" when i shut down the server, it prevented me from hosting other galaxies as well.
  4. Avorion occasionally freezes on shutdown, corrupting the universe file. When attempting to load it up, I get the attached error. This has happened three times now, I can't get past naonite if my universe has to be rebooted every five shutdowns.
  5. Is there a standalone server instance out there? I remember we had one for the demo. I'm looking for windows/linux instances to build my own dedicated server. EDIT: I've finally got it working. Here's a short tutorial targeted for windows. Are you hosting from the same computer you're playing on? Skip steps 1-3 Step 1: Go download steamCMD. Step 2: Install steamCMD to somewhere easy to access. Most people suggest c:\SteamCMD. Step 3: Run SteamCMD and use the following command to install Avorion: login <username> <password> <steamguard key> force_install_dir <path where to download avorion> app_update <Avorion_SteamID> validate To get the <Avorion_SteamID>, an easy way to check is right clicking on the shortcut -> properties, and looking at the number in the link. For example, it might look like this: login Ethentianknight Password123 ABCD1 force_install_dir C:\Avorion app_update 445220 validate This will install avorion. Type quit to exit steamcmd. Step 4: Port forwarding. You might have to do your own research on this one, but I'll give the important pointers. You need to go to your router and forward ports 27000 (UDP/TCP) and 27003 (UDP) to the IP of the computer that is hosting the server. This is usually done under 'administration' or 'WAN' tabs in the router. If you have a modem box and a router box, you need to go into the modem and set up a DMZ pointing at the router. Step 5: Go to where avorion is installed (NOT where the exe is, but the root folder). Hold shift and right click to 'open command window here'. Step 6: To start the server, type the following, but replace <serverName> with the name of your server: bin\AvorionServer.exe --name <serverName> Note for windows, you should get a firewall pop-up that asks if you want to allow it through the firewall. Yes. Yes you do. This will either load an existing server or start up a new one. to fiddle with settings, you can go to your appdata/roaming/avorion/galaxies/<serverName> folder and modify server.ini
  6. How do I improve relations with a player - is there some way to set them as friends?
  7. Is it possible to toggle the types of turrets I want to fire? Mainly saying this because I hate shooting things I'm trying to mine, and I feel like the guns may reduce my efficiency.
  8. Is it possible to trade/send items to other players? I'm looking at money, resources 9iron, titanium, etc.), and turrets.
  9. So adjacent sectors are only loaded if there's a gate?
  10. Is it possible to set the displayed time zone? mine is around 16 hours off of the default.
  11. This may have been answered, but I was unable to find it. If I leave a ship in an empty sector and leave that sector, is it safe from being destroyed by pirates until I load back in?
  12. Do you have to bring the ship to the scrapyard to sell it? if so, does it have to be in proximity or just within the sector?
  13. It seems like the cost of repairing a ship is equal to or much more than just building it again- in the full version, will repairs be lower?
  14. *phew* Less concerned about the badge than the other stuff like t shirts and naming, but it's good to know i didn't miss the boat.
  15. Whoops- i found out that the surveys went out and Kickstarter was getting sent to spam! I just filled out the survey, is it too late for anything?
  16. The link to get a hold of akagetsu on the wiki sends you to a "no results found" page on twitter. I suggest a link fix or just removal of the link from the wiki.
  17. I understand that the rewards are far in the future right now b but i wanted some clarification on a few things - The forum badges are set for this month, and I've already created an account. Will i be able to transfer that badge onto this account or will i be required to re-register? My bundle comes with four pre-release keys, will these keys extend to the full game or will my friends have to purchase the game when the prerelease is over? Lastly, getting an item named after me - i have a game name that i would like to use rather than my email or real name. It is not vulgar or offensive, would i be able to use that? Thanks.
  18. I can respect that. Thanks for making a demo that's actually enjoyable, i and my friends got a couple of days out of it.
  19. When the final game is released, will the demo be compatible with production servers with the same limitations, or will they be restricted to demo only servers? I think it would be neat to have interaction between both the 'triers' and 'buyers', but i understand if it isn't feasible.
  20. This mainly goes out to Aki, who seems the most active and knowledgeable scripter for avorion (save Koonschi) I was hoping a general command list or beginners guide to avorion modding could be compiled and shared so that new players that want to make heads of the existing scripts and tweak their servers would have a decent reference. I have a background in c# and i have been poking around in the scripts, but I'd like a bit more direction into the inner workings.
  21. Will the final area not be infinite? I understand that it will be massive, but will the universe be truly infinite and procedurally generated as such?
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