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Posts posted by Maxavian

  1. I really like how its handled as it is now, nice and simply shown where it need to be shown, and i'd bet noone would complain if ppl where used to the new system from the beginning.


    And another sorry, but i cant support a toggle option before knowing how the freed up space in the HUD is used in the upcomming Updates (and i generally think personal adjustments like this should belong to the modding community)


    You are most certainly entitled to your opinion, but it's kind of silly to be against an option to allow it to be visible at all times. Especially if all you have to do is simply NOT show that UI window if you like it how it is now. Being against the "option" though is a lot like being against Taco Bell serving Mountain Dew just because you drink Pepsi.


    This game is going to revolve heavily on the multiplayer aspect, and pretty much every multiplayer game has the ability to show/hide aspects of the UI. It should definitely be something in the "Settings" and not something the community has to mod in. When I booted up the new beta branch the very first thing I said was "where's my resources?". I want my counter top left.


    At any rate, everyone should be 100% for as much UI customization as possible (no matter what they like their UI to look like). It will only go to better serve a wider range of demographics and provide a perfect UI for every player.

  2. Err, is there anything special you have to do to get the game to update, or am I just stupid? Client is still on 0.10.2 r7448. Tried looking to see if there was a "nightly" build to opt into, but nothing there.


    Pick "Beta, newest changes" in Beta-verisons tab of Steam, in game properties.


    Yeah, got it now. The drop down button in the box wasn't working, so I assumed there was no beta branch available. But the down arrows moved the options. Not sure why my drop down wasn't working lol. Thanks!

  3. If you try to make players have to retrograde THEY WONT!


    If you insist on it they will just make even bigger block shaped ships to counter it. This will lead to players who like having athletically pleasing looking ships being at a severe disadvantage which is already the case.


    One of the massive drawls to this game is its ability to make nice awesome looking ships! If having ugly looking block shaped ships is the best way to go which it currently is and from this change is becoming even more so you will lose these players.


    To be honest it's like stabbing your infant baby game in the heart.


    Devs please realize this. Having fun game mechanics and a visually stunning environment is far more important than some pre-contrived notion that results in players who try to follow it having a massive disadvantage.


    Couldn't agree more. I absolutely love the game. The most fun I'm having is the challenge of building REAL looking ships, not just flying rectangles. The current ship I'm doing looks pretty darn amazing...and it's almost useless if I keep it aesthetically pleasing. I have to ugly up my nice smooth-lined ships with nasty chunks of blocky thrusters. It's almost making me give up building ships entirely.


    It can't work where having an ugly flying brick is at such a huge advantage. When I get around to it I'll post a pic of my new ship and you'll see that my options are next to zero for thrusters.

  4. The thing with this method is very rarely can you ever get anything to snap. 90% of the time it's "overlapping too many blocks". I've spent the last 30 minutes manipulating things to try to paste mine, adjusting grid sizes, etc. Nothing works. They need a feature where you can "Apply plan" using different materials than the original build.



    Applying plan with different materials:

    1. Hold space (or press big + on bottom row)

    2- Upper right corner is "template material" - pick your desired material.

    3. Select blocks to be rescaled and inserted

    4. Ctrl+C

    5. Open build menu (as in 1)

    6. Bottom part of build menu is templates

    7. Pick one template slot and CTRL+V

    8. Pick your inserted template, now it is made of your previously selected material

    9. Rescale as usual block

    10. Hold left alt, and choose a side of block, which you want your selection to snap by

    11. Apply

    12. ??

    13. Profit!

    7. Profit


    BING! That right there is what I was missing. Only thing I was having a hard time with is trying to get it to snap. That right there...invaluable info!! No problems now  :) Thanks!

  5. Love the post. Very constructive and well thought out.


    I think one thing for me that would sort of "slow" me down a bit would be the introduction of territory. If I can claim empty sectors and start building various stations, building up an economy and military, expand my borders, etc, then I'd be much more likely to take my time moving toward the center of the galaxy.


    I have only been playing like 5 days, so I haven't really made a beeline straight to the good stuff, but I imagine it wouldn't be hard to do.

  6. I love the idea of Territory claiming and expansion.


    Personally I think something along the lines of Empire Earth and Civilization would be a perfect system. You expand your territory borders by building in sectors connected to your established "home city". There's plenty of empty, non-claimed space to build a home station in. Conquering other other factions, or helping another allied faction conquer, could be worked in with the boarding system. Fly to stations in their outer sectors, attack them, use boarders to infiltrate the stations. Make it strategic like an RTS. Take out their shipyard and they can't build more ships. Take out their Military base and they can't spawn patrol/fighter ships and their overall "security" crew force diminishes. Give us the option to destroy or convert when we successfully board stations.


    A very systematic and realistic approach. Push their borders back or claim their sectors converting them to your own. Require operation of food and resource farms to sustain a population in your territory. Everything you build can have pros and cons. Maybe a casino will bring in money but also attract outlaws. Add a nice "RTS management/sim" feature where you balance population, building stations to bring in more people, which allow you to increase military forces, more trade, etc.


    Anywho, I 100% approve of the idea of claiming and taking over territory!

  7. The thing with this method is very rarely can you ever get anything to snap. 90% of the time it's "overlapping too many blocks". I've spent the last 30 minutes manipulating things to try to paste mine, adjusting grid sizes, etc. Nothing works. They need a feature where you can "Apply plan" using different materials than the original build.

  8. Yeah, I would definitely add this is my top priority feature for sure. I'm not in a place resource wise to be building a lot of ships, and it takes quite a bit to even get a Captain to have them follow you. Makes it hard to explore and very demoralizing when you are so far away from your home sector and die. I've quit many a sessions because I just didn't feel like going all the way back.


    Another option would be to leave Free Look as it, and add a Turret View camera which is a toggle that allows you to spin 360 around your ship and does NOT effect ship orientation when toggled on/off. It's basically my first two points combined into a separate camera view.


    Try the alternative steering mode (F2). You might like it :)


    I do use it quite a bit, but it still snaps my ship to orient it with whatever my view is when I exit out of it. I'd rather my camera go back to the direction my ship was facing instead :)


    It'd be really wonderful to have a "TOGGLE" option for Free Look rather than having to hold it down.



    Would love for Free Look to orient the camera back to the direction the ship is facing rather than have the ship orient itself to the position of your Free Look when you let go of the key. The way it is now if you don't use free look to position the camera with the ship again, it causes your ship to flip and flop.



    Another option would be to leave Free Look as it, and add a Turret View camera which is a toggle that allows you to spin 360 around your ship and does NOT effect ship orientation when toggled on/off. It's basically my first two points combined into a separate camera view.



    NOTE= Forgive me if I'm missing something the controls if any of the above is possible now.

  11. I definitely need to add/edit the left/right thrust. Strafing isn't the best on this ship, but it performs pretty darn well in every other area. I imagine it'll perform better as Titanium with some energy blocks.

  12. This is a recreation based on the ship Koonschi did a while back in his ship building demo YouTube video. I made some modification and added a lot of detail. And yes, there are computer monitors in the captains deck!


    This ship is 100% designed to be starter friendly. 7k credits and 3k iron is all it takes. I also have a "barebones" version I'll include that doesn't have any thrusters or solar panels so it can be detailed to your liking (and resized).


    Main changes

    Made it one section shorter.

    Covered the open forked area (hidden engine thrusters and solar panel underneath, cockpit on top)

    Streamlined the back engines.

    And that's about it as far as major mods.


    Thanks Koonschi for the original base design!





    EDIT: Someone tell me what I'm doing wrong with the IMG tags! Never had trouble using them anywhere else, and I can use all other tags just fine, but here they are just blank. The hyperlink will have to do!


  13. btw it looks awsome, do you have a xml file download?


    I have it on my laptop, but I'll throw in the xml soon as I get to work tonight. Along with work on other pixel stuffs. Maybe I'll go superhero logos :)

  14. Can you pick the best creations and implement them in game?

    The NPC-ship arent looking very nice.


    Does procedural generation even use angled blocks at the moment? I haven't been too deep into the game yet, but I've only seen 4 side block generated ships.

  15. Press [Ctrl]+"v" to paste.

    Adjust your Scale Step and Grid Size as needed.

    Hold down either W, A, S, or D while dragging the mouse to scale.


    My problem is I can't paste much. None of it will "snap" to the single block I leave. Any trick to getting custom shapes/ships to snap to the single block? It's a real chore to get any of my custom shapes to snap. Always wants to be inside my other blocks, never on top or on the sides of them. I've tried every snap/no-snap option possible.

  16. Since I'm kind of not awesome at making ships, I decided I'd just work on stuff to pretty them up. Thus, decals. I'm sure modders and whatnot will come up with says to implement sprays/textures that look better, but for right now we're pretty much stuck with pixel graphics. But hey, with as tiny as the blocks are they actually look pretty decent from afar.




    I'll keep getting more done in my downtime at work. Added the ship file. It's just a wall. All you have to do is copy the decals and save them to your custom shapes.


    ADDED (FEB 11)

    Mario Racoon

    Mario ? Brick





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