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Posts posted by koonschi

  1. The "attack" order is a very simply-structured order that will attack the target until destroyed, and it's meant to be able to attack allies (for example if you order a ship via the strategy mode to attack an ally for some reason).


    If you want the attack order to stop attacking a ship because it was set to friendly, you have to stop/cancel the command by setting a new one (which is what happens internally as well). It won't stop by itself.

  2. 1. Please add "initializationFinished" for Sector objects.

    Do you need a callback for when the sector was first generated?


    2. Also it would be very good to know when Player is in building mode (at least on client side).

    Possible on the beta branch: Use the "onStateChanged" callback of client Player, which will give you 2 ints of the enum PlayerStateType


    3. It would be great to have serverside player or alliance callbacks when player joins or leaves alliance.

    This is planned. Due to structural refactorings on the client this was possible very early and "for free" so we added it for the client for now.


    4. Please add some sort of "invokeFunction" Entity-like method, and also "secure" and "restore" functions for "main.lua".

    invokeFunction() shouldn't be that much of an issue, secure() and restore() definitely are.

  3. We still need a lot more info since it should not be possible to get from allies to war with a single ship destruction. You must destroy at least 4 or 5 ships iirc. Also if you did not explicitly order your fighters to attack the ship, the reputation should not have dropped. We changed this behavior explicitly in this patch. Without any way to reproduce the error, there is no way to confirm that it's actually a game bug.


    Edit: I'd also like to add that you can negotiate a ceasefire with the problematic faction and that you can pay tribute to improve your relations.

  4. Patch 0.26


    Date: August 15th, 2019


    Beta Branch Note: These changes are currently available on the beta branch. The beta branch is for testing experimental changes and for finding and fixing errors.


    This is how you get access to the beta branch (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK):

    Right-Click on Avorion in your Steam list, Properties -> Betas -> Select branch 'beta'.


    Diplomacy Gameplay

    "We've reworked the way faction relations work. In addition to the relation points, there are now 4 distinct states, that you can slip in and out of, and that majorly define how AI factions interact with you. For example, AI ships will no longer always start attacking on sight when relations are bad; you need to be at war with a faction for that to happen. We also reworked faction traits and how they impact gameplay."



    • Initial state for all newly met factions on the map
    • Very similar to the previous relations range -40000 to 60000
    • Normal interaction with stations and ships of the other faction
      • ... except for a few privileges where you must be allied with the faction

      [*]When relations are good enough (~95000, depending on faction traits), you can start negotiating an alliance

      [*]When relations turn too bad, the faction may declare War, but ...

      • In order for War to be declared from 'Neutral' you must commit an act of war (destroying, raiding, boarding a ship)
      • War won't be declared for minor issues like smuggling



    "This is when they just shoot you, no discussion."

    • The only state where AI ships always attack on sight
    • Normal interaction with ships and stations is not possible
    • Can be negotiated to Ceasefire
    • No radio chatter



    "A ceasefire is a fragile pact where players can show their good intentions, and that they actually want to stop the war and improve relations."

    • Similar to Neutral
    • Some station and ship interaction is possible
    • When relations turn good enough (-30000 or above) 'Ceasefire' automatically changes to 'Neutral'
    • Committing an act of war by the player (no matter the relations) will terminate the Ceasefire and War will break out again
    • During a Ceasefire, when relations reach -100000 (worst possible), War will break out again



    "Gain access to the best equipment of your ally. Players have less reputation loss, there are reputation loss caps and players call in merchants or reinforcements from your ally."

    • 50% less reputation loss with allied factions
    • "Soft caps" of losing reputation: No dropping below 90000 or 80000 with a single loss
      • Example: When at 96k (96000) relation points, and you "accidentally" destroy your allies' ship, you'd lose about 40k reputation. Instead it's halved to 20k and you won't drop to 76k, but to the 90k cap. After that, you can drop lower again.

      [*]Boarding or raiding an allied ship is always considered an intentional act of war and will terminate the alliance immediately

      [*]No smuggling controls by allied AI ships

      [*]Access to 'Exotic' and better equipment of your ally

      [*]Access to 2 new items:

      • Item that lets you call in equipment merchants of your ally, who sell equipment and valuable artifacts
      • Item that lets you call in combat reinforcements from your ally



    "Tons and tons of small changes and adjustments: Reworked traits and their impacts, new targeter shapes and colors depending on War, Ceasefire, or standings, and so on."

    • Players can pay tribute to a faction to improve relations
    • Reworked traits of factions
      • Fewer traits with more impact on gameplay
      • Traits now influence the amount of repuation gained or lost, depending on what happened

      [*]Reduced relation point descriptions from 8 to 5 (Hostile, Bad, Neutral, Good, Excellent)

      [*]Reworked color scheme of relation statuses

      [*]Added new target indicators for 'War', 'Ceasefire' and 'Allies'

      [*]Implemented means to negotiate with AI factions

      • Players can now make money/resource offers in a specific range
      • Counterpart has a patience level that drops the more often a player makes an offer they don't like
      • Tribute, Ceasefire or Alliance is accepted when the offer is good enough
      • Once patience runs out, the player has to wait for some time until he can negotiate again

      [*]Relations can't be improved/worsended beyond a certain point with some kinds of interaction

      • A few examples:
      • Equipment trade won't improve relations beyond 75000
      • Using services of a faction (refinery, shipyard) won't improve relations beyond 45000
      • Smuggling won't worsen relations below -75000
      • Doing missions or helping via events (pirate attacks) will always improve relations
      • Destroying ships, raiding etc. will always worsen relations

      [*]Once relations drop below -80000, reconstruction sites are terminated

      [*]When a player is set to his home sector and his starting allies are at war with him, relations with them are set to "Ceasefire" and some money is taken from the player

      [*]Added mean radio chatter when in the territory of a faction that doesn't like you



    "Adjusted railgun damage, which was a little excessive sometimes, especially considering that railguns aren't projectiles but hitscan. Still does more damage the more blocks you hit, but in a more balanced manner."

    • Railgun base damage is now spread evenly over the first 4 hit blocks, then has a falloff of 20% per additionally hit block
    • More allies per faction will be spawned for wormhole guardian fight
    • Increased spawn region of AI and Swoks



    "In order for the diplomacy changes to matter, we reduced the number of different factions. The galaxy map no longer looks like patchwork. This will not break existing saves! No new factions are introduced, and the changes will only affect newly generated sectors."

    • Reduced the amount of factions on the map
    • Factions now have much bigger territories
    • Increased reach of gates to better connect to far away sectors and avoid cut-off "islands" of factions
    • A player's relation to newly met AI factions can't be worse than -20k if he's no more than 150 sectors away from his home sector
      • Depends on difficulty, -20k for 'Normal' and easier, disabled at 'Difficult' and harder
      • Dev Comment: "We saw that, with bigger faction territories, there comes a high probability to start next to a faction that immediately hates the player and that has an extremely large territory they may have to traverse. Since that can prove very frustrating (esp. for new players), we've eliminated this possibility."


    Diplomacy UI

    "The diplomacy tabs for player and alliance got a complete overhaul! Aside from now being implemented in lua (modders rejoice!), they received a visual rework and will give you a lot more important information about your fellow space-dwelling factions. You can now see details about their traits and what they do, in addition to negotiation possibilities."

    • Complete rework of the diplomacy UI
    • Added sorting of factions by distance to the player's current location (ie. nearby factions are at the top of the list)
    • Added buttons for negotiating Ceasefire or Alliance, or for paying tribute to improve relations
    • Added detailed description of a faction's traits and how they affect gameplay



    "So this one is both hilarious and embarrassing: Since the Kickstarter Demo there was a bug in the background generation of the game, which, for some reason, was never discovered. We've fixed it and backgrounds finally look the way there were supposed to, with way more tiny stars! Apart from that we added some long-awaited smaller improvements to the building mode."

    • Massively improved space background quality
      • More background stars
      • While at it we also improved the quality for lower-res backgrounds (no more super ugly backgrounds at lower quality)

      [*]Improved tooltips

      [*]Added new radio chatter lines

      [*]Added more obvious radio chatter hints for players on how to meet Swoks and the AI

      [*]Reworked cargo transport license tooltip

      [*]Ship size is now shown in Building Mode

      [*]Block size of current block is now shown in Build Mode

      [*]Main menu: Renamed "Quit" to "Exit Game"


    • Improved behavior of ships flying too far away for players to hit them and staying at that distance
    • Several performance improvements for calculation of gate connections
    • Improved start sector creation, players are now guaranteed to be inside territory of another faction
    • Shots & torpedoes fired by player-owned, AI-controlled ships are now marked as such, plus intended target faction
      • Those shots now vanish when they hit an AI faction that the shot wasn't meant for, to avoid unwanted relation changes
      • In short: In order for your AI-controlled turrets, fighters or ships to damage ships / worsen standings with another faction, they must attack them on purpose, not hit them by accident

      [*]Player notification about gate usage now shows name of ship

      [*]"No money to pay crew" message now contains ship name

      [*]Turrets can now be placed over multiple blocks as long as they touch them


    Scripting API

    "Most important changes are: You can now add windows to the Hud and Alliance Tab, and you get full access to the player's known galaxy map."

    • Added a SectorView class
    • Exposed functionality to access known sectors of Player and Alliance on the map
    • Added a Relation class
    • Added more relations-related functionality to Player, Alliance and Faction
    • Relation loss for destroying other ships moved to lua from core engine
    • Added a getPresentFactions() function to Sector
    • Added AllianceTab as a scriptable UI
    • Added Hud as a scriptable UI
    • Extended Tooltip class
    • Implemented separate tooltip creation for Vanilla- and UsableInventoryItem
    • Implemented a replace function for faction names in tooltips
      • A construct like ${faction:54} will be replaced by the (localized) name of faction with index 54

      [*]Added a 'homeSectorUnknown' property for factions that don't really have a home sector (Xsotan, pirates, etc)

      [*]Added a SectorChangeType enum, which is passed as a parameter on the server when a player changes sectors

      [*]Mails are now localized

      [*]Added more functionality to various UI elements

      [*]Added a 'alwaysAtWar' property for AI factions

      [*]Renamed "isAI" property of Owner to "isAIFaction" for better consistency with the faction property

      [*]Fixed main.lua scripts not having access to everything they need in their initialize() function

      [*]Moved data/scripts/player/encyclopedia to data/scripts/player/ui/encyclopedia



    "What's an update without bugfixes? We've fixed quite a few bugs again. Thanks for reporting and keep it up, guys! UBR = User Bug Report."

    • [uBR] Fixed several instances of story-encounters where relations would be permanently worsened even though they shouldn't be
    • Fixed an issue where abandoning a mission sometimes didn't really terminate it
    • Fixed several issues where interactions could happen with stations even though they shouldn't, relation-wise
    • [uBR] Fixed a crash when downgrading torpedo shafts
    • Fixed an issue where server time counter didn't work due to floating point inaccuracy
    • [uBR] Fixed some broken translations in shop UI
    • [uBR] Fixed some factories giving the player money for upgrading
    • [uBR] Fixed cloning and academy not working while no players are in the sector
    • [uBR] Fixed an issue with ai ships adding jobs at a refinery
    • Forgetful AI: Fixed an issue where special friends or enemies of AI ships wouldn't be remembered over game shutdowns
    • [uBR] Fixed an issue where the orderchain didn't terminate mining/salvaging correctly and got stuck on that order
    • [uBR] Fixed several crashes caused by community translations

  5. Date: August 12th, 2019


    Hey guys,


    We're doing a quick security patch today that also affects the Scripting API.


    Scripting API


    "We're adjusting the Server API privileges to the Client API privileges."

    • Server Scripting API: Removed os.execute() and similar functionality
    • Server Scripting API: Removed all functionality for loading/executing binary files
    • Server Scripting API: Removed functionality to write-access any file on the system
      • Write access only allowed for %AppData%\Avorion\moddata\ and galaxy folder
      • Read access only allowed for %AppData%\Avorion\, installation folder, galaxy folder and folders of enabled mods
      • On unix-based systems, replace %AppData% with ~/.avorion


    We still want mods to be able to communicate with external tools, of course. In order to make up for the lost functionality, we'll be adding a socket library in the near future.


  6. Update 0.25.2 - Encyclopedia


    Date: August 6th, 2019




    Good news for everyone who thought "Ugh, how exactly does this work again?" in the past: We've added an Encyclopedia Tab to the player menu, where you can (re)read about the most important mechanics of the game. It features a basic overview over the game's features so you don't have to look up every single thing on the wiki. It also has entries for various story-related characters that can be encountered. It's also spoiler-free: As players progress throughout the game, more entries get unlocked over time.


    Speech Bubbles

    We added speech bubbles to the game to improve the general flair of the game and add some more life to everyday space life. Speech Bubbles can contain everyday jibber-jabber but also hints for beginners, game mechanics or story progress. There's also going to be speech bubbles when a player in the same sector types text in multiplayer.



    Comparing Stats

    You can now easily compare turrets to see which is better or worse! Just hover the cursor over a turret and press 'E' for a quick and easy comparison. Also works for upgrades, torpedoes and fighters!


    New Missions & More

    We added some more missions to flesh out the content of the game. You can expect more missions, events and content over the next few updates.

    And of course there are many more improvements and fixes. To get a list of all changes, check out the patch notes of the beta branch updates:






  7. Patch 0.25.2


    Date: July 30th, 2019


    Beta Branch Note: These changes are currently available on the beta branch. The beta branch is for testing experimental changes and for finding and fixing errors.


    This is how you get access to the beta branch (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK):

    Right-Click on Avorion in your Steam list, Properties -> Betas -> Select branch 'beta'.



    • Upgrades can now be compared
    • Upgrade tooltip texts are slightly darker to be easier on the eyes
    • Added a loading screen tip for comparing objects


    • Reduced amount of free goods being delivered to player-owned consumer stations
    • Defense Weapons are now randomized
    • Loot Collector Upgrades are now randomized
    • Transporter Software Upgrdes are now randomized
    • Reduced drift of stations


    • [uBR] Fixed a crash in Boarding check if an entity is boardable by another faction
    • [uBR] Fixed an issue where a station deleted by a player would cause a sector to be turned into a hazard zone
    • [uBR] Fixed torpedo names being messed up in equipment dock
    • Fixed an issue where it was possible for alliances to board their own members' ships

  8. Patch 0.25.1


    Date: July 29th, 2019


    Beta Branch Note: These changes are currently available on the beta branch. The beta branch is for testing experimental changes and for finding and fixing errors.


    This is how you get access to the beta branch (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK):

    Right-Click on Avorion in your Steam list, Properties -> Betas -> Select branch 'beta'.



    • Removed rebind option of pause menu key
    • Updated encyclopedia
    • Fighters can now be compared
    • Torpedoes can now be compared


    • Added specific error messages for salvaging and mining when the material tier of the weapons is too low
    • Added context to several translations that are spread over multiple lines


    • [uBR] Fixed an issue in crew board menu where sliders for captains weren't working as intended
    • [uBR] Fixed an issue in turret factory where the required amount of ingredients could become a floating-point number
    • [uBR] Fixed a crash when selecting a ship
    • [uBR] Fixed a few issues when faction details are required on client but not yet sent by server

  9. Patch 0.25


    Date: July 25th, 2019


    Beta Branch Note: These changes are currently available on the beta branch. The beta branch is for testing experimental changes and for finding and fixing errors.


    This is how you get access to the beta branch (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK):

    Right-Click on Avorion in your Steam list, Properties -> Betas -> Select branch 'beta'.




    "In order to keep everything organized and clear, we're adding an Encyclopedia Tab to the player menu, where you can read about important game mechanics, characters and other content of the game."

    • Implemented an Encyclopedia as a tab in Player Window
    • Encyclopedia serves as a log where you can (re)read about the most important mechanics of the game
    • It also has entries for various characters that can be encountered
    • More entries are unlocked while players progress in the game

    Speech Bubbles


    "We wanted to add more life to the galaxy and at the same time give players useful hints on what to do with the story. Those are still experimental, and we will tune them in case they are annoying. Feedback appreciated!"

    • Added speech bubbles for stations and ships flying around, to add more life
      • Speech bubbles include jibber jabber, hints to game mechanics, bosses, artifacts, etc.
      • Speech bubbles are displayed when characters talk, or when players send chat messages



    "We added some more missions to flesh out the content of the game. We'll be adding more and more missions and events over the next few updates. Missions will also grow in complexity in the future!"

    • Added a new mission where the player must cover the retreat of a fleet during a losing battle
    • Added a new mission where the player must deliver goods
    • Added a new mission where the player must protect settlers who want to found a new colony
    • Threatening ships increases the hazard zone score of a sector



    "Lots of QoL features, and most importantly: Compare Turrets by pressing E!"

    • Items can now be compared by pressing E while hovering mouse over the item
      • For now, only turrets can be compared. Fighters, upgrades and torpedoes will follow soon

      [*]Default chat channel filter is "Everything"

      [*]Added a hint to /help command when a player enters a wrong command

      [*]Slightly increased contrast of space backgrounds

      [*]Added several performance improvements

      [*]Added a context menu entry for posting an inventory object to chat

      [*]Slightly reduced color brightness of tooltips

    Scripting API


    "Modders rejoice! We've added a lot of improvements to the Scripting API. You can now register new tabs in the player window and we've added tons of convenience functions."

    • Added functionality for adding new tabs to player window via player scripts
    • Added a UI Tree class
    • Added a "scrollable" property to TextField
    • Added a GameInput class
    • Added a structuredmission.lua framework for making new missions more easily
    • Added an API call runScript() to load a temporary script in a temporary, separate VM and execute a function in it
    • Added more robustness to values returned in secure() (which doesn't support saving of API objects)
      • Uuids are turned into strings
      • Vectors are turned into tables with x, y, z, w components
      • Other objects are generally turned to nil

      [*]Added dbg() function for easier debugging and printing

      [*]Improved documentation for various script functions

      [*]Added a Sector:exists(id) function (performance optimization, avoids a memory allocation)

      [*]Added a script to bind an entity's lifetime to a specific mission of a specific player

      • The entity is then deleted after the mission is over

      [*]Added a invokeFunction() function for client-side sector

      [*]Added a new predefined function initializationFinished() which is called after initialization of a sector

      • And after all initialize() functions were called
      • After loading on server, after complete creation on client

      [*]Added font and fontColor properties to TextField

      [*]Added getEntitiesByScriptValue() function to client-side Sector

      [*]Added a Chatter value to ChatMessageType enum

      [*]Added reading of player state type to client-side Player

      [*]on[Pre/Post]RenderHud: PlayerStateType of player is now passed as an argument

      [*]Added namespaces to more Entity scripts



    "As usual, bug reports marked with [uBR] are user bug reports. Thanks to everyone who keeps reporting those, and keep it up!"

    • Scripting API: Fixed Sector and Player not being able to receive LuaValueEx as arguments when adding scripts
    • [uBR] Scripting API: Added missing PlayerId to API
    • Fixed server information messages being shown twice in "Everything"
    • Fixed plenty of money and resource changes not being shown for players
    • Fixed reconstruction tokens not being removed when deleting the ship in the build mode
    • Fixed some memory leaks in async ship generator
    • [uBR] Fixed translations of torpedo names
    • [uBR] Fixed indicators of missions, systems, etc. being drawn in neutral editor
    • Fixed a crash in building mode when player is destroyed while building
    • [uBR] Fixed an issue where the number of higher ranking members was based on the amount of workforce, not the amount of workers
    • Fixed an issue where arrow keys didn't control the chat input bar when in strategy mode
    • Fixed an issue when unbinding keys, added dedicated confirmation dialog
    • Fixed dumping of cargo not working correctly due to new sorting

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