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Everything posted by koonschi

  1. Maybe you mixed up 13.04 and 13.10? 13.10 is released in October, 13.04 was released in April, so if you have 13.10 you have a not yet officially released build.
  2. Alright. 64 bit or 32 bit? I assume you have an experimental build when you run 13.10?
  3. akagetsu: What linux distri do you use? I could need some help testing the binaries once they're finished, if you're interested.
  4. That's not necessary, all I need to know is, how to reproduce the bug, that's way better than any dump. And I already know that ;)
  5. I will make binaries for ubuntu at first, but I have to completely finish the port to openGL. There are still some graphics errors remaining. Not sure what you want to say with that?
  6. Alright. Should be fixed in the next version.
  7. If you see a connection closed box and can navigate back to the menu then it's the server. If the game just exits and you're left with the console it's the client.
  8. I'll look into it. When you use the extremely high firerate, is it actually the server that crashes or the client?
  9. Hey! Thank you for reporting those. The HP bar bug is already fixed. Are you able to reproduce the ship duplication bug? I've encountered it before but wasn't able to successfully reproduce it.
  10. Haha, yeah well its release is getting closer. You'll still have to hang on a bit. University claims a lot of time right now and of course this has to be my priority. I am working hard on the update. Update: I have to optimize the rendering for OpenGL as it behaves a little different than DirectX. But I've seen that OpenGL can actually be faster than DirectX, so the game might run even better after the update. And I added some more beautiful graphics effects, such as reflections of the background on the ship. There is not much more to say, I still have to finish rewriting the rendering that you've already seen for OpenGL.
  11. No, never. I played Supreme Commander though ... And almost any Star Wars game that is out there ^^
  12. I don't have a running build right now. I'm in the middle of the OpenGL port. I don't think you want a build where the ships are not distinguishable from the asteroids and the game randomly crashes.
  13. Haha :D Well it's hard to say actually, but I guess it won't be done in under 3 weeks. Might be earlier, might be later. There's a lot of stuff that changed from DirectX to OpenGL and I have to do immense testing to check that everything's alright. I don't want to release only buggy versions ;)
  14. It's a wild guess. I have no idea if this is actually the case. What I do know, is, that the client receives no UDP packets from the server for some reason. I'm afraid right now I can't tell you more than to double check your ports and firewall configurations. I would need the server- and the corresponding clientlog or the client that disconnected for such a situation.
  15. The log says that the connection got closed by the client due to a server timeout. For some reason the client did not receive a single UDP packet from the server. This is the reason why you get disconnected (or rather why YOU disconnected). I don't know specifically what could cause that kind of behaviour, except for a firewall blocking those packets. Can you provide the corresponding server log?
  16. Are you sure you opened both the TCP and UDP port for the game? It looks very much like he gets kicked due to a timeout.
  17. Most of those are already planned ;) See: http://www.avorion.net/wiki/index.php?title=Version_History (FYI: I just added the railgun as I had something very similar in mind but it wasn't on the wiki yet) I'm not sure how you imagine the Cluster Flak Array. Expanding the sector is a more difficult task. Concerning the design: If the sectors are bigger, then the distances between stations etc. are higher. Which means that you have to spend more time flying around. Which has been discouraged in earlier tests, as the majority of people was simply annoyed. Concerning the technichal issues: Making sectors bigger means that the rendering coordinate precision will decrease. This means that when you're far from the center of a sector (i.e. its 0, 0, 0 coordinate) flickering and rendering artifacts will start to show up. This is not easily solved as most rendering devices use 32 bit floating point precision. I guess I can increase the sector size, but I need time to consider these aspects. If there is no easy solution, it will probably not happen. As for the other suggestions, those are planned.
  18. Have you opened both the tcp and udp port? How long does it take between the chat messages that your friend logged in and out again? Can you reproduce this and post his clientlog, too?
  19. That's known as the "bump-to-lightspeed" bug, and I fixed it. Will be released in the next version.
  20. Hello! Thank you, that's really helpful. That has already been fixed and will be available in the next version. Thank you for pointing that out, this obviously has to change. You had bad luck I guess. You have a chance of getting the actual turrets that ship used, or getting a random turret that is roughly matched to your ship. Simply not implemented yet. Side note: I know that the game has balancing issues, and it won't remain that way. I especially don't like the fact too much that shipyards are that easily destroyed in late game. I think this is also one of the things that have to be adjusted.
  21. As I said, the "connection closed by remote" message has nothing to do with a server crash, it is debug output, that does not have to indicate that anything crashed. This really sounds like your computer has trouble running the game. If you want me to help you, you have to tell me exactly what you see when the game "crashes". Does the game just exit? Do you see a windows error message? (Not the console.) If yes, what does it say? Do you see an ingame menu telling you that the connection was closed? What FPS do you have normally? (Use Fraps to check it, you can get it for free, just start it and it will show you a yellow number in the game) What FPS do you have when shooting the beam? (Again, use Fraps, you can get it for free) Does it work now? After it crashed, close the console, if it is still there. Post the clientlog and serverlog. Do not start the game or server again until you posted them as they will be overridden. In order to help you, I need to know the answer to each single one of these questions, otherwise it is not possible.
  22. Wait, do you see a message box saying "connection closed"? if so, post the server log after that happened.
  23. The connection closed message has nothing to do with this. What you see there is the log from the server - It tells you that one of his connections (ie. your client) was closed. You can use Fraps for example to measure the average FPS in your game. I don't understand what you meant exactly with that.
  24. No. No. I see you're playing on a laptop. The game is still quite hardware hungry, so that might be the cause. How many FPS do you have when you're in an empty sector? How much memory does your graphics device have?
  25. And it's not the server that's not working - so you should be able to start one.
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