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Posts posted by thedamngod

  1. They are not respawning if you play without mods. If your observations are correct, you should create a bug report in the Bugs forum for the beta version. Don't forget to add the client and server logs of the sessions where you lost the connection and then reconnected.

  2. Has anyone made, or can someone make, an app to let you build a ship outside of the game to import into the game? Or just to practice builds.  I ask because I get bored at work sometimes and it would be nice to try out build ideas.


    I am working on a 'thing', but I am not yet ready to release it. The first thing I am trying to do is converting ships from avorion to Wavefront OBJ. It's been a fun thing to do so far, but there is still some parts missing and some bugs I need to fix first. It's quite a learning experience.


    I would look into the other direction after I finish the first one. My solution would most likely be a blender plugin/script, but it's going to take a while. Also, please do not get your hopes up. It would most likely be an adaption of the ingame build menu, because of the games limitations.


    Anyways, this will be stuff for its own thread and that's it from me on my project for now. I don't want to derail this thread any more :)

  3. Wie sieht das mit anderen Multiplayer-Spielen aus, die viel Bandbreite brauchen? Kann mir da leider grad keinen speziellen Titel aus dem Ärmel schütteln, außer vielleicht stark gemoddetes Minecraft.

    Wenn das auch nicht geht, ist das vielleicht tatsächlich eine Limitierung durch den Hotspot. Da müsstest du dich eventuell durch die Nutzungsbedingungen wühlen und gucken ob so was ausgeschlossen ist.

  4. Nice one, Mango! It's looking good, even if I can't test it right now :)


    On a technical note: I have skimmed your code and I saw that you do scale the durabilities. Have you investigated whether the durability falloff is just depending on the distance from the root block in the tree structure or if it is dependent on the actual distance to the root block? I would assume its the former, but in case it's the latter you should also have to account for that.

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